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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I think he would be made very welcome here, and as a member nobody would then be allowed to post personal abusive posts toward him (the moderators would see to that), whether he can withstand the levels of constructive criticism that we would generate is a different matter. being fair to the forum, most criticism here is constructive, in that we give the reasoning behind the criticism, if JP were here and paid attention to the criticism, then I am sure we could get the broads to be a place where everyone wins. Mel was made welcome, she left again on advice from her supporters, because the constructive criticism was either not what she / they wanted to hear, or just that she / they did not want to hear of the potential problems or answer the questions, but thats another issue and way off this topic.
  2. pull/ trip the breaker/ fuse for the heating.
  3. 'Broads' is probably a blocked search on most schools internet access.
  4. the very shape of the available plot does not lend itself to an extensive building, comprising of two narrow legs at right angles to each other, the area where the existing toilet block is about the best, but that leaves nowhere to park the coaches they expect to bring the children. in fact checking on the land registry there is an error in the plan shown, in as much as there is a strip of unregistered land extending across the access road to the full width of the access road behind the existing shop leaving just a couple of metre wide strip joining the BA land between the road and the council land, unlike the plan shown below where that unregistered land appears to have been claimed by the BA
  5. Its in the opening paragraph of the competition brief and under the key components section you are correct though that watersports are not mentioned.
  6. you can always hire from Marthams if you want to cruise above Potter Bridge, with the added bonus that their boats all fit through the bridge anyway
  7. and the Pro BA lobby revving up at the lights. seriously, I have seen some good ideas (and a few not so good) put forward so far on this thread. It seems to me the BA are a victim of their own choices, when they do something well - they do it very well, but when they mess up, they also do that very well. the staff on the ground are without doubt their biggest and best asset, its just that at the higher levels (like many companies with great staff) the upper management seem to be out of touch with reality, at least some of the time.
  8. Ah you mean the grand estuary origins
  9. or this phone with picture buttons and a cordless handset https://www.amazon.co.uk/Geemarc-Amplidect-295-Corded-Telephone-Answering-White/dp/B079Z5T5RV/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1525856158&sr=8-8&keywords=cordless+big+button+phones
  10. how big do the buttons need to be, you can get these mobiles -http://www.3wisemonkeys.co.uk/audio/phones/big-button-mobile-phone/denver-big-button-gsp-120-senior-mobile-phone-with-sos-quick-call-button-sim-free-unlocked-torch-radio/
  11. The original topic was hire boats sailing at night, not angling. there have been enough comments already about the wisdom / or not of doing that, lets not start getting angling muddled up in it all. we all know what the BA say about that, so no need to wind each other up over it too. If you want to fish, do so in a considerate manner, if you want to boat, do so in a considerate manner, and if you want to chat on a forum, likewise do so in a considerate manner.
  12. right, steamed part taken out of the jig, and it straightened - too much, it needs the curve to be the thickness of the wood tighter, second one steaming, this will be given an extra 10 minutes in the steam box - 30 minutes in total then we will see how the curve comes out, if that doesnt work, a tighter former will be needed.
  13. I think JM has a point here, an educational centre right next to the water has to be a health and safety nightmare, will the kids learn, surely they will, but some may well learn that the water is cold and that they cannot swim.
  14. the reason not to cover is that the wood needs to breath, but storage out of the weather will help keep it nicer, +1 on the danish Oil
  15. Will Hotel Boat BA be available from Friday Night?
  16. well at least we will know if you 'accidentally' fall down the stairs too, that the stairgate and Stannah stair lift were needed
  17. To be fair Griff, one short plank will probably yield enough timber for all that lot, with some to spare, I do have the tooling now to convert it into the requisite sizes / thicknesses.
  18. Charlie I still have a lump 5" x 1 1/4" about 2 foot long. so not doing too bad. If you have an odd bit about 36" long I could use it to make the rubbing strakes, I can use the bit I have but it will need a scarf joint.
  19. John, 2 finished models, 1 for me and 1 for Charlie. time wise I think I can safely say 30 minutes a day average, and it will be 2 years building later this year.
  20. I dont really have the space at the moment to build full size. anyway teak is now been steamed and clamped up, tomorrow I will see how it has taken, whether it springs back too much, needs longer in the steamer (this was nearly 20 minutes).
  21. another change of plan, steaming the teak is going to be a couple of weeks of evenings, so - I have moved the box and the first piece is steaming as I type, in the meantime I will be considering the winch.
  22. Ok decision made, I have cut a series of teak strips, about 5mm x 10mm, these now need to be steamed and bent to make up the roof supports. unfortunately as I have started getting together a box of essentials for the meet weekend, this box is sitting on the workbench I use for steaming. hmm. well I can have a look at redoing the anchor winch, I do have a design for this, but I am wondering if I can do better, playtime...
  23. My day today was popping over to my mother in laws, picking up a spare bannister from one of her neighbours, then fitting it to her stairs so she now has one either side.
  24. I picked up a cheap go pro type camera in a waterproof case, I can set this up to do a time lapse of photos every so many seconds, then create video of the whole. I will be headed up friday after work, so as to be ready bright and early Saturday morning.
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