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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Night fever night fever
  2. I think your correct,Sadly some will get on a boat then get legless and enjoy doing so without a care for others.Thats when trouble can happen.
  3. I don't mind people drinking but there is a limit.I often have one or two pints at lunch time and enyoy so.However have seen many times people knocking back at eight in the morning and there boat is going all over the river,it can be a danger to others that's when it becomes a problem. Have a drink by all means but do so in moderation .
  4. Wow I was lucky I filled up at Brooms on the 28 May and was £1.23 a Lt bit of a jump to say the least.Not sure what Andy charges at Freedom?Any ideas?
  5. Are you saying I am lying?I have seen this more then once.Not all I am not saying that,but a few HAVE not attempted to help.Many people arrive for the first time at Reedham and require help.That is surely there job to help.
  6. Some not all dont attempt to help anyone,perhaps those they don't offer help need reminding that part of there job is to help.
  7. I do have been there a number of times and the Ranger has not helped anyone.
  8. Our boat is x hire number was followed by a dash six.was told by BA to take off the dash six.Agree after a time you get to know boats private and hire.
  9. Went to Stokesby last summer on the day we were there they had a fire in the kitchen the night before drink yes no food that day.It is a nice pub,also the little shop is very good and they do food.Afterwards you can play on the swings Ian
  10. The staff are always on hand during the day at the YS.Best to arrive at slack water or moor against the tide.I have not been to Yarmouth for a number of years.Gone past it many times prefer Lowerstoft to visit,mooring at Oulton and jump on a train to Lowerstoft.
  11. I have made my views very clear,all I will say is I will add comments if and when this goes ahead.
  12. And being a member of NBN you get a discount!
  13. Some years back when we had our Shetland 4 +2 We went throw bishops bridge.Its a lovely part of the river and would love to do so again,Sadly Sweetkingfisher is to high to do so.I would not recommend high craft to go past bishop bridge you may affect your insurance if you do.
  14. I' m the king of the swingers.
  15. Don't forget if you want advice on shoes wine chocolate and a certain team in red Grace can help.I can help apart from shoes and the team in red,blue yes.
  16. Welcome again from me,as others have said.Most posts are light hearted and done in good humour.Dont forget to give as pics etc on your trip. Happy boating,Ian
  17. Welcome from me to .
  18. Have I missed something?
  19. We stuck our head in the may bank holiday. At that time there was only bottled beer.So did not buy a beer.I thought the decor was slightly depressing.Will call In next time in potter will reserve comments until then.
  20. Watching Ambulance now on BBC1 showing a RTA just before Christmas involving a number of cars four died and two CPR one pulled through one more sadly died.When you see how the emergency services react you realise how they to feel the affects on them personally.I have the up most respect for the work they do.
  21. Welcome Matt,We to are moored at Cove Brundall. Best wishes Ian
  22. I don't think this will happen during day time.For reasons that have already been said.I am sure it would only happen at night time.Think the next boat to go could be Thai on the river,which seems to be falling apart.
  23. I have a VHF radio okay a must at sea not so much on the broads but it does have it's use.
  24. Sadly I never saw the match,bad luck Liverpool. Money drives the game.The talk about selling Wembley I think is a disgrace. It's the National stadium and I believe should stay like that and not sold to the highest bidder. They say it will give lots of money to grass roots football. I seem to remember they said that when they sold the rights to sky and other net works.For sure it's brought lots of money to the top flight,Not so much to the lower leagues. Why not have a sort out at the FA and get some replacement with forward thinking!
  25. Southgates next to the new inn also
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