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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. I hope all goes well,great place to be.We hope to follow in a few years time
  2. Today and yesterday, I helped out collecting at our local Sainsbury.Thanks to the public for donationing. Last year we collected,Over 24 thousand pounds, and the branch over 54k.I always enjoy doing so.Its also great to hear people storeysThen the children many of which have spoken about the meaning of the appeal at school.We always get a good response from the public.For me I am helping next Friday and Saturday.
  3. Sorry disagree,Lewis always gets the best out of the car for sure Ferrari was a very good car yet they made mistakes.Lewis does not get the credit he deserves .I believe if he was involved in other sports he would get more praise.He is head and shoulders clear a world champion let's cheer him on, a British great.
  4. Maurice I am sure he will be Knighted,after all he is the most successful British F1 driver yet.If you look nearly all drivers fidget.I do agree wish they would not do it.
  5. As I said in my first post,at times his car was second best.Yet he got the best out of the car.He is a credit to F1 and British sport.I hope he will get six ,he certainly has the ability to do so.
  6. There's few drivers on the edge just needing the right car.
  7. Well done Lewis just won his fifth world championship.Its often said that the car does all the hard work,but at times the car was second best,but Lewis managed to get the best out of the car.Can he make it six,I hope so.
  8. Hope the wines chilled Grace x
  9. Some people will do anything for a good signal
  10. Just gone past the reedcutter at cantly the water has gone over the moorings there,guess the same at Reedham .
  11. After a wet and cold night we hoped to pop to Norwich.Raining on and off sadly we decided not to.Soon to get under way from Loddon.Last night dinner at the Whitehorse as always very good.Still this afternoon booked in at the Ferry house.
  12. We called in ,in September. It was very busy,yet the staff were very good helpful and the food and drink very good.
  13. We picked up the boat,midday and made for Loddon.A bit windy some cloud and sun.Arrived 3 o'clock Now some rain,booked in for dinner at the Whitehorse.
  14. My father died when I was 18 months old (1956).Sadly I never got to know him.My Grandfather always wore his medals on November 11.I think Nicola an Alan may have got there love of horses from him.Indeed Nicola has got her own horse Whizz.Both have been riding since a early age.
  15. Today the Royal British legion begin there poppy appeal.My grandfather served in the Royal horse Artillery during the First world war. Indeed his Horse saved his life once.My Father was a miner during the second wold war, after the war he served in the RAF.For all those that gave there life We shell not forget.Wear your Poppy with pride.
  16. Well my week really,repainting the kitchen.This is the first part of let's get to Norfolk. In just over two and a half years we will retire and intend to move to Norfolk. Next years more decorating.End of the week up to the boat.
  17. Sad to hear the passing of Robert ,my thoughts go to Clive ,Paul and family.
  18. Most pubs we visit on the broads are full,most pubs on the river you can book moorings .That's what we did for the Ferry house.
  19. Okay we mix and match.Next weekend sadly will be our last weekend on board, for the season.Where does time go,we intend to go to Loddon,then Saturday we are booked in at the Ferry house.During our holiday we moored a few times almost on our own.No pubs,restaurants shops or houses.Even in this day and age a feel for the real broads.
  20. I have been on boats,10 times the cost of our boat and they seem to have less space.Sure they have all the bells and whistles.For me the joy of boating is just that,enjoy being on the water,visit our favourite pubs shops .We may not of been back for some time,yet we are known. The smell of bacon returning from the shops,the large skyes,the gentle sound of the water lapping as the boat moves along the river.So what do I want from a boat comfort and space.SW has that okay she does not have the mod cons ,fair enough if you want/need a floating hotel go for it.We love our boat.
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