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Everything posted by grendel

  1. looked at from a different point of view, boatyards have waste bins, these are commercial waste paid for by the boatyard, while a majority will be from their own hire boats, there must also be waste from other boatyards and indeed privateers. As such they are paying for the disposal of their hirers waste, so part of the hire cost will be apportioned for those charges. now assuming all boatyards are paying rates for their waste disposal of their hirers (presumably by the numbers of boats they have on hire) then technically, the waste of hirers has been paid for already (wherever it is disposed of) only private boats dont have a dedicated place to dispose of their rubbish, but that is household waste not commercial. since the commercial waste is covered by the boatyards, on balance all that remains is household waste from private boats, which the council have a duty to remove. if you allow that all boatyard waste (including some from private boats) is paid up commercial waste, then surely balanced out the waste bins elsewhere are on the whole private boat waste (with the odd amount of hire boat waste) by this argument bins not located at a boatyard should be treated as household waste. (as they should be just waste from private boats not based at a yard)
  2. which was why I suggested a reduced rate for the boat waste as it is part household, part commercial, this is the only solution I see as being acceptable for all parties concerned ( or should I say least unacceptable) as it makes allowance for some of the waste being household.
  3. so all private boats waste should be treated as household waste, and all hire boat waste as commercial waste, so a private boat leaving its waste at a bin point should have it removed and a hire boats waste left at the same bin should have it charged at commercial rate at the cost of the landowner - short of placing locked bins for private boats and providing them with a combination, I dont see how the classification as commercial waste can be proven, so it should surely be removed at an agreed rate lower than the commercial rate to allow for a proportion of private boat waste.
  4. depends if the Parishioners are disposing of the visitors as waste.
  5. I do hope that its not too warm, and that the bridge mechanism works as it should.
  6. just throwing a thought out (just because I dont know the answer) - in a national park, who is responsible for rubbish generated by tourism?
  7. there is always bewilderwood.
  8. Ah, I went to the other one then, quite near the town centre on the North side.
  9. It may just be because we were all at the meet in Salhouse last weekend, so not so many of us out this weekend (or that those who are out have headed south.
  10. Whew, mad panic over, I had the page open elsewhere so was able to fix it from my other computer. All fixed.
  11. Sorry everyone I seem to have broken something on the unread content page, please bear with us until we get it fixed.
  12. if its the Premier inn I went to its quite a way up under a fair few bridges, so I wouldnt expect many boats to pass.
  13. my ex managed to break the head off of the soup dragon from the clangers.
  14. I dont know Charlie, I had several sets including one on the motorbike and one in my shed, I cant remember why it dropped into obscurity, I just stopped using it.
  15. I think CB died with the coming of the mobile phone, that took over that niche in communications.
  16. I found just the same with the eggs and the boatyard frying pan, but on the flip side it cleans off ok, I take a little 1 egg pan with me, so used that afterwards.
  17. its worth trying to clear your cache, generally this involves pressing f12 - ignore the bits that appear either at the right or bottom of the page, then right click the reload button and choose clear cache and hard reload, then see if the tos still returns.
  18. Another steamed part out of the former, and another steamed and in the former.
  19. thinking about it GDPR is a european thing, so maybe thats the issue, but I dont see why its not accepting the fact you have accepted the new tos.
  20. it may well be, but it could be changes in ip address as well.
  21. well you could give it a try, however the android app uses its own set of emoji's so the forum ones may not display correctly when viewed, we are looking at it, but short of losing the current forum emojis theres not an easy solution.
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