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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Try my recipe for pastry. Very light very similar to flaky pastry.
  2. Making your own is easy.Quick way ready made puff pastry and sausage meat you can add some dried mixed herbs or freshly chopped herbs.Take one sheet of pastry, allow about an inch of the edge,add sausage meat,same length. EGG wash pastry and roll make sure sealed,egg wash top .leave in fridge for about half an hour,cut to size cook in oven for about 15 ,20 minutes at 180c. If you make your own pastry what I use is trex 8oz plain flour, 4oz trex pinch of salt using a folk gently mix together until like breadcrumbs.Slowly add cook water until comes away from the sides.Allow at least half an hour,then roll out and fill as I said before. Tip:Don't overwork the pastry insure it's cold before rolling.This recipe is good for pies,pasties etc. Homemade always better,knowing you've made it yourself.
  3. We had Little Kingfisher (Shetland 4+2).For four years.In that time We often went from Brundall to Potter.The biggest problem was getting petrol.
  4. Our first boat was a Shetland 4+2.Lovely boat with a Honda 25.Not to speedie but enough. We are thinking about what to do for the future, maybe replacing Sweetkingfisher, perhaps with a day boat instead. First we need to sort out our new house.
  5. I'm no fan of Ludham Bridge either đŸ˜•.
  6. A very tricky time for any one.You need deep pockets and or an invester.I am always sorry when a pub,Restaurant or an Hotel goes out of business.
  7. So pleased not long booked a ticket for England v India at the Oval.First day of the test,Thursday 2 September. Although not disabled, yet if I walk for any length now,I have breathing problems. So I use a mobility scooter, have a place in the area set aside for disabilitys.I tried for Monday just gone at Lords.That didn't work.Very much looking forward to the match,please weather be kind.
  8. Wishing you all well.I know what cancer brings also.
  9. The rating is based on three things.The recording of food from the moment it comes through the door to the table. So temperature on delivery, fridge/freezer temps.Cooking and any reheating temperature. The cleaning and storing of cleaning chemicals. The condition of the premises. So in short :To get a high score all things need to have a high score. You may for example have a good score on temperature control, but food handling may be poor or the premises may be in a poor state. It's like a chain from start to finish, each link is important. Ensure all staff,from kitchen Porter to Mansgers are trained and play there part.
  10. I agree this is the up to date information available. Also agree if any business makes noticeable improvements that should be supported.
  11. Yes it's true you have the right to be re tested often at a later date, userly about six weeks later.In that time officers can and do offer advice where improvements can be made.This perhaps highlights where confusion happens. Ray is correct. The current rating is the correct one available.The purpose of the rating system.Is to improve standards and in my opinion by and large that's what it does,however as I've said improvements to the assessment can also be improved. We the customer can view the scores then make a decision on whether to eat in a place or not.
  12. Do as I did.Just look up scores or the doors Norfolk. I checked North Norfolk. Also available South Norfolk and indeed any part of the country.
  13. Very true.The scores on the doors is not perfect, however it's lead to better practices in the trade.I have long said that scores must be on display. Better training should be encouraged, and harsher penalties for those that keep offering unsafe food.
  14. I stand to be corrected, but a big difference from 1 to 4 stars.
  15. I've always supported the idea that the ratings should and must be mandatory.
  16. Words fail me.Theres no excuse to have such a low rating.
  17. I received a call from Abbey road so I returned there as There as Head chef I was very happy.I got on well with staff and customers.Perhaps one of the best jobs I ever had.Sadly that didn't last long.The studio decided to bring in another contractor.We all transferred to them.That didn't work for me.I just didn't like there approach to the service and food they provided.So I left and went back to my old company on a zero hour contract working in many of there units,Often putting right some of the bad ways that existed there.Improving the food.Earlier in the year we brought A shetland 4+2, at the London boat show, naming her Little Kingfisher.Our first boat, thus a very happy but poor life on the broads.Sadly in October 2010 the company went into administration.Being on a Zero hour contract my future was uncertain.Thankfully we got taken over by Baxter Storey Contract caterers . They say that the weather should improve next week. Some ideas; Leek and potato soup; One medium sized onion, finely sliced One stick of leek washed and sliced, Cook onions and leeks in a little veg or corn oil without colour (sweat). Add about one and a half lt of Chicken or veg stock .Go for the best you can buy or better still make. Bring to the boil, turn down and simmer, add a little white pepper. Add a peeled washed and diced large potato ,add a little salt.Cook for about an hour.Then blend until smooth.Add a little cream and check for seasoning. This can with the addiction of more cream be served cold. Do the same way using watercress instead of leeks.
  18. For some reason soup in a basket never caught on!
  19. Very much agree.I certainly would report anything dangerous. To BA,sadly over the year,some think its acceptable to act in a dangerous manner. They must be accountable for they behaviour.
  20. Two words, second word off!
  21. As a Chef ,I don't see the point of a service charge. I don't care if its a American idea or if it comes from Tim buck two.Or for that matter any were else.Good service should be rewarded to the people who give it.Now with coming out of lockdown encourage customers,with good a good package, of menu, setting and service. Very important to keep the staff happy, then that will transfer to customers. A SERVICE CHARGE, will not guarantee that.
  22. Couldn't agree more.Our choice not there's
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