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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Hire boat is passing on the wrong side.
  2. Here we go - this first shot might be difficult but then again maybe not:
  3. JM is at the top of the mast so it’s not that!
  4. None whatsoever around where we live either. Just look after each other, if one of you gets it from the other at least you’ll know its pedigree! 😷
  5. Instructions/advice is emanating from all corners in respect of what to do if you have COVID19 symptoms, ie isolate yourself. Nowhere have I seen any advice on how to treat your symptoms ie how to bring your temperature down or what you can take for the cough. I think it would be nice to have some guidance.
  6. I can conjure up more, just a bit of subtle cropping required. Watch this space. 😉
  7. Mr Nog didn’t actually suggest, he discounted Polkey’s but it is indeed there. Well done Mr Nog and Helen.
  8. Welcome to the forum. Bet you can’t wait for May!
  9. No. This is another part of the picture:
  10. They’ll be damned if they do and damned if they don’t, and that applies to any decisions now and into the future. We mere mortals can only follow the advice given and just hope the ‘experts’ have got it right. Only problem is there seems to be an awful lot of experts!
  11. I remember we were trying to reverse out from a mooring when a boat came up quite fast clearly looking to dive into our spot. Would he give us the room to reverse out, would he heck!! Just kept trying to muscle in. 😤
  12. I know, I know, the rubbish bins are missing!
  13. Of course it was a guess! 😉I think grendel has these pictures open on a huge screen so he can pick up all the obvious discrepancies, on a phone screen things aren’t so clear. Good thread though, thank you David.
  14. I don’t believe it Mr Nog - you’re wrong! Still not woken up?
  15. That’s exactly how we get off a bank when penned in and/or on a windy day. It’s by far the best way and becomes so easy when you have done it a couple of times. Just make sure no one is racing up the river behind you when you pull out!
  16. And long may it stay that way (free of Coronavirus that is).
  17. Well done Liz. My little dog just sat staring at the heron for ages!
  18. There are some very good observations here..............
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