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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I did hesitate to name that renowned establishment sited right next to potter heigham bridge, a few visits back they had a number of pairs of cargo shorts in my size (46) which i bought in bulk as they were on offer, those shorts are still doing sterling service. the only issue i have is that they always seem to be selling some essential items i never knew i needed, if you are lucky they may have their christmas stock in (or next easters)
  2. we could have a masked ball, it would have to be line dancing with 2m spacing though. heres a thought, how about we all make masks for the front of the boats, a pillow case tied over the prow of the boat. (would that appease the health and safety bods) at worst we can still have the cruise in company and moor up at oulton and beccles as individuals even if its not official.
  3. or a trip down to one of the pubs at reedham for a bit further afield
  4. the last picture looks like the bandsaw fence.
  5. looks like a work support table for a grinding wheel or sander.
  6. oh yes you have -- oh no you havent, where is it - Behind you...
  7. all very good, but as referred to above, tee shirt material is too thick and still causes me issues. i have considered a visor, but once again i have issues with the fact my mouth generally falls below the bottom edge, i produced a ton of them for the nhs, welding mask, similar issue, a full face crash helmet would work, but i dont currently have one, and it was always fun finding one in my size, i did go carting last year and their biggest size barely went on my head, thinking back, i struggled to breathe in that when i had the visor closed.
  8. grendel

    New Inn Horning

    i think they posted their booking hotline number on their facebook page
  9. unless it was the consistency of a net curtain it would still give me issues, one thickness of tee shirt material is too much. I would never be able to be a bank robber would I. basically from experimentation i have concluded that anything that is thick enough to form even barely adequate protection is too thick to allow me to breathe
  10. In a bid to avoid confrontations i have decided to print my own badge that simply states:-
  11. the other problem I have is this will come into force while I am away on holiday, and if I need to get a medical exemption from my doctors, will i be able to get an appointment in less than a week to do so.
  12. I dont know whether we will be expected to spend 5 minutes giving full medical disclosure at each shop we try and enter, and should we be needing to give medical disclosure at all when something as simple as a badge or letter would suffice.
  13. I can wear one of those without the filters, all I need to find is somewhere that makes them in a size larger than that currently manufactured, they happily state on their website that their size range suits 99.5% of people, guess who falls in that .5%. About 10-12 years ago I was sent for a medical prior to confined space training, part of this was a lung capacity test, due to my physical size, I had the capacity, but since the test required repeated capacity checks I failed as my results werent repeatable, I could do it once, but the second time failed, and that was before I had clots on my lungs which can only have made things worse.
  14. Fred, I am sure you would be questioned if you wore a net curtain, and as that is about the level of what I would have to wear to get enough breath, I have tried and one thickness of tee shirt material still gives me breathing issues. even sat not doing anything, so for me it will have to be the PPE mask without the filters, which is no more than a gesture towards following the legislation, as it protects nobody.
  15. The other issue is the large number of people who are posting on social media with the attitude that anyone not wearing a mask is some sort of socially irresponsible idiot, making it all the more difficult for any that are unable for any reason to wear a mask, as they then will be seen as anti social idiots, rather than someone whos is suffering from not being able to breath. Until this all came up i had no idea that my blood oxygen dropped as low as it does when wearing a face covering, as the thing had never cropped up. from now when I go out I will be taking my blood oxygen meter with me as well as the totally useless PPE respirator.
  16. the problem here, is how will the card be issued, i forsee a rush on the doctors surgery to obtain an exemption card if that is the method, will other proof such as an inhaler be acceptable.
  17. Arthur, I have a similar issue as you, my daughter has the same problem as yourself, a mask triggers an asthma attack, mine is not so simple and I have been experimenting. I have a blood oxygen meter, this shows my normal as 98-99% when I put a conventional mask on it drops to 94% (95% is the bottom of normal) and I struggle to get enough breath. (and that is just sat in a chair- not exerting myself) after experimentation, as little as a single layer of cloth drops my blood oxygen and I find myself struggling to breathe, changing to a very loose weave helps, i can keep it at 97% that way, but the mask is in no way impeding the flow of my breath, any particulates will be travelling straight through as it needs to be as open as a net curtain. I have found that a 3M PPE type respirator mask is better, with the filters on I can keep above 95%, If I take the filters off, its better at 98%- near normal (though with the valves built in I do sound like Darth Vader, the problem I have here is that the largest size mask, doesnt fit, I bought the standard size, fits 90% of wearers, well wearing that if it covered my nose, the chin piece stopped my mouth up completely. more research, I bought the largest they make, this still doesnt fit properly as it still wont tuck under my chin and cover my nose, it sits on top of my chin, and is darned uncomfortable, and needs adjusting every few seconds (they tell you not to touch your mask after putting it on and only handle by the elastic, well that wont happen). so yes, I have found a solution, but, this type of mask just covers the face, without the filter packs it doesnt stop anything coming in, and more importantly, even with the filters, it doesnt stop anything going out. A suggestion has been made that I wear a face shield, this is well and good, but as I have a large head, the bottom edge stops at about mouth level, so thats not really doing anything positive to help either. So, you are not alone with having problems wearing masks, mine I believe dates back to when I had a pulmonary embolism which is why I am now on warfarin. other than not being able to wear a mask, I dont notice I have a problem, other than breathing a lot deeper when exercising (going up the stairs). I do hope some system is put into place for those unable to wear a mask, so they can produce an ID or something to say they cant wear a mask, or I can see myself contesting a lot of £100 fines in the future. (or pointlessly wearing an ill fitting uncomfortable mask that does nothing to protect either me or those around me)
  18. effectively yes, and your shaft will attract all sorts of muck and build up. the main question is do you have shore power as its generally the earthing for this that creates big issues with boats, no shore power, means less issues. the biggest issue is i cant find anything about positive earth with respect to boats, I know some old cars used it. surely that means replacing components such as starters and alternators will also be an issue (I can just about remember having to set the polarity on an alternator before I fitted it many years back, but now you just fit them and they work.
  19. actually thinking about it, being positive earth may mean you dont need anodes at all as anything connected to earth wont be eaten away.
  20. if you connected the other way around, the anodes would actually be cathodes and be attracting all of the anode material being eroded off everyone elses boat
  21. negative, because thats the anode of the battery. the electrons flow from the anode to the cathode, when electroplating you ensure the item to be plated is on the cathode as the electrons flow to it and deposit the plating substance onto it. so you want your anodes to be connected to the negative side of the battery so the current flows away from the anode. it doesnt matter how the circuits are wired up and there is a flow and return, even if you have positive earth, you are just placing your devices in the path of flow from negative to positive.
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