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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Time you progressed to this: https://books.google.co.uk/books/about/The_Cat_in_the_Hat.html?id=2fY9DwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button&redir_esc=y
  2. In that case my better half will be on the list too!
  3. Maybe that was the wrong answer and scored 100 points...........😉
  4. My heart sinks when Robert Peston starts asking questions after the daily Coronavirus Briefing. After a few minutes of his waffling I lose concentration and find I have no idea what he’s actually asked. Heaven only knows what he’ll find to ask today as Boris is now in intensive care.
  5. I only found out about the vaccine very recently from the nurse at our doctor’s surgery. She mentioned that pneumonia and shingles vaccines were available and I should seriously consider both. I certainly will! I have never bothered with the flu jab so I suppose I should really think about that now too.
  6. Almost ditto! I keep donating paper books to the charity shops but the stock doesn’t seem to go down. I like the kindle app but still prefer a proper book. Audible has been my saviour over the years, being a poor sleeper from time to time listening to a few chapters has helped no end. Kindle books are useful when you don’t want to lug a bag full of books around. I particularly like the way you can read a book on, say, iPhone then pick up exactly where you left off on iPad.
  7. Your post needs both a sad face and a ‘like’ Peter but I can’t do both! Hope your wife improves soon, I know shingles can be extremely painful and uncomfortable. I didn’t know until recently that there is actually a vaccine (?) against shingles. A bit late for your poor wife though.
  8. That’s a shame Ian, I hope your second attempt is successful.
  9. Sky News is reporting this morning that volunteers will shortly be brought into use, 750,000 signed up. Looks like you are about to start Ian - good luck.
  10. Boris has a dog called Dylan, I doubt there is a cat now.
  11. But then you’d have nothing to unwrap! 🤨
  12. It occurs to me that it is highly likely that by the time some of us get back to our boats, Roy’s and Latham’s will be getting ready for you know what - (Sorry!!) I would imagine both stores would have ordered in for spring and summer so a new bikini or pair of speedos might end up all C*******s wrapped! Just a thought.
  13. Again, very true. With this scenario likely to continue for a while yet, I wonder if there is some way for town/city dwellers to have some sort of dispensation allowing them to drive a certain distance to get fresh air and exercise. Similar to the French having to fill in a form to allow them to go out. Living in a small village I really do appreciate having countryside on the doorstep and I think something could and should be done for those, like grendel, who don’t have green spaces on their doorsteps.
  14. How very true! I think it’s becoming second nature to keep clear of other people now. We take the dogs out around 6.30am and seldom see anybody else at that time, mind you tramping across fields it is easy to take avoiding action.
  15. That, to me, says it all.
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