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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. I think that would be great if the broads could get that status.
  2. Sweetkingfisher is tucked up in cove,Brundall.So hopefully she will be okay!
  3. from me also like you been visiting since the sixties. Ian
  4. Still hot here in London. Joe Root what a star.the others need to do the same.
  5. On a day like today it don't get any better.Tennis at Wimbledon and Cricket at Lord's. Come on Andy,Heather and Johanna.Flying the flag for the UK,Come Joe Root and the boys playing South Africa. Strawberry and cream,Pimms, ice cream.Cold beers.Light clothing sun on your face.Any better perhaps being on the boat.What ever you are doing enjoy the day Ian
  6. You can also use a lid or tray that covers the pan.Being a chef In over 40 years ,I have been lucky and not seen anything to bad.However am also aware if anything does happen.This item does look useful,May well do the trick on a boat.
  7. Back home now sadly,after a very good trip to Berlin .Just hope it's not another 40 years until we return.To ease the pain we are on the boat this weekend.
  8. Back home now sadly, very good weekend.Hope its not another 40 years before we go back again.Still on the boat the weekend. Ian
  9. Moving morning first we headed to Potsdam platz Close to the wall is a display tracing the history from when Hitler came to power until the wall went up then came down.Also a large piece of the wall is in place,the German government protects parts of the wall and watchtowers.Reading some of the accounts by the people was very moving.Then close to Check point Charlie , the wall Panorama again first hand accounts,photos and tv footage.Check point Charlie. Now you can have your photo taken with American and Russian guards. A bit tacky This afternoon a boattrip.And one pic for you Grace.I told them you may be calling in. Ps the yellow boat funny enough is where we live.
  10. Marinas mum lived in Berlin until after the war when she went to live in Sundridge kent.Her uncle lived in Hamburg we have been there also.Some pics again.The first one is me outside of the door to Marinas mum's flat,in Alt-Moabit then Charlottenburg.Then inside Kaiser-Wilhelm church.
  11. Happy Ruby wedding Marina x Ian
  12. Silly phone should be Guys Nacht
  13. I have been of course to Berlin,Hamburg and the river Rhine.I understand we like the best of both worlds, next week should be on the boat.We are going out for dins now.(Grace marina got some shoes today,me socks,did not bring enough) Guten tag and gute mach Ian
  14. They have had very very heavy rain on Thursday causing flooding.We are lucky it stops and starts. It is strange when I was here before it was the DDR.Then as now there is a good feeling about the place.Marina is happy with her German food.If you have never been to Germany try Berlin.
  15. Just back from a bit of slight seeing and shopping.Bits and bobs of rain.We went up the tv tower,which used to be on the eastern side.Then Brandenburger tor again very different then when I last went there, and the Reichstag.Some pics,the first is our hotel Anion looking from the bridge over the Spree.If only Sweetkingfisher could make it here.
  16. We had a long delay yesterday arriving at Berlin T 4.05 5 hour delay.Still went out in the afternoon and had a very large meal with a beer to match.Sight seeing today.
  17. I think so,think they are there until early October. Why not phone them?
  18. Tommow Marina and I are flying from London city Airport to Berlin.The purpose is that on the 2 July we have been married 40 years. (It's also Alan's birthday).We spent our honeymoon there.Marinas mum came over from Berlin after the war.This will be my first time since then.Marina has been since.Really looking forward to it. If you are wondering about the maths Alan will be 35. Will give an undate and pics later Ian
  19. Rick I would be happy to pay 5 or 10 pounds.We in the past called in at lunch time.Our next boating trip will be in September. May or may not call in by next visit.We have a lot going on at present. Ian
  20. A bit like car parks a big post comes down and stops you crossing.
  21. It's not uncommon,We had one year,BA were checking boat heights.
  22. We hope to move to Norfolk in a few years time.hope all goes well for you
  23. I first visited the broads in the sixties and seventies then a large gap.Been every year for the last 15 or 16 years.We would spend a week at Easter then 2 weeks in the summer + day boats.Got our first boat in 2009 now have our second bigger boat now.Best thing we did.No money but lots of good times. Ian
  24. from me,Let's hear a bit about you.Best wishes Ian
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