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Everything posted by grendel

  1. thats not the boatyard guy doing his hand over is it?
  2. grendel


    all the more reason for folks to use nice biodegradable wooden boats.
  3. the latest attempted scam today it came with an excel attachment I wont be opening, the originating email was 'support' (which translated as it@htmlpro.net), Dont forget that a virus can be embedded into a spreadsheet or other document quite easily, and set to run if you open the document.
  4. I think weed is common in some areas on the broads, it may depend on the underwater layout of your boat as to whether you get caught up, a lot of the broads sailing boats are designed for shallow draught as in places the depth can be as shallow as a couple of foot, the ones who race the broad will know exactly how far they can push their boats for the best racing speeds, but otherwise its just pot luck, Wroxham broad is a private broad, so I guess that the owners have not bothered to mark the shallow areas.
  5. most yards have a policy where you must use the pilot, the pilot then logs the boats he took through and bills the yard, this is then passed back to the hirer as a deduction from the fuel deposit . marthams allow you to take their boats through yourself, and Barnes I believe take them through for you using their own staff.
  6. grendel


    its a possibility, but as it would involve parking bay suspensions the cost increases, I think I priced it out at about £200 with the added parking bay costs, which for a service the council should provide for free, is a bit steep, its just they are restricting visits to the tip due to coronavirus, to book I have to apply to medway council (for a tip in canterbury) and I have about 4 car loads to take which means 4 months as you are only allowed one visit a month, normally I could have got it done in a couple of hours.
  7. we have been told we need to take at least 40% of our leave before 31st August, some of our staff are still on furlough so this wont be easy for them, , this is why I have 3 weeks holiday coming up over a period of 4 weeks as I had bought an extra 2 weeks holiday this year, so needed to get it in and taken, the week I had booked in May had been moved to july due to the lockdown.
  8. grendel


    at least i wont resort to fly tipping it. unfortunately I have neighbours that vociferously complain should I light so much as a match (technically we are about 20m outside a smoke free zone) but who are quite happy to have a bonfire in their garden when they fancy one and burn paint covered wood, yet my wood stove i use in the garden with a 2" chimney always raises complaints.
  9. if you take holiday while on furlough then your company have to pay your full wages, with my company you still had to book the holiday and it came out of your allowance, I dont see it as being any different for other companies, besides, 90% of those on furlough will be struggling to make ends meet on 80% of normal wages, mortgages still need paying and food still needs to be bought.
  10. yes, spotlight was painted white about 5 minutes after i posted the update, I probably have a picture of the cut out, but it can probably wait until I make the doors.
  11. grendel


    i have about 40 bags of rubbish filling my back garden at present, but with our local council tip only open by appointment and only allowing 1 visit a month i am stuck with it for a while yet.
  12. worst case cut a new shoulder with a saw and chisel the step back in,
  13. todays work was adding some details, the ships bell was hung, fenders were fitted with ropes and hung down the sides
  14. this is what i think of the idea (oops now i have to report myself for being confrontational.)
  15. no, otherwise every time you used it you would be up in front of the moderators for being confrontational
  16. i use freesat, i mainly watch one channel talking pictures, now while i watch that 'live', since it is all old films its not really live, yet i still pay for a tv license, that and youtube are pretty much all i watch (too busy doing things otherwise). so does what the bbc do concern me much not really.
  17. the thumbs down emoji holds too many negative connotations, and we dont do negative here.
  18. I can remember the struggle that Robin and I had fitting that unit into that tight space, quart in pint pot comes to mind. everything was just a few millimetres too short.
  19. I have just had to add the 's' to the link in the advert and the webcam link both of those links should now work.
  20. if you are not seeing barnes brinkscraft from an old link, check you have the s in https, as that might make a difference
  21. nothing more fun than a remote app on your phone tuned into the neighbouring boats tv.
  22. the solar panel caused me no end of problems finding one with the correct voltage to charge the lighting circuit battery, in a flexible panel, that was the right size (actually forget the voltage, just the flexible in the right size was tricky, happily the voltage was perfect.), i did find two options, a single panel as you see, or a pair of panels half the width, but not quite as long as the bigger panel, this bigger panel was better size wise on the roof, if you look very carefully at the starboard side, you can see the pads of solder, the wires run up through the roof at the very edge and are soldered on.
  23. just one boat of the pair needs the fenders down, if both have them there is a chance of ripping off the stanchions when the fenders snag on each other
  24. more work on the cabin roof fittings, all now fixed down, solar panel fitted and wired to a connector under the cabin roof
  25. you will find most live youtubers have a 30 second delay from live in case of mess ups.
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