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Everything posted by grendel

  1. stupidity in extremis, I had one explode in the van, pieces of battery and acid were flung in a 10m + radius, I was fortunate, in that I was inside the van and the battery in the engine compartment, it exploded when I turned the starter key, after it had been charging.
  2. Well its still 28 degrees in the workshop, but the doors are united with the frame, the whole lot will need trimming to length one it has been trial fitted.
  3. anyone who complains about Royal Tudor will probably be handed a ball of putty and sent onboard to stop up the leaks
  4. running a cable in conduit derates the capacity the cable can carry, as it cannot cool as effectively as it would in air, as does running multiple cables in close proximity to each other.
  5. I have one of these, though the resistor isnt enclosed.
  6. It will already be under way when the moon rises, not 100% that we will see a total eclipse this far north, I would have to check that.
  7. right I can finally post some pictures of the big day - taken during the times I wasnt helming
  8. my apologies, in my defence I have been playing catchup trying to read all the threads since my return from the broads yesterday
  9. OK Mod Hat on, I request that this deviation of the post stop to let it return to the OP's holiday tale. the deviation has taken a unpleasant turn
  10. right , we have had our little diversion from the thread, so we will leave Cal to proceed with his holiday tale on this thread. sorry about that Cal, and back to you.
  11. well we could ban all topics mentioning the BA, but since they are integral to the Broads and their decisions affect all of us we tend to give the posts discussing them a bit more leeway, we would of course be happy if the membership showed more self restraint when posting, but many a time when we ask for more restraint the cry goes up that peoples views are being stifled. how do we please everyone ? as the authority are unlikely to sponsor us they are considered fair game for criticisms, and to be fair we usually hear from supporters as well as detractors in those threads.
  12. Mod hat firmly on There is a good reason we dont allow criticism of businesses on this forum. The businesses concerned do read the forum, the BA do read the forum, many people read the forum. Our view is this - if you have an issue with a business, contact them and give them the opportunity to fix it, the measure of a good business is not that it has no problems, but its how they fix any problems that come up. Secondly this forum exists due to the sponsorship provided by many broads based businesses, if we allow attacks on businesses we may lose that sponsorship or a potential future sponsor, if that happens the forum closes. so the TOS state no attacking or bad mouthing businesses. on name and shame we have a similar policy, no naming individuals (or by association to boat names) who have had the misfortune to get stuck on a bridge or run aground etc, particularly via photographs where the individuals are clearly identifiable or the boat name is prominently visible, this is to protect their dignity, if you had messed up and run aground you would be mortified if it went out in a post, so if you wouldnt like it, think of the other person before you post it. lastly, moderators can have their own opinions too, if we want to post as a moderator we should (if we remember) post the mod hat on statement at the start of the post, with this statement we are indicating that the post has status as a moderation instruction, and that if you ignore it, you may run foul of the moderator team. The other thing to remember is common courtesy, something that we see eroded even in real life sadly these days. Thank you for your attention.
  13. :well I am knackered, at the stage I can barely move. We have had a busy day,I was up at 5 am checking the bilge pumps, then it was getting things ready, fixing the leaky cooling hose and a full engine test. Then we moved cars around, some at Statham, and then back to martham. Fill guns water tank go level her up. We then found from the bridge marker on Martha's slippage that there was 6 foot eight at the bridge. This is a once in a very blue moon event, so if was decided we had to go. It may have been the only chance to get her through. So we went for it. This has been ably described above. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  14. We have a couple of spares to hand Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  15. Welcome Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  16. 5.30 am and the pump is still fairly regular. I arrived late last night to assist in the babysitting of RT we are considering options for the bridge passage. Now off to time that pump. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  17. I did wonder how long it would be after seeing the photo of him sitting on the bow earlier.
  18. grendel

    Electric Boat

    do hoseasons do cottages, maybe he could transfer his booking to one of those and only incur the transfer fee?
  19. if a member asks to be removed from the forum, we oblige that request under gdpr, and are unable to comment on individual cases.
  20. I have a roll of the silicon sealing tape in the car, got it for the car, but I have the new hose now.
  21. can it be fixed with a gasket or does it need brazing?
  22. looks like a slight water leak on the engine, just trying to work out where it is.
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