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Everything posted by grendel

  1. just a polite reminder to please dont post jokes in this thread, this is for serious discussion of the virus.
  2. over the weekend i took stock of all of my battery operated tools, apart from 2 drills plus a spare battery all batteries took a charge and worked the tools, i have way too many drills, 7 cordless and several corded, plus the two with dead batteries. (i also have another 3 or 4 with no batteries) Anyway to cut a long story short, i dissasembled one of the battery packs, its a ni cad battery so i wasnt holding out much hope, and sure enough on checking one cell was reversed and the rest not much better, i have some lithium cells, these are a lot better than ni cad, and 4 cells will work out to 14.8 volts, about 0.4 volts higher than the original. Connections were soldered to the batteries and capacities determined by discharging and recharging them (its always a good idea to have a set with similar capacity) and today I have been 3d printing some holders for the batteries, they will then be soldered together into packs to get these drills back up and running as cheap drills that i dont worry about losing or lending to anyone.
  3. I remember it from being little and train trips from ashford to dover, maybe as late as 1970, but i cant be sure
  4. which is why we have in the TOS the part about just that issue, of posting footage of someone doing something wrong where the persons involved or the boat name or number are clearly identifiable, then it shouldnt be posted.
  5. Vaughan, if they so wished it could be set up via a secure link, you dont have to allow a live link to a webcam, that is done as a choice, it also uses data from your service, this means that it costs the more people connect. of course for a business this is a deductible item as advertising, so if a webcam link is provided by a website, it is provided as part of their business. so i dont think we should worry that we are peering over someones shoulder or through their window, the window analogy would be more like a shop window to see what you are getting, or one of the windows down a certain street in amsterdam. Monicas point of do the people hiring the guest house know, well maybe, maybe not, but the camera angle seems that you would only be seen if right by the river edge, and to be fair, anything you might do would be visible to any boats passing anyway.
  6. i still remember from when i was small if you stuck your head out of the window, or left it open through tunnels, you ended the journey with smuts of dirt all over you
  7. We had cheap and cheerful, pearl horizon for a week.
  8. through beccles heading for the locks, on the bend in the river
  9. I was going through some of my photo albums and found a set of photos from my first broads holiday, way back in August 2010, It amazes me that so many of the boats I saw back then are owned by people I can now count as friends, via the forum.
  10. I may not be seeing the obvious, but if there is a pin for the stay, how is that any better than the stay, its still a restriction in the inside, i just hope the lid is tiltable
  11. as a pleasant change this morning, there were no queues to get into lidls, none at asda, and i formed the queue at sainsburys by lining up behind the person about to go in, i guess everyone must be at the beach. and true to a bank holiday weekend, its just rained here.
  12. they are reopening in kent, but there are reduced hours and a booking system in place and its one car load a month, if you can get a booking slot
  13. Support was a new section added for the tech team and admins by the software providers (so we could raise software issues to do with the background running of the forum), they just added the section, but didnt set permissions, so everyone could see it, unfortunately only us techie types had the permissions to see what it contained, so hopefully I have now removed that from the general view which should stop confusion.
  14. hmm, not sure you should be able to see support thats more for us tech types and to do with the background mechanics of the forum. i will go have another look.
  15. i think they are cute, are there any left afloat?
  16. John, my camera automatically starts if the car receives a bump, and sends the file to secure in camera storage where it wont get overwritten, its also set to come on when i start the car and record all of the time i am driving. one thing to remember is with memory cards, they dont last forever in this use, granted they will overwrite the files, but the underlying file structure is stored on a partition of the card, and when that is full, it wont allow any more files to be written, I guess I have to replace them every couple of years, and thats on a daily 3 hours driving.
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