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Everything posted by grendel

  1. This is most of my data storage, 13 Tb on the Synology hubs ( that's 26 Tb of hard drive running a raid array so everything is automatically backed up) alongside is another 6 tb of old hard drives, plus some other hard drives sitting on top and alongside, most of the spare hard drives came out of machines and were replaced with SSD drives, but in general everything gets stored in the network drives. I do have various adaptors to connect different hard drives and copy data onto my network drives. All of my tower machines are currently switched off, to save electricity, at around 250 watts each, whereas the network drives come in at under 50watts each.
  2. if you had been in your back garden at the time the photograph had been taken, then maybe, but as these photos were taken in public on the water, then they do not fall under privacy laws (at least that is my belief)
  3. I think before we get carried away with how the database will be updated, we need to give Dave some time to assimilate what he has and how it works at the moment, and to get a team of database gurus on side to assist him, only then we he be able to consider how updates will happen. the important thing is that the database is safe and its future secure. everything else comes later.
  4. that we dont know what word was meant, all i can think is that if some people cant see any other words it could be- well i dont think i ought to finish that thought or i might have to moderate myself. as moderators we have to look at all possible angles and assume the best intent, rather than judge by the worst intent.
  5. are you certain that the word used was intended to be a swear word? i wasnt, there are any number of words it could have been- Bloomin comes to mind, which is not a swear word, the use of asterisks to me was an attempt to convey the feeling that someone might have if a boat hit them, and as such the word used under the asterisks was irrelevant, it was used to represent a state of mind you could be in following an accident, the exact word was unimportant and could have been different for every person. this is why we look at the context in which the word has been used, its a bit like comic books where a string of symbols is used when a character swears, you know that they have sworn, but there is no word discernible, and no word needed, their state of mind however indicated a need to swear. much in the same way someone would in polite company say fudge, instead of swearing.
  6. its always best to adopt the motorcyclists viewpoint, every one else is out to get you, and they will do the worst possible manoeuvre at the worst possible time.
  7. well it at least draws the eye from the blue pub behind it.
  8. Thread tidied up somewhat and all the boat damage posts and responses tidied into a new thread
  9. I have to admit that i saw the post title and my first thought was that i would have to step in and moderate it, then i read the post and understood the context, and allowed it on this occasion as making the point, use of asterisked out words is always looked upon by the team in context, and in this instance i didnt consider its use as aiming to break or bypass the tos. we always look at these things and discuss them, unless they are out and out violations of the tos, when we will hide the post then discuss.
  10. as the Thurne pub and landowner have to pay to maintain the quay headings, is it fair to them to not cover their costs, one way they lose money on the repair costs, the other way they lose money on the income from the moorings and pub trade, with the costs of everything rising it is unrealistic to expect mooring prices to remain static, after all everywhere else has put their mooring costs up.
  11. catfield staithe, you will soon have all the must visit places up there ticked off
  12. similar here, my dad had a cataract operation, and as it was the only place he had been, we are sure thats where he caught it, my mum came down with it a few days later, yet I have apparently escaped and i drove my dad to his operation (i did wisely stay in the car outside while i waited). of course it may just be that i caught it but an one of the lucky few that had no symptoms.
  13. i still remember the guy at rockland telling everyone who arrived how to steer their boats into the gap and how you cant steer in reverse, only to have charlie on BA reverse down the dyke and swing into a space the same width as BA easy as you please, while this guy just stood at the bow of his boat with mouth wide open.
  14. or is it one of the wild moorings on the way to west somerton, just after dungeon corner
  15. due to the wooden boat communities nature, a temporary fix has been accomplished which has got the boat owner back on the water for the rest of this season, I do like the way that under difficult circumstances the boating community can come together and resolve problems like this, and you can be certain that other work was put to one side to get the owner back on the water. over winter a full repair will need to be done, while the boat is out for regular maintenance.
  16. here in kent we received a torrential downpour for just under an hour last night, I cant be the only one who went out and stood in it rejoicing in getting absolutely soaked.
  17. it was still 30 degrees and uncomfortably warm when I tried to go to sleep last night, as a result i slept with a fan blowing directly onto mme, and slept well, since then it has returned to 28 degrees inside nad out, but at least the fans are blowing cool, yesterday they were just shifting the hot air round.
  18. when you step into a 31 degree hot tub and it feels refreshingly cool, then you know its hot, while i was working the temperature steadily climbed, then at 3pm i headed for the cool hot tub, meanwhile in the upstairs the temperature hit 35.6 deg, the thermometer in direct sun was reading 52 degrees' its lowly cooling, with 4 fans blowing upstairs is getting cooler, back to 33 at the moment.
  19. now 33.4 in my home office, 37.2 outside
  20. I am sitting here, and every time I look at the thermometer, its gone up, 36.3 outside, 32.2 inside, phew
  21. certainly setting out to be hot here, already 34 outside with 4 more hours of getting hotter in store, indoors already at 30.6, one cold shower down, i currently have 4 fans, 3 of which are those chillmax ones, that also mist water, thats not cutting it and i have a spray bottle of water that gets sprayed into the fans, this cools me for several seconds, until the water evaporates again. I hung a wet towel in the bathroom window to cool the air coming in, thats already dried and been rewetted
  22. I would imagine the temperature in the kitchens was through the roof, a very hot day coupled with the heat of the cookingi can envisage it easily in the mid 40's, and the landlord will have a responsibility towards his staffs welfare.
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