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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I had none of those problems when I was replacing my drowned blackberry, I just waltzed into a vodaphone shop, said no lots of times to all the bits they wanted to upsell me and waltzed out again having spent £20 on an energizer phone, at the end of a day of use i stick it on charge, and 5 minutes later it goes ping to tell me I have topped up the 10% of charge it used through the day, it does phone calls and texts, it even has a camera and spare slot for an extra sim card, and best of all uses no data (because it only does texts and phone calls) and being made by a battery company it has a huge battery. (apparently there is another bigger model that is built into a power bank, and can keep the phone on standby for several months - https://www.techspot.com/news/78930-energizer-shows-off-phone-18000mah-battery.html - and that one is a smart phone. even mine is rated at 8 days on standby, thats nearly as good as my old nokia used to manage.
  2. and the beauty of it is that those old deisels will run on it just fine, as long as you dont exceed 2500 litres a year, even at a 50/50 mix (for which no modifications would be required - like pre heating) you would be quids in - even buying brand new oil at the supermarket. if anyone wants more details Maurice Mynah is your forum expert at chip fat diesel. To be fair if you are using old chip fat it will need processing to remove and chips or fish bits first
  3. maybe a Scot has lost his quilt.
  4. maybe the duvet damaged the pillow blocks, which might then need some reinforcing with sheet ply, its a good job she's out of the water or you might have been divan to clear the prop.
  5. I was wondering - the person who lost it - duvet know?
  6. I was once nearly arrested for taking pictures of the sunset, there I was, sat with my camera taking pictures, near a car park, after a while a bunch of cars turns up, then a coach full of kids, kids start disembarking and being handed off to parents, when all of a sudden one parent (off duty policeman) approaches me and tries to tell me I shouldnt be taking pictures of the kids (camera and sunset were not even pointed in their direction). i reply telling him I am taking photos of the sunset. He then tries to arrest me for photographing the kids. I respond with, OK lets go down the station where they can obtain the necessary paperwork to inspect the images on my camera, as there are none including kids- oh and by the way, when you are proved wrong I want a full public apology and compensation for wrongful arrest, as i am quite within my rights to sit here and take pictures in a public place. At this point mr Bully off duty policeman thinks to ask nicely if he can see a sample of the pictures, as I wasnt feeling more than a little aggrieved at this point I turn the camera around and let him see some of my pictures, cue a gruff apology and hasty retreat. the problem is that some policemen think that because they are policemen they know the law better than the average citizen and can use their status to push others around. (we had similar issues when a policeman moved in next door to my mother in law and put a gate on her access and installed locks on it, he had to be disabused of the fact that as it was a right of access he could not put locks on it) in point of fact as it was a public place there was nothing in the world stopping me taking pictures of the people who were there, but as I was aware that they were children I was deliberately avoiding getting them in my pictures (it would have ruined the composition I was trying for anyway), which made the accusation particularly silly.
  7. i like the visits and pictures of churches, rather than pubs, it makes a change
  8. I think I will stick with a Broads Drone
  9. its when he starts saying aarh, aarh then you know he has switched to Autopirate
  10. right , part collected, back to work, a quick hour in the car park and i now have the belt on, because it was a brand new belt, the tensioner, even right against the stops was a fraction away from making it easy, so struggling I finally got it over the lip of the final pully, then as my indicator repeater had arrived, that got fitted, then a full check, oil, water, washers and tyre pressures, top up the fuel with sunflower oil (5 litres - £4 at asda) and the car is back in tip top condition.
  11. You would have to beat fireman Sam to answer and bag the week though.
  12. I have downloaded the official volvo route for the d5 engine on the v70 from 2001-2006, lets just hope the belt is the correct length for the official route. more importantly I have the T60 torx socket needed for the tensioner, which caused me problems when the belt came off previously, most torx sets come with sockets up to T50 so finding the T60 wasnt easy.
  13. Not a great start to my day, 2/3 of the way to work when the battery warning light pops on, pull over to the side of the road, and I have shredded the serpentine belt, remove belt from pulleys and carry on driving to work, making sure all lights etc are turned off to slow down battery drain, parts company contacted and part will be available from 11 am as it needed to be ordered in. so I know what I will be doing later on today.
  14. i'm not sure why the engine kept stuttering, or why at the end i couldnt change the sound off the gunfire one, once i got it home it of course behaved impeccably, maybe it was just a loose connection
  15. you will probably want to turn the sound down on the first one as the noise is resonating through the camera mount
  16. well having an hour or two to spare i took the model to the local boating pool, the noise does lessen when the boat is in the water, i took 2 videos, one on shore and one on the boat, and if any more proof was needed that the noise is generated through the boat, then the on board camera is the proof, with the noise beint transmitted to the camera through the mount. i also found that a flat is required on the motor shaft as by the end it had worked loose and was slipping. one more thing i noticed was that at full power i was getting the motor cutting out momentarily, i'm not sure what is causing this at the moment, but i will track it down, its not the speed control overloaded as thats a 30 amp one, i might try a different one if it continues. just to compare.
  17. my dad has just had to replace his james hoover, he got a henry to replace it as it had decided to smoke heavily (as in thick electrical magic smoke*). when he checked back in his records to when he bought it, it was 31 years ago, and cost £129, the replacement henry was only £99 * all electrical items contain magic smoke to make them work, if you release the magic smoke they stop working. Dave, Ali is allowed to hug me if she wants to. i dont bite.
  18. the bar is only stopping the cv mount pivoting, it cant rotate in the direction of twist. i have done another test, measuring the current draw, previously it had been around 0.7A flat out, remeasuring has brought this down to 0.4A current draw, for me this means a source of drag on the motor has been reduced. the current in the water will be higher as the prop will be moving water against resistance, but i do hope to see an improvement in performance. a current draw of double, ie 1A, would give a run time of about 5 hours before the battery dropped to 50% charge.
  19. for tight corners i find a sanding attachment on a multitool is effective.i have a nice parkside cordless one that works very well, plus it can saw in tight corners too, not orbital. at home i have a dry vax large collection large filter jobbie i got for a few quid at the boot fair, it connects to most of my tools (i made a reducer to fit the bandsaw, and it sucks most of the dust away.
  20. she is a little quieter, but i need to put her in the water to really see.
  21. here is the drive line, complete with rc car cv joint, the angle of this is adjustable. also shown is the prop shaft support, this had to be moved down approximately 0.5mm or less to get perfect alignment
  22. Well when i was testing the model i thought the prop shaft was a bit stiff, so today in a problem solving state of mind the propulsion system was stripped down, thoroughly cleaned in an ultrasonic cleaner and tested, i did notice some points of wear on the prop shaft, these were situated at the bearing surfaces at the ends of the prop shaft itself, nothing major, but very slight scuff marks, these were sanded off with a fine wet and dry paper. following this the prop shaft was re-installed and it was during this i noticed the shaft wasnt cleanly entering into the shaft support, it was only by a mere fraction, but the support is glued into the hull, so a large punch was used to push the support further through by the fraction that was needed, and the part reglued into position after testing. every other component (the model car cv joint) was then re-examined and tested to try and find where it was being tight or noisy, strangely with so much metal contact points in the cv assembly, when run independently, it was whisper quiet, all the noise is being generated in the prop shaft itself, and support. i think the noise is mainly where it is being amplified by the hull out of the water, once its in the water and boxed in by the roof and cockpit decking it should quiet down somewhat.
  23. is that a drink in a book storage facility Polly?
  24. was that what caused the bang and engine stop?
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