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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. I think the eaves have been like that for a while now, certainly the two tone appearance was like that in July and last month. I was wondering if the owner was trying to make up his mind which colour to finish it!
  2. Oooh, I think I noticed four stinkies on the move in that video. Along with 5,389 yachts and 4,617 SUPs. (Do you think someone is trying to make a point? I rather think if anyone came to the Broads expecting the rivers and lakes (!!) to be exactly like that might be a tad disappointed. I know it’s not meant to be a tourist promotion video but it may well attract some folk who want something different.
  3. I just wondered why boatyards, marinas and hire boat yards didn’t get a mention. Are they not stakeholders?
  4. Interesting little YouTube video here which shows the Broads stakeholders..............
  5. PaulMargaret - did you see grendel’s post on your 2nd day thread? There are several NBN members travelling south tomorrow and they have asked if you would like to tag along with them. You couldn’t get better guides than those guys.
  6. I think you may already have left Potter? Latham’s would have been the ideal place to pick up extra bedding cheaply. Not sure what Acle has these days but it’s a fair walk from the Acle Bridge moorings.
  7. I’m with Lulu on this, a fleece blanket over a duvet traps the heat in. Hot water bottles in the bed before retiring. From things I have read, you may need to run the engine to start the heating system up but then it should run quite happily without the engine. If the batteries are well charged, there should be no need to run the engine.
  8. Good claims to fame there Andy. Lots of good advice PaulMargaret, bet your heads are swimming by now!
  9. No pub near enough is there?
  10. Think you left yourself wide open for those comments Cap’n!
  11. Many boaters cross Breydon on their first Broads trip, it’s really not scary as YnsMon and Jayfire have said. You still have 10 (?) days left to enjoy and the southern rivers will be much quieter than the north. Plenty of places to practice new skillls. Just plan your crossings (both there and back!) and follow the guidance given. Have you had time to have a good look at the Skipper’s Manual yet? Usually plenty of advice in there.
  12. Now there’s one fantastic daughter! That’s my idea of a food parcel too.
  13. If you want to stop at GY, the Yacht Station rangers are extremely good and will shout directions to you if necessary then help you moor up safely. Are you thinking about crossing Breydon and going south?
  14. If the water is flowing in and you are coming down the Bure, you have no need to turn so it’s a straightforward mooring. (I think a lot of people do get caught out by having to turn just before the bridges if it’s necessary.) Coming south to north with the flow, it’s not quite so bad as you would turn upstream of the YS. Bear in mind the YS guys are there to help and I frequently hear how good they are.
  15. In nearly 40 years of boating, we have only stopped at GYYS twice. It’s not the most pleasant mooring on the Broads! I remember going through in our early hire years and seeing boats moored at least 9ft below the quay heading. Things have improved vastly in more recent years but, like a lot of people, I would far rather carry on up the Bure or cross Breydon straight away. I can see why GY is a draw for younger visitors however, although with pub chuckout time now so early perhaps it’s not so popular at present?
  16. Will you be able to wait until then? I expect Seren thinks it’s for her!
  17. We’ll always know you as Gracie even if you do try and change! Hope your day improves.
  18. Is that before or after you’ve moored up? (Is yours the boat that can be seen on HW webcam? The one that’s always at an angle to all the others.........)
  19. Let’s stick to booze and Cap’n, it’s safer!
  20. Wrong surely? Shouldn’t the list be: Tools Christmas Items Bakery Christmas Items Booze Christmas Items Booze Christmas Items Booze etc etc etc
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