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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. J.P. in his news letter mentioned that they are filming. BA assisting apparently. More contact sport!!!!!
  2. Some have hand washing on the other side and some have it built in "where you go" so to speak. However lack of hand washing was one of the big objections to the ones that were installed on trial in Chester. The main problem that I can see is they only cater for 50% of the populace. However their installation has reduced anti-social urination in many city centres at night.
  3. Not just continental Europe, Swindon in Wiltshire. The idea of a Pissoir is to allow privacy without the need to build a full blown toilet block. Maybe an idea that could be looked at now so many toilet blocks have been closed and those that remain are closed in Winter. I still worry about dayboats with no facilities, canoes etc.
  4. EASY. Snake, Chips & Peas
  5. I wonder what it would be liked smoked? I love smoked eel, might be a bit tough!!!
  6. I stick to certain Samsung and Sony products because I use Viewranger OS mapping on my trips and walks and it is just so much easier if you know your kit is weatherproof.
  7. On reflection maybe Snakeskin shoes might be a little out of place on Blakeney hard. You can have him or her Gracie, I will just have the belt and wallet.
  8. Ummm! I feel a nice pair of hand made shoes, wallet and belt coming on.
  9. So just 3 of the new breed of 45 footers but in reality 2. As has been said.
  10. But Wroxham Broad is a lot slower by road than Horning.
  11. I believe Wroxham Broad is owned by Trafford Estates. NBSC are the lessee.
  12. I knew a keeper in Chorleywood when I was young who could do a rabbit in distress. He could "squeek" a fox into range of a shotgun when unable to use a rifle.
  13. The windows 10 updates are maddening in their unbelievable quantity.
  14. Any one got a photo? I used to love going to Thurne Mouth! A great day out. We would set off early, get to one of the two moorings both of which offered a different circular walk. Have lunch and then maybe give the boat a wash as the water there was mostly clean. We would then have dinner on the boat and wash up before returning to Broadsedge. We have even night nav'd back from there on nice days in November. By starting early and returning late The Ant and Ludham Bridge were a breeze. Now that I am a single hander it would be a nice day out for me.
  15. My vote also goes to Samsung and Android for tablets. I have a very expensive and I mean eye watering! MS Surface Pro running Windows 10 and it has so many glitches it is not true, to the extent that after having a life after main frames devoted to Microsoft I am prepared at my advanced age to go with and learn Apple.
  16. Look on YouTube and put in you make not working. My sons I phone did this over the weekend holding the home and power switch at the same time fixed it. My Sony Xperia went dead when it was new. I went all the way back to Vodafone in the Castle Mall. The assistant held down the power button and the two volume buttons again at the same time and it sprang back to life.
  17. I think I could tear myself away to cruise the Adriatic for a couple of summers. That particular boat is for sale in San Diego, so maybe I would spend a few months going out to Catalina and up the West Coast first.
  18. OR YOU COULD HAVE. as many have expressed an interest in Nordhavn boats. Did you know they also make motor sailers?
  19. That sounds a much better explanation than the one given to me.
  20. PS. Have to agree a Greyling from a true Chalk Stream is hard to beat on the plate. Sadly the beautiful chalk streams of the Chilterns of my youth have deteriorated beyond belief. Alot is down to extraction.
  21. I don't know. I do know it has always been the subject of debate. I was told in my teens so over 50 years ago by an old Water Bailiff on the River Chess in Buckinghamshire that it is because they have a tendancy to shoal and feed as such.
  22. I thought that the DEFRA rules for freshwater licences holders stated that you are allowed one Pike up to a length of 65 cm two Grayling not smaller than 30cm and not larger than 38 unless local bylaws specify catch and release only. There are different rules for game fish. The Duck shooting season runs from 1st September until 31 January. Except on the foreshore when it is 20 February. However if there is 7 days of freezing weather shooting on the foreshore is suspended for that season.
  23. I said main river near Cockshoot purly on the 4mph sign that looks like the one on the bend before you enter Horning coming up to the old Le Boat depot.
  24. On main river at Cockshoot.
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