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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I have to admit there is a glimmer of light on the horizon, a lot of ressearch is going on into new battery chemistries, with some really good looking products being developed, Lithium sulphur was one that i remember, with a good fast charge capability (10 minutes full charge) and cheaper than the current lithium options, its only drawback was an operating temperature over 60C, and other options too are in the pipeline- Graphene/aluminium, was another with fast charge capability- in the realms of supercapacitors.
  2. we dont, but I believe the cards only hold between 1-2 kWh which when you consider the price of electricity can be as much as 34p/kWh sounds about correct as there will be a certain amount as an administration fee built in. from the BA website - https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/facilities/electric-boat-charging-points
  3. Harlech is also a good place for nice steep hills, I remember going up the hill that leads to Harlech castle, and the car we were in ran out of oomph (ok there were 4 people my size on board) 3 of us got out and the driver managed to get going again while we walked the remainder of the way, it felt like walking up a set of stairs (the road are marked with the gradients 25% on the lower half, 20% on the upper section, then there is of course the other road from the castle - you are only allowed to drive down this one as its one way, not certain i would want to try driving up it.
  4. yes, they dont understand that everyone (especially the elderly) dont have smart phones that can do video calls for diagnosis, it especially concerns me that they constantly send me texts containing links to this course to help your condition, or that course, when all I see in my sms message is a page full of garbage that is way too long to try and correctly type into a browser (and the main reason I dont do a smart phone is the screen is way to small to read, unless I am wearing my reading glasses (that i dont carry when out and about))
  5. certainly, I laugh at the memory every time now, certainly its not something I will ever repeat.
  6. it is a diesel and only 2.0 litre, red line is at 4000 rpm
  7. my volvo quite comfortably cruises at 70mph in 6th gear, at a mere 2100rpm (and very nearly manages 50mpg- 49.8mpg is the best I have actually managed)
  8. can I just point out that your belt is on backwards as you cant read it from the front of the vehicle
  9. all I will say here is, dont cut a 20 foot steel pole that is vertical with a 2.5kW 9" grinder, when you finally cut through the weight of the pole drops onto the grinder disc, at this point the disc stops (the grinder and passenger hanging onto it carried on going, 4 times round the pole). luckily my dad was hanging onto the pole so that didnt land on me too.
  10. looking at the picture, my thought is that it would be far too easy to damage on the bottom on the broads, with less than 1m of depth in places, anything unprotected sticking out of the bottom of the boat is at high risk.
  11. can the mast be lowered for bridges?
  12. oh dear, does that mean the broads authority will start charging for thurne dyke moorings now, I pity the poor ranger cooped up in their new office all day, but for only £1, bargain, so can we all club together for a replacement tourist office at Ranworth, then they wouldnt need to charge there.
  13. what, you didnt try the emporium of tat that is Lathams, they actually doo have some decent cooking pans
  14. we are currently in the position that even new developments are not allowed to apply for spare capacity for future use, the energy regulator has been blocking the ability to add a bit on for future EV charging for decades, the energy suppliers havent even been able to future proof their networks by adding extra capacity in new and replacement substations, so an 800kVA substation is upgraded to supply more capacity, and the energy regulator will only allow the providers to add just that needed capacity, so someone wants 200kVA more than the substation is rated for, they get allowed to upgrade the 800 to 1000, whereas they may know that the area will soon need an extra 1000kva, so they could have changed the transformer for a 2000kva one and allowed for future expansion, but no, thats not allowed,. then the government announce they want everyone to change over to ev's, and wonder why the infrastructure is not there for charging (and wont be until well after their deadline for changeover has long passed) substation manufacturers are working flat out now, the lead time on a transformer is 3-4 months from order, the bigger the transformer- the longer the lead time, at national grid level it takes years to get a transformer built. if every home needs a charger, that will double the capacity required at a minimum. I just dont see the electricity supply industry having the capacity to accomplish this work in decades, let alone a few years. we dont have the manpower, we dont have the supply chain, at the moment even cable is on a long lead time.
  15. I believe you hold an exemption certificate.
  16. so for example you cant link to a post on that forum that links the location of the tide table, but you could post the direct link to it.
  17. you mean the official norfolk broads forum, well we can say the name (just dont cross post between the forums or link to any content between them, as we do frown upon that). (Looks over shoulder, to see if any of the rest of the mod team noticed)
  18. has anyone noticed the trend, first petrol drivers were encouraged to get diesel as it was greener and more economical- until enough people had taken it up, then it was decided it wasnt greener, now we are being encouraged to buy EV's as they are greener and cost less to run (well until the price of electricity went through the roof anyway) yet it is well known that the production of the batteries is hardly a green process........
  19. to go back to MM's thick cable, its clear to me that this is the 12v, because if it had been the 240V wire that suddenly reconnected, then there would have been no flashing lights at all on the Victron as it would have been without power, therefore it must be the 12V side.
  20. thats the table for pirates.
  21. grendel

    New Boat!

    the master was master mate, there was barnabas, willy, and tom the cabin boy, just out of interest the author did successfully sue several newspapers over their claims of double entendres over the character names. though despite this the myth of the names has perpetuated down through history. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Pugwash
  22. grendel

    New Boat!

    I dont believe you will find any of the common misconceptions over names in captain pugwash to be correct, at least thats what the author told me when I chatted to him one day many years back, when he allowed me to park in his driveway by the castle in rye, lovely gent.
  23. step 1 check that the shore power hasnt tripped out or run out of credit. or that the plug for the charger has been turned off or unplugged. its obvious your batteries are now low, so the second step is get some charge into them, this may entail running the engine. step 3 offer libations / chocolate cake for anyone who will come round and assist in diagnosing the problem.
  24. it certainly makes it easier not to break the name or shame tos on the forum (unless we can read the reg number)
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