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Everything posted by grendel

  1. some of mine here and some in the original meet thread (in the events section.)
  2. well apparently you can.
  3. I think its American norty word filters on the forum, so you probably cant say bobs your uncle and fannys your aunt either
  4. dont forget folks - the donate button is just under the adverts on the right
  5. the other point to remember is that any transport into Great yarmouth on the 16th will be very busy as it is one of the airshow days, so unless you are going specifically for the airshow, it might be a day to avoid Great Yarmouth.
  6. more a question of adding supporting braces mid span.
  7. third rule of tinkering - take a photo before you remove everything
  8. Ok so I know I said it was the last roof beam, but I am proceeding to make a couple of spares, just because.
  9. I still feel sorry for any hirers who may never have heard of this and suddenly encounter 90 people in the water, who may have little experience to know how to react in the situation. I know that when I was at the wheel of Janet 3 from Martham boats I found it very difficult to hear anything people were shouting to me from other boats, so I hope the safety boats are able to make the situation clear to any boats approaching the swimmers.
  10. Well looking at the organisers page - https://broadsswimming.co.uk/about/ it would appear to still be going ahead, with 3 waves of 30 swimmers, well lower numbers of swimmers will make life a bit easier.
  11. Where did you get that clip of Griff?
  12. darn it, I just have my hard boots and safety hat.
  13. well that could be fun if they all turn up at 9.30 expecting a bridge lift.
  14. might be worth sending the photos to the BA to say that 2 swimmers were obstructing the river making it unsafe for boats to proceed.
  15. So is this still going ahead, its all gone very quiet, has the water testing happened, as it is now less than a month from the event I would hope everything has been finalised.
  16. Too true, facebook is no substitute for a decent forum, it can happily run alongside, but the purposes of the two are not the same, facebook is all about the now, - just try and find something posted even as long as a few hours ago, whereas Forums are for the long term where you can search and easily find information.
  17. It could be down to the fact they are expecting huge crowds to the airshow that weekend.
  18. We used to have a seperate section for each of the different boat types, but we had complaints that there were too many different sections, which made navigation difficult, this is compounded by the advent of the mobile apps, where things would get extremely complicated if we were to have too may sections, so I think for now starting a seperate thread for each type of boat in the general discussion sub section of the boats section (or technical if it is a technical matter) as it becomes necessary will keep things simple.
  19. Loony X - perfect for the certified forum idiot
  20. plus think of the hazard it would have presented to the swimmers should that be going ahead.
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