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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. I think I know the answers! Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, has tested positive for coronavirus. We’ll need to protect ourselves. Sadly, I don’t think there is anywhere in the world that is not infected. ☹️
  2. How true (and nicely doctored)! Two questions - Why is hand sanitiser a ‘very brexit problem’ and is there actually anywhere in the world that isn’t coronavirus infected? 🤔
  3. Nice Cap’n. I get the feeling Paul was having a go at me for chipping in when it had all gone quiet but I’m getting used to that feeling. 😉
  4. Sorry to disappoint you lads, I think there’s enough being said about the BA without me adding to it!
  5. A couple of weeks back I was trying to find some hand sanitiser in the shops but of course I couldn’t. I did find a pack of 2 x 30ml handbag size available from Amazon so snapped them up. To my surprise the producer is based just 15 miles from where I live! 🙄
  6. I, for the same reason as WherryNice, will try and keep schtum (is the the right spelling??). I haven’t taken another walk along The Loke yet but I will. I did go up and down a couple of times so I should have gone to Specsavers first obviously!
  7. Participating in Paul’s treasure hunt reminded me what fun google street view can be. If you need a bit of a Broads ‘fix’, have a ‘walk’ around the area and look at some of your favourite places from a different perspective. Being a street view, you won’t see loads of river views (Acle and Ludham bridges are good) but you will see what those villages etc really look like. When we book holiday cottages we always use street view to look at the location of the property and the possible dog walks, it has proved very useful in the past.
  8. So that’s where they all are!!
  9. Don’t know if it’s right yet. Might be a load of old twaddle!
  10. As no one else has come up with anything I will try and complete this. I still think the answer is a telegraph pole with spokes. It is to be found in The Loke Haddiscoe. H = Marillion frontman (Steve Hogarth), addis = mop and coe = olympic baron (Lord Coe).
  11. It’s all to do with the shortage of toilet rolls. Too many eggs are known to cause constipation...................
  12. You could always use a kitchen roll holder. 🙂 I couldn’t find any fresh garlic this morning, I guess somewhere there’s a plethora of red lentil soup flavoured with garlic?
  13. I have had an email from M&S this morning entitled ‘Can you freeze it? Yes you can’. Good ideas and advice but I do wonder if it will encourage more stockpiling! I do hope there’s not going to be masses of wasted fresh food, our supermarkets locally are devoid of a lot of fresh veg and fruit and certainly fresh meat. I have to smile when they say they are limiting customers to three of this and four of that when they haven’t got any anyway.
  14. John - I wouldn’t mind betting that there are some countries that don’t have the luxury of toilet rolls. We, in the ‘civilised’ world take everything we have for granted.
  15. (I think this is one of the best emoticons we have available, a picture says a thousand words!)
  16. Yesterday I noticed our lovely postman was unusually keeping his distance. All these things, such as mentioned in grendel’s and psychicsurveyor’s posts above, should help to remind us all to keep a distance between us.
  17. Sainsbury’s are doing their bit - sort of. Heard on the radio this morning of an elderly gentleman who took advantage of the first hour of opening (6am to 7am) restricted to the vulnerable. Apparently someone opened the doors to all and sundry at 6.30 causing mayhem within a few minutes! Maybe they hadn’t read the script..........
  18. You really shouldn’t presume things, you seem to constantly jump to all sorts of peculiar conclusions!
  19. Would you like to explain why you have directed this to me please?
  20. 11.55am. Post sub = bus stop. Where Old Road meets New Road in Acle there is a bus stop with a clock. Was the clock installed in 2000?
  21. Ok, here is my thinking. If I can remember back to whenever it was. Having decided hot keel was ‘the loke’, I looked on line for a lane or something actually called The Loke. (I know there are lots of lokes in Norfolk.) The only one I could find is in Beighton, not far from Acle. Using google street view, as I believe we are allowed to do, I took a walk down The Loke and came across a telegraph pole complete with spokes coming looming out of a hedge. Now the new clues have thrown me as my thinking is clearly adrift.
  22. If this was a telephone purchase, the buyer must have had the three security numbers from the back of the card. I do wonder about the security of buying something over the phone where you do readily give those numbers to a human being. I know you also have to provide those numbers if you buy online but somehow I feel that’s safer - I expect I’m wrong and it’s not any safer at all. A few years back I gave my card details over the phone for something, it was a card I had never used before and didn’t use again. Shortly after, my cc statement showed the purchase of a computer and sundry accessories. Only one person knew the security number, that person on the other end of the phone.
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