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Everything posted by grendel

  1. thats easy, the end that usually hits you around the head is the hot end.
  2. I bet I could turn Jayne down there with no problems, as she can do a u turn in the chet opposite pyes mill moorings without any back and forward shuffling (when turning hard to port she pivots about 1/3 of the boat length from the front)
  3. well with the name juliette, I would guess at her being Martham Built as they have a juliette class of cruiser.
  4. You can just turn Janet at 32 foot on the corner, its nose into the v at the corner and power the stern round, with about 6" spare, Juliette however will be about 7 foot too long, but as she is a martham built boat, she should fit under Potter most of the time.
  5. some yards will have irons suited to the inverter aboard available if you ask, i know some boats dont even have an inverter
  6. yes really that is just the old hands using subtle hints to try and get round the tos in the knowledge that if they actually said the name, e would be obliged to remove the post.
  7. The main reason for not mentioning the other forums is a gentlemans agreement between the forum owners at the time, after a period where arguments would start on one forum, then spread to all the available forums (much as still happens on facebook) with people not knowing what was being said elsewhere and utter confusion reigning, it came down to agreeing that each forum would effectively ignore each other and not allow cross forum links, to try and prevent these heated discussions of the day spreading across the forums. Mostly it has worked, but we do still see the veiled hints of the continuance. Facebook of course has a lot to answer for, as anyone can set up a group and say what they want, of course, that doesnt mean they are right to say it, but thats how it goes. Here on the NBN, and our facebook page we like to make sure that we comply with all the current regulations governing forums (and there is a lot of technical regulations covering what can and cannot be posted that we have to either keep abreast of or try and proof the forum against future upcoming legislation (and an awful number of forums and facebook groups dont comply with these regulations)). We do this to ensure that this forum does comply and that it will this still be here for you lot to post to. This is the basis of a lot of the TOS, which is why we get upset when people ignore the moderator hints to calm things down, generally we are usually trying to steer threads away from violations of the regulations, while trying not to restrict your ability to say what you wish. a lot of it is about treating people with respect and not crossing the barriers of racism, equality and any other ism you care to name nowadays.
  8. no, these are recycled batteries, I bought a batch of 100 with capacities rated from 1700-1800mAh, the 1763 would be the tested capacity, I pick 10 batteries all within about 10mAh of each other, thus they form a matched set of cells of similar capacity, as they are being linked as a 5 parallel, 2 series pack, giving 7.4 volts and just under 9000mAh
  9. grendel

    Keep Safe

    I too am totally fed up of the media hype that has gone on through this whole affair, mis reporting, selective reporting, misleading photographs taken using camera angles to adjust the perception to what the media want, I think that without all the media interference, that things might have been a lot better, media reporting of a run on toilet rolls created a national run on toilet rolls, where does it all end.
  10. and only the coot club to protect the birdies
  11. yes thankfully she has not got it as she is in one of the semi vulnerable groups being an asthmatic. so for the last few weeks there has been a rubbing sound coming from one front wheel on the car, gradually getting worse, today I finally got out there and removed the wheel, one side of the brake disc there was a rust band around the disc, it was deeper on the inside than outside and was rubbing on the pad wearing that section of the pad abnormally. as apart from this the disc is fairly new, all I did was get a coarse grit plate in the cordless multitool and sanded through the rust scale until it was smooth with the disc, a problem caused by a lack of driving the beast due to lockdown, if necessary I can replace the discs and pads, but at least the noise has gone for now, the rubbing was due to the rust swelling as it rusted and rubbing the brake pad.some of the remaining discs may need similar treatment, but that can wait, the main noise has gone.
  12. my day yesterday, went shopping, arrived home to be greeted by my daughter who says, dad i need to go to Ashford for 12.30, it turns out that she woke up this morning with a bit of a cough and feeling hot, now she actually thinks its probably just a cold, she tends to catch everything going when she does venture out these days, but suffice to say she started back at work last week (and one day the week before) and has to catch a bus to get there, she also has a good imagination and always thinks the worst when it comes to feeling unwell. So it was off to the local test centre for a test and now wait at home for the results, i am pretty certain that will come back negative, but as she works in the nhs field she has to be careful. The test centre promised results in 48-72 hours, but this morning, by 6am less than 18 hours after her test she had her results, thankfully clear, so thats all ok. a worrying day but with a happy result.
  13. well they are not there anymore, they dont have a lot of time to get to a mooring
  14. no, just checked, they are just manouvering in the basin
  15. maybe they are staying in the yard overnight and leaving in the morning.
  16. they are still loading the passengers on one boat.
  17. since the next time i was planning a visit to a pub would have been october, i will quite happily stick to my planning
  18. the way i see it, if yo have a 40 foot boat, you need a piece of water 80 foot long to get in and out, stern on in a basin, that means you need a basin 120 foot to moor two 40 foot boats opposite each other, for side on moorings you need a 40 foot length, but need 12 foot width plus another 12 foot width beside you to get in and out, thus a side on mooring can be placed in a 36 foot width dyke, so basically a stern on mooring basin needs to be 3x the width of a side on one, so your hypothetical 30 foot boat 10 foot wide actually takes the same space stern moored as side, how the boatyard fits the mooring basin into the available space determines whether they stern moor or side moor. to be honest you are using the same area either way round.
  19. we only do it to wind him up
  20. surely its because if you have a 100 foot wide basin you can still only pack it so full, no matter which way round the boats, you are paying for an area of your boat, no matter which way round you park it
  21. no, you have progressed from that to the naughtier step
  22. oulton broad is another that springs to mind, here there is a quite real risk of hanging up on the stern with the rubbing rail riding over the quay heading then the tide dropping, you can cross the mooring lines over to create a sort of spring and give you longer ropes to the post, but generally its mudweight out the front, and allow enough slack to account for the tide, or it will lift off the bottom.
  23. so small details matter, and as the graphics company couldnt do the red shadowing for the name lettering, i got a fineline red paint pen for that task.
  24. grendel

    Keep Safe

    i think you have hit the nail square on the head there MM
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