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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. It is TPTV on freesat - channel 306. Brilliant.
  2. A brave man admitting to getting stuck on Breydon and also for telling us the reason for it. As JM said, it’s all too easy to take your eye off the ball. Glad it all turned out ok and without any drama too by the sounds of it.
  3. Roy’s will slice a loaf for you if you ask them.
  4. I think that’s unusual, normally I find that people with dogs (like us) are always ready to exchange a greeting. Some of the latest boats have very dark tinted windows and it can be difficult to actually see anyone inside at the helm unless the window is open and the helmsman is hanging out! They still get a wave anyway.
  5. I thought it was grendel that does that top-up loan advert on tv.
  6. Sticking plasters grrrrr! Once upon a time you took a plaster from a box, or even a flat, red tin (anyone remember the old Elastplast tins?) take off the flap either end and put it wherever needed. Nowadays you cut yourself prepping veggies, get the box, probably have to tear off one plaster container from all the others. You then have to get in the little sealed envelope thingy to extract the plaster itself. By the time you have done all that and got the darn thing ready, you will probably have lost a quart or so of blood. I know it’s all ever so hygienic etc but, boy, do they annoy me!
  7. I can’t imagine Robin doing/buying anything without going into it all as thoroughly as he possibly could, particularly when he plans to live on the boat. No doubt he will reveal all in due course although, if he tells us where he will be moored, he will have folk queuing up for a cuppa (or a beer!).
  8. We are both with Tesco Mobile which uses the O2 network. No major problems anywhere on the Broads, one or two ‘lazy’ spots but a shift of position normally sorts that. I have given up taking my iPad and mobile hotspot with me now having invested in an iPhone 6s which does all I need it to. Signals have improved vastly over the last few years.
  9. I think there is a planning application somewhere. From memory, they are extending the store into the car park and the old hotel site will become the new car park. I don’t think I dreamt that........!
  10. Google ‘boats for sale norfolk broads’, loads of websites come up.
  11. With sincere apologies to Moosey, another thread hijacked!
  12. And I bet we all considered ourselves lucky kids too, how different things are today! Mostly taken for granted too I’ll bet.
  13. Thank you for the explanation guys, Beccles will be well off for food+ shops what with the Aldi there too. I like Beccles a lot, I think if I was to move to the Broads I would look seriously for somewhere there.
  14. I think some of us are showing our ages! In the late 60s we had storage heaters installed in our house. What bliss they were giving out heat in places where before there was none. I still think you can’t beat an open fire, be it coal or logs (preferably the latter) or even a woodburner although that’s a debate going on elsewhere I believe.
  15. I can’t quite work out where the store will be, can you explain it in relation to the river/moorings?
  16. How very true, that last bit. I think it is a mindset that you must have a shower every day otherwise you will smell! Nowt wrong with a kettle of hot water and a flannel. It’s surprising how far a tank of water will stretch when it is not wasted. Oh yes, a kettle is also very useful for boiling water for washing up too.
  17. Now I didn’t know that, thank you for the clarification. How do these jets work? The noise (which was intermittent like you hear a bow thruster make) didn’t sound like a generator. I can’t keep up with all these new fangled toys, seems every year someone has come up with something new! Mind you, if that ‘electric’ boat was anything to go by, I guess maybe they have gone back to the drawing board in that particular instance.
  18. A short while ago, we were moored down Fleet Dyke when we heard a rather noisy boat approaching. When I looked at the name of it as it passed, it turned out to be Whisper Emblem. Very odd I thought until I realised that the guy helming was using the bow thruster to steer! (I’m sure it wouldn’t have been any of the posters here as it was a little while ago.) It’s not the first time we have heard a bow thruster being used for steering but it does make me think that the hire companies must be forever having to replace them. This time it did make the name of the boat a tad wrong!!
  19. It is this sort of manoeuvre that made me start the ‘what would you tell a new hirer’ thread. I think if this was included there would be far less frustrated holidaymakers able to leave a mooring safely. Also happier private boaters as I suspect quite a few of us have been bumped by boats trying to leave a mooring by going forward alongside, sometimes with tide and wind!
  20. I guess Burgh Castle moorings will fall into the 'steel' category. There is less than half of the original moorings available now and I can't see the EA repairing the section that has been closed off. It will surely only be a matter of time before what is left goes the same way. When we passed Turntide Jetty a couple of weeks ago, it looked as if some of the new piling (on the Berney side) is already falling apart. Anybody else noticed it? I suppose the BA will want more tolls money for repair to that if I have got it right.
  21. I love happy endings! You can never actually replace a dog that has become part of your life but you do find that the awful gap left is somehow being filled again. I wish you and Boris many, many happy years together and I really hope he becomes a 'broads' Boris.
  22. There are some great posts here and I too think Vaughan has the ideal induction method. My thought when I first introduced this topic was to perhaps have something that first time hirers could look at and have a little idea of what to expect. Wussername's post really made me smile as I can well imagine some of that happening. We all started somewhere and probably made a hash of it, some of us still do!
  23. And that, I reckon, sums it all up nicely!
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