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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Lovely photos Nigel, thank you. Good that the Secret Garden opened in time for people to enjoy the springtime display.
  2. Likewise - but since 2000! I have enjoyed the daffodils, tulips and bluebells in my garden this year. Usually we would be on the boat as much as possible between March and August but I have found springtime at home has lots of pluses.
  3. https://www.thomasridley.co.uk/viva-semi-skimmed-milk-cartons-47102.html
  4. I think you need a tender for the liquid stores.
  5. And once the kids catch on that a cough will get them sent home................
  6. I wonder if Norfolk Marine sell those big fenders...........🤔
  7. Don’t forget that once a carton of long-life milk is opened, it needs to be kept cool. If you like spicy, herby or hot food, take some seasonings with you. It’s surprising what a difference just a pinch or a sprinkle can make to a dish. No baked beans on your list?
  8. Those microwave packets can be heated on a stove top (the contents that is, not the packets themselves!). Just add a small amount of water so it doesn’t dry out.
  9. That’s why I said ‘when cruising’. 🙂
  10. That makes perfect sense, rice and pasta are good ‘fillers’.
  11. I don’t necessarily disagree, I just think it is still too early to be opening up our borders so freely. (Not that they ever really shut!) We are all eventually going to have to accept a new ‘normal’, no doubt about that.
  12. Not sure it’s a good idea to ‘store’ rice at room temperature, it’s a bacterial disaster according to many hygiene experts. Lots of good suggestions there though, living on tins, packets etc for two weeks wouldn’t hurt anyone - some do it all the time! I think you can get small electric cool boxes too. These can run off 24v when you are cruising and would help to keep milk, butter etc cool for a while. I know boaters who do that.
  13. If anyone is interested, there is an interesting article on the BBC website under the ‘Coronavirus explained’ section and ‘Coronavirus: Where are cases still rising?’ In that section there is a moving graph showing how confirmed cases spread across the globe day by day. It is quite frightening to watch the UK climb that chart. Elsewhere I have read that passengers flying in to Heathrow still have no checks carried out on them and it is still not clear if/when this 14 day quarantine rule will come in. Things are on the up in this country but I fear we are likely to see a second wave of the virus if we don’t take it more carefully.
  14. I can see quite clearly now that it is Wayford! We used to moor up there when up that way, there were some good bank moorings on that side of the river once upon a time.
  15. Hot news this morning is that the rate of infection in London is down to 24 per day. Well that’s hardly surprising as lockdown has led to the capital being almost deserted for the last couple of months! The media’s ‘London’ probably means the square mile anyway. It will be interesting to see what it is in two weeks time now that commuters are starting to crowd back in.
  16. Meat and fish - yum yum! Anything and everything (almost) gets eaten in our house.
  17. Sutton Staithe Boatyard too. http://www.suttonstaitheboatyard.co.uk/boat-recovery-service/
  18. Ooops, posted at the very minute of clarification!
  19. I am now pretty sure it’s not Fleet Dyke but have no idea where yet! 🤔
  20. With no overnight stays allowed as yet, it’s still going to be a little while before many people are able to go to their boats. It’s a step in the right direction though and, as long as things don’t go pear-shaped in the interim, things will be on the up.
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