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Everything posted by grendel

  1. well it does seem a lot of us will be heading down, then heading back, so I await the official timing of the event to know when we will probably be heading down.
  2. I think if you turn up you will have your pick of who to travel with.
  3. I once had an individual (after pulling out right in front of me as i went round a roundabout, and narrowly avoiding hitting him) follow me to a supermarket, start swearing at me, and when i ignored him following me into the supermarket swearing and yelling I had endangered his kids by nearly hitting his car, I responded- slightly louder than I would have normally, that if he had not pulled right out in front of me as i was rounding the roundabout his kids wouldnt have been in any danger, after this he (about 5 ' nothing of him) tried to grab me- at which point the security guard grabbed him and ejected him from the shop for disturbing his customer. for some of them simply ignoring them just does not work.
  4. I once parked up and locked my car, when I came back, it would not unlock on the key fob, it would not start, the tow truck came and it still would not start, the driver tried all the tricks he knew- turning the key on and off many times to override the alarm disabling the car- in the end I was towed home- whereupon the car opened to the key fob, started and drove off the tow vehicle, all the tow driver could say was that I must have parked somewhere where some local security had disabled the car , so its not an unheard of phenomenon.
  5. its my belief that the one- highly publicised example that supports Dom's argument is just that- a single individual, and that others who follow the live aboard lifestyle are once again being tarred with the same brush, as such anyone going into a situation such as this will have already called the backup in before approaching. As for the other equipment- stab vests etc, surely these are contrarily indicated in preference for safety equipment such as lifejackets, I can hardly see a stab vest keeping you afloat in the water, and the wearing of one would effectively stop you wearing a lifejacket- of the two the latter is more important to the role carried out by the rangers. do the rangers put themselves in harms way- yes daily, their job involves boats and the water, that is where their biggest danger lies. when they step ashore and go along a wet and muddy quay heading to enquire after the wellbeing of a boater, who they know has already slipped and gone into the water from that same quay heading, they are putting themselves at risk, they do this every day, yet we are debating the least likely of the dangers they are presented with.
  6. beware the incinerator toilets, I have seen a video of one couple who had nothing but problems with one- and that was a static installation in an off grid home.
  7. very approximately the low tides are around midday / midnight for the 16th / 17th
  8. if I get north in time I will join you, I will be sailing from Beccles on the 16th
  9. my garden will still be primarily maintained as a wildlife garden, but the Aim is to keep it looking no worse than this.
  10. Finally getting there with the garden, I even spent an hour yesterday in the rain shredding, only a small pile left, today I hacked the rest of the hedge down and did 3 40 litre bins full of shredding once I have finished this will be spread to form a nice even later over the garden.
  11. if you are going to do a lot of mudweighting you can request a second mudweight to deploy from the stern, the advantage is you dont swing, the disadvantage is that you can end up side on to the wind, which in some locations may cause you to drag anchor despite having 2 down.
  12. that was the explanation I was given by Marthams when I hired from them. on water rail I have 2 14m ropes that I use as springs when needed
  13. generally, the mooring lines are not long enough for the front lines to reach the prop if they fall in the water, I think that is the basis for most of the short ropes.
  14. so easy they can do it standing on their heads
  15. I would spend more time working out how i could avoid a pub showing the football to be honest- and no TV on the boat- bliss.
  16. they must already have their quota of nail salons, hair dressers and coffee shops- that seems to be how all high streets are devolving nowadays. how useful any of those are to the elderly or the boating community is left to be judged.
  17. my daughter had started her law degree before she found out she was dyslexic, all it gained her was some extra time in exams. and she got her law degree. I have never been diagnosed dyslexic, but some of the signs were there I now recognise, the essays at school that missed out great chunks- that were still there when I read it through- they just never made it onto the paper, yet it was masked by the fact I was a voracious reader, averaging about 12 books a week. I dont think it really held back either of us.
  18. was he trying to use tallest boat has right of way?
  19. according to google earth the river is 150 ft wide at that location, so you could almost moor a 24' boat stern on to a 12' boat side on and still only just take up 25% of the width of the river.
  20. North cove was full, when I passed, with 3 yachts, all sporting oversized solar panels, propped against their cabin sides.
  21. there is a wild mooring about a mile upstream from the Waveney River Centre, a 40 foot length of quay heading, there used to be carved wooden heads reminiscent of the easter island heads, but over the years, first one, then it now appears the other have vanished, I still know it as the easter island mooring though
  22. personally, considering my last week I consider any mooring good even if I swim from it.
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