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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. If the road to the back of you is starting to flood, is there any chance of you becoming an ‘island’? Sounds like it could be an exciting (?) visit if you decide to stay.
  2. Try ‘boat stuck under Potter Heigham Bridge’
  3. Apparently a boat got stuck under PH bridge earlier this morning, think it may have been one of Martham’s. Grendel will no doubt be able to confirm. There is a YouTube video of the extraction, a case of ‘you push and I’ll pull’!
  4. That’s the setup on our boat, don’t you use either inverter or shore power?
  5. You can also join the Friends of Hardley Mill. Only a small annual subscription which helps the renovations and maintenance. Each June, not this year for some reason there is a bbq at the mill which is usually very well attended.
  6. Can you tell us prices Mouldy please?
  7. vanessan

    Thank You

    You certainly had the good and the bad, glad the bad hasn’t put you off! It was good to hear a happy tale.
  8. I much prefer Polkey’s now to Berney Arms, I’m not sure why! We have to lift our two little dogs off but it’s worth it as they are lovely walks along the river bank either way.
  9. I’ve given your post a ‘like’ CC but I have to admit that I’m not sure how such e-thingies work!
  10. I know exactly where you are moored Satchmo and I think your boat will be subject to a lot of wash from passing boats. The rowing club safety boats go round that wide bend creating quite substantial wash at times, as do many other boats. I think the above is what grendel means? I do hope you manage to sort it all out.
  11. Volunteers always welcome Sam.........😁
  12. Social media has an awful lot to answer for! (But it does have so many uses too.)
  13. Forum members supplied photos for the calendar. It does take a lot of work and organisation and it may already be too late to do it this year.
  14. I have no idea who is responsible for putting it there but I was amazed to find it still there earlier this month. I first saw it in early July and for it to still be there more than two months later is some achievement! I too would be interested in a bit more information.
  15. vanessan


    When looking at the Broom luxury boats earlier today, I noticed that they can be booked for December. At least two other companies are offering boats for November so it seems the season will certainly end later than usual. (Mr and Mrs Nog may find themselves with plenty of company in December if they’re on the water then.)
  16. It’s a male pursuit. Your wife’s task is to make all the decisions as to: which way to go where to moor which pubs to visit when you should put the kettle on when you should pour her a glass of wine what takeaway you should order when you should wash up With all these difficult decisions to make, you surely wouldn’t expect her to assist you in the easy matter of helming the boat would you!
  17. The details on the website for these boats do say that they cannot navigate the Ant or Chet and ‘some smaller Broads’ - whatever the latter means. I would assume therefore that there would be something on the boat itself as a reminder. Is that a recent picture do you know?
  18. That list is quite interesting. I wonder what the crew of one of those big Brooms would say if challenged about being in Langley or Rockland Short Dykes because they frequently are!
  19. That’s exactly what I was going to add. Serve food on a cold plate and that food is going to lose its heat very quickly. There is one exception to this rule - salad! 😆
  20. vanessan

    Hit And Run..

    It has just occurred to me that the registration of the culprit boat is only two digits out from that movie about a U boat! (Good thing the helm didn’t think he had torpedoes on board!)
  21. vanessan

    Hit And Run..

    The whole film clip is quite long. The story is that the boat had turned at the bridge but had insufficient room to fully complete the turn. It ‘nudged’ the other boat a couple of times to allow completion of the turn and then continued on its way. That’s my understanding of it anyway. I did wonder initially if it was an inexperienced helm just getting it wrong but, looking at the video again, I’m not so sure.
  22. LondonGuy - you have lots of questions (sensible ones too!) so I think it would be useful if we knew the time of year you were visiting and what boat you will be on. That could help members give you more appropriate replies I think. 🙂
  23. vanessan

    Hit And Run..

    I don’t see anything controversial at all in that post, it’s all common sense. I know we have returned to our boat and found damage before now, luckily nothing too drastic. I would be extremely grateful for any witness with details to help me.
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