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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Today I turn 65,not perhaps the way I wanted to spend the day.The horrible disease has affected us all.It has brought out the best and worse in us. Theres been so many acts of kindness, people offering help to those that most need it,supermarkets opening early for the elderly and those working in the emergency services. Rich and famous, often criticised for being just that.Many offering there services, buildings,and or money. The NHS working round the clock to keep as safe,they are just as much at risk as the rest of us. The service industry. Well done and thanks to all that are helping and supplying us with what we need.There are some that are not following the rules.Thankfully only a few. We will come through this it will take time,will be hard,but will get there.I think life will change once this horrible disease ends.Hopefully life will be better,let's hope we become more friendly and understanding. So today Marina is with me,both of us at home.I will wish myself happy birthday twice,while I wash my hands. Stay safe,birthday or not have a good day Some pics
  2. Mr Woods?For me I've been boating on the broads since the sixties on and off.As a child we had two holidays thanks to Martham boats.Then a gap to 1974.Another longer gap.My wife Marina was concerned about staying on the boat,because she couldn't swim.Early 2000s,our son Alan invited us onto a boat he hired.From there Marina got the bug.Lots of trips to the Broads, Then our buying our first boat in 2009.I did at one time put a deposit down on a woodie.I would love a wooden boat,but really dont have the time or skills to do so.As close as I can get is this.Photo taken last summer.
  3. I think theres a difference between allowing enough for yourself and also if you are buying for someone who is unable to do so themselves. Then the few that sadly buy up the shop just because it's there.Great on the supermarkets that are setting aside time slots for the most in need.Clearly if more people have to stay at home more home deliverys will be needed.
  4. Welcome past boating and Woodie. Am I correct one of you has stopped boating and the other likes wooden boats?
  5. Marina and myself have not shopped any more then normal, since this madness started. That said items that we buy every few weeks are hard to come by.Not been able to get tomato puree for about three weeks. Of course loo rolls are like gold dust.We often use flora,large tub,only small ones in the shops.IF we all just buy what we need there will be enough for everyone.
  6. It seems request by supermarkets, and the government IS falling on dead ears.Yesterday.No loo rolls( although) we managed to get two very nice Donald Trump ones,I a small shop,no.paper towels,pasta even crisps.Very welcome, most supermarkets are setting aside hours very elderly, those with health issues and emergency service personnel. My opinion for what its worth is there needs to be rationing otherwise the selfish mindless idiots will keep stripping the shelves bare.
  7. I'm a little confused. Are you saying that if you delay your holiday would it impact on next years leave?
  8. My suggestion would be firstly check with the boat yard and insurance if you have any.As we are all aware now,the information is changing every day.My feeling and it is only my feeling is this virus will get worse before it gets better.
  9. Sadly Marina and I dont have mummy's. Long since passed.Happy Morthers day to all those Mums however.Our Daughter and Son in law are coming to us for lunch.
  10. We're hoping to be on the boat Friday week.Reson being we arranged with Steve at Beccles to do some work on the boat.Long since unhappy with the look of the boat edges around the deck.Of cause theres concern with this virus, every day the country is shutting down.Marina and I are being careful as much as we can.We will check with Steve next week,if he is able to do the work.Shouldwe go ahead or not.What do others think?
  11. Very nice photos. Has been a lovely sunny day did some shopping. If it wasn't for this dam virus sure lots more people would be making the most of the sunshine.
  12. This morning we went and did some shopping in Dartford. Of course all the pubs shut,coffee shops McDonalds most cafes etc a Only doing take away.We did however get some very nice bread and cakes from a homemade local business. We also got some hand sanitizer and some very nice Donald Trump loo roll.Very nice of him to let his photo place on the loo rolls.
  13. My boss texted us about 17.30 ,regarding the announcement by the government. I will contact her on Monday. I am only prepared to stick with them if they will pay most of my salary.
  14. This morning we had a meeting with our boss.We work on the relief team(in house) support. We have been layed off for a month. Very good of the company (not) paying us £29 per day for 5 days.Hope they can afford that sum of money. I have told my boss if this is long term I will look elsewhere.
  15. according to the news this morning, theres no panic buying in Italy.There have a much larger amount of cases and deaths then us.Perhaps we should follow there example ad STOP PANIC BUYING.
  16. There are thankfully some Ray's of light.Very good news supermarkets opening early for the elderly. Members of the public offering help to those that are unable to go our for themselves.
  17. Look after yourself, hope you feel better soon.
  18. This morning I spoke with the Nurse at our GPs,she helps to look after my COPD care.Regarding the latest advice about self isolating.She adviced me to do so.We discussed all the problems I may face.In the end I thought it best to carry on.I dont have any symptoms and feel okay. Then I spoke with my boss and came to the same conclusion.Got into work,the Chef said he's boss has said none of us from the relief team to continue working there at present. Numbers of customers have fallen through the floor. So not sure what's going to happen next.will speak to my boss tomorrow. PS I too fed up with Corona, just wish it would go away.
  19. Lovely pics,sadly both pops and Cici are no longer with us
  20. It was just a thought, I thought a lot of both.Iain and I had alot in common, our both IH,both liking Cricket.Alan always very knowledgeable about the broads and a sharp wit.Both sadly missed. Yes indeed hope you are both sorting out upstairs. Sleep tight.
  21. I think the government needs to step in regarding food.At present a large percentage of the public are buying every thing in sight we no regard to those that most need it.The government should use powers to stop those that stock pile.We keep being told theres plenty of food and stock items,but all the while the idiots keep buying everything. Get tough on those that hold.
  22. Bank notes were mentioned last week.It appears the risk is low.
  23. Perhaps they will stop all the panic that they have helped to create as well
  24. Before Corona, there was a trend to where possible work from home.I think that will increase. What has come to light,is the social interactions. If you work on your own,you may lose out on inter actions with others.Many like myself have to go to work. Chris I agree this will cost millions/ billions and will take some time to pay the bill.
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