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Everything posted by Wussername

  1. You'll be ok. Just watch out for the marsh warriors. And those who jump up and down in the reeds. The dreaded Where the Hell Are we Tribe.
  2. Thanks for a wonderful fishing story. Thank goodness the priest and gaff have been consigned to history. Andrew
  3. I think that I am experienced, what ever that is. What is weedy. Very weedy. When the prop stops I suppose. That is when to know it is very weedy With an outboard I suppose you have a lift of the outboard and a poke about. With a day boat or a picnic boat, phone a friend, ask the audience,. I really don't know Tim I am not making fun of your question it is very relevant.
  4. Some compassion please. Some of us in Norfolk still point at aeroplanes!
  5. I have to say that I do enjoy a glass of white wine whilst "cruising down rhe river on a Sunday afternoon", .
  6. Griff. The most emotive contribution on a forum I have ever come across. There is much to be learned from your post, considered, discussed by those with a wisdom, a compassion and understanding of the legal complexity which effects us all and those less fortunate than ourselves. We must seek a solution but where that solution lies escapes me. Andrew
  7. It was a simple question, and you have answered. Thank you. As for the difference perhaps you can answer my next question. Is the BA full time employee at Ranworth a Ranger, a Quay Attendant or a member of the BA marketing team? There is a difference.
  8. Did this happen last year or this year?
  9. Talking about moorings on the Southern Rivers, as you do, I noticed today a notice on the Reedham Quay a sign stating that The Neslon (spelt as is) will be charging after 6pm, £10 per night for mooring. During the day it would seem to be free. The rest of the quay comes under the Broads Authority and is free of charge for a 24hour mooring and relates to the quay either side of that owned by The Nelson public house.
  10. I disagree. It was a ranger. What has a lady ranger got to do with it? What has new got to do with it. They are selected by the Broads Authority with a great degree of care, consideration with regard to their knowledge and ability. I have absolute confidence in the Authorities selection and training procedure as witnessed by the quality of rangers that I have seen demonstrated over several years.
  11. Indeed it is. But I think would have defeated many non Norfolk folk.
  12. How do you pronounce Hautbois?
  13. No need to worry about the Norfolk pronunciation. Went to Acle the other day. My wife had to go to the medical unit. I poked me head in to the social club. They all spoke "sarf end on mud".
  14. Thems were Cockerell eggs. Thems were.
  15. Dunt cast a clout til May is out. Do you mark my words.
  16. In my opinion it is the ability to get on and off the thing is of paramount importance. For both the owner and partner.
  17. Brandon is good. However stay clear of the flight path to RAF Lakenheath.
  18. I think that we should make the most of our glorious heritage. (or as said by my relative in Australia, our glorious Sarah Titch). Imagine a warm sunny summer evening, dusk descends, boating finally comes to rest. Peace and solitude envelopes the river and marshes. The evening flight of ducks and skeins of geese scatter across a fragmented sky of cloud and golden shafts of a dying sun. And then as if in competition to the beauty and magnificent scenery, amber lights, subdued, illuminate the magnificent bridge. Its age, beautiful proportions, history, revered by many for generations. Potter Heigham bridge will forever be forever be remembered and revered by Broadsman and I will join those on the ramparts to defend it. Old Wussername.
  19. Hi Vaughan I can feel a solicitor coming on
  20. Stay in bed. Snug as a bug in a bed.
  21. It is known to some "as consideration" little known but needs to be recognised by many.
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