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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Re Robin and Alexander Cruisers, a personal friend so I can attest to his relief when it was all over! Robin was well qualified to run the business, both professionally and personally yet it was sometimes a daunting slog. I think that he was glad that he did it but whether he would do it again, well, I'll have to ask him but I think I know the answer! Re Keith's comment about the 'right' customers, how true! In my days as a charter boat skipper and sailing coach we always managed to attract the 'right' sort of customer but then we had a targeted client base, people with particular interests and ones that we catered for. Most Broads hire yards appear to grab any customer that they can rather than concentrate on particular interest groups. Maybe forming a particular niche market is one way forward.
  2. And there's more! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-36091199
  3. I have.no doubts whatsoever that within five years there will be very few small hire yards left on The Broads. A few might and hopefully will take to servicing and storing private boats but even that can be a less than secure lifestyle. I agree wholeheartedly with 'JanetAnne' that we should support the smaller yards but when I look at some of the hire boats from such yards I despair. The other day, no names, a boat from a small yard was on Oulton Broad, looking more like it was at the end of the season rather than the beginning. Weed on the bottom, scrappy water line, scruffy paintwork, I wouldn't wish to hire from that yard and if that is how they send their boats out at the beginning of the season then I certainly wouldn't want them working on any boat of mine. There is no easy answer, I really would like to see the smaller yards flourish but some clearly don't, won't or can't help themselves.
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-36091151 A sad day.
  5. Had found that one but thanks all the same. Percy Blandford may not be a common name but I guess that many thousands of men of a certain age, or greater, will remember it. Bernard Venables for us emerging anglers and Percy Blandford for those who wanted some adventure afloat, it was a different world back in the last century!
  6. Now't wrong with going through Reedham swing bridge sideways, I've done it several times! Sailing boats can end up doing it when the bridge structure masks the wind from their sails and they then loose steerage.
  7. There have to be easier ways of making a living, let alone money, rather than running a relatively small, bespoke, quality Broads hire yard.
  8. Thanks, Strow, this link looks to be useful: http://www.yostwerks.org/WoodSOFSkinMenu.html
  9. Polly, could this be the answer to your dreams? http://www.sevylor.com/Fiji-Travel-Pack-Kayak-P2131C41.aspx I feel that a visit to Nearest and Dearest is on the cards!
  10. Hi Pol, a number of cruising RCC's have modern inflatable kayaks onboard, their owners having a great deal of fun at places like Geldeston Locks. Go on, play your cards right, leave hints around the house for your loved ones to see.
  11. Found this thread by chance, worth a read. Loath to do Mr Knight out of his let I could pick you up at Beccles and, with suitably lowered mast, take you and yours up to Geldeston. Another alternative would be for you to moor at the Yacht Station, walk up to the swimming pool and board the Black Dog Ferry & travel up to Geldeston Locks but perhaps not quite in the style of Mr Knight's finest.
  12. Worry not, Andrew, I do go out on a modern sit-upon surf kayak with family consent, even encouragement. The proviso being that I wear a buoyancy aid so that if I do croak it, one way or another, they will at least have the closure of having a body to dispose of. I really do appreciate your concern and advice but maybe I'm being a selfish old bugger, I'd rather peg it doing something that I enjoy rather than just giving in. As it is I no longer race, too damned slow now but at least in my Drascombe or on my kayak I can go at the pace that my body allows me. Hopefully I have ten or twenty years ahead of me but I would hate to think that my remaining years would be boatless. What a thought!!
  13. As a project, and a return to my youth, I've decided to build a Percy Blandford PBK, vintage design, fabric covered canoe. Surely things have moved on from painted canvas, so any suggestions or experiences with modern alternatives will be much appreciated. Dear old Percy Bash-It / Bodget was compulsive TV watching in the '50's. One thing is for sure though, his canoe plans are jolly good, well thought out and well drawn. In my youth it was quite common to see a score or more young boat-builders proudly towing their creations behind their bikes as they headed off from Lowestoft to Oulton Broad at a weekend. In the past I have built a PBK 10 and PBK 13. I still have the plans for the PBK 13 so that is what I intend to build. Plans cost 12/6 way back then, mid 1950's. My PBK 10 was built at school using any gash timber that I could lay my hands on but by the time I was a teenager I was a bit more choosy and used good stuff for the 13 and had it for best part of ten years before selling it, a single seater was no good for courting in!
  14. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-36073195
  15. For heavens sakes don't allow Dyldo to plug himself into the mains, could lead to a nasty injury!
  16. Normal practice, where nuts are involved.
  17. http://www.norfolklive.org/camera/oulton-broad.html Perhaps it's just an Oulton Broad thing?
  18. Fred, thanks for the unintended reminder. The transom of Crystal Waters brings back good memories of when I was a part owner of Fowler's boatyard & Crystal was the favourite boat of all the staff. If she was not out on hire then we were all keen to borrow her for a few days out on the water. http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki/index.php5?title=Photograph_Gallery&classname=Crystal_Waters_of_Ripplecraft_%28unofficial_name%29&returnpath=Boat_Details&returnpage=13028&style=CryW
  19. I have long thought that there could be a string of hostels across Broadland, not only for hikers & cyclists but also those of us who prefer, or can only afford open boats for our cruising. The Broads is, in my opinion, in serious danger of becoming the playground of the rich and privileged. When I was a part owner of the Waveney River Centre it had been my intention to use the redundant barns behind the pub to provide basic accommodation for backpackers and open boat cruisers, regretfully it didn't happen. In the case of Berney I believe that it could become a hub for such activities and perhaps inspire collaboration with other businesses such as the excellent camping sites at both Reedham Ferry, the present day Waveney River Centre and perhaps Geldeston Locks. I am shortly having a meeting with Dr Packman at the Broads Authority & intend to discuss the possibilities. The Authority, in collaboration with such as the Ramblers Association, the British Canoe Union, the RSPB etc. could, if motivated and with a sensible purchase price, turn Berney into a visitor centre, a pub and hostel, indeed an iconic hub for all their activities. Personally I don't see it as too late, rather the opportunity for a new start.
  20. Or here: https://www.facebook.com/Hemsby-Inshore-Rescue-Service-161913407228596/ Alcohol in, common sense out, regrettable.
  21. I vaguely remember that I did!
  22. A cold shower I presume?
  23. Reckon that you need more practice at the sex bit then! Who needs a hot shower, just go dirty
  24. Way back in the 70's a local pig farmer achieved his ambition of owning a brand new Roller. His normal wagon being a rusty Ford pick-up. I don't remember his name now but he used to deliver butchered pork to us at the Waveney Inn. Turned up one week, still wearing his usual grubby dungarees, cut down wellies and greasy, disreputable cap but this time in his immaculate dream, his new Rolls Royce. 'Pe-er, kin yew droive m' back tew t' Island'? Seems that he couldn't cope with the motion of his new motor. Only a few miles from his farm to Burgh St Peter yet he'd suffered one bout of travel sickness, phew, did that 'funny hum'! Got back to his home, phoned up Mann Eggerton at Norwich telling them to come and collect their car. Actually I drove it to Norwich, the one and only time that I have driven a Roller. Over rated, in my honest opinion, but I felt good!
  25. Saw similar at Southwold during the summer, with a very distinctive number plate, first letter being a G and the third one being a Y
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