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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. And have a word with them about dumping rubbish in the reeds...............
  2. If they manage to find them, I hope they will take up the matter of the rubbish being dumped in the reeds too. Sadly all this sort of behaviour is too commonplace these days and I really have my doubts that anything further will happen. If the witnesses did contact the hire yard, hopefully something will have been said to the hirers. Nor me, but not with someone else’s property.....😇. I don’t remember rubbish dumping ever being the big problem it is today. 😡
  3. vanessan

    River Yare

    Ah, now I know where/what webntweb meant! Yes, it is a hill of sorts and the chippy is the Loddon Plaice (?) I think. Apologies to webntweb.
  4. vanessan

    River Yare

    Brooms also have visitor moorings now. Contact the parish council perhaps? For the life of me I can’t picture any hill at Loddon, did you mean Loddon?
  5. That’s the one. Pub long gone now of course. ☹️
  6. BA news says that the Authority have taken over the Castle Moorings (next to Caen Meadow above Wroxham). Work is to be carried out with completion later this summer. From memory, this is only a small mooring for only 2/3 boats and at the back of my mind I seem to recall that it was a BA mooring way back - memory might be faulty there though! Any extra mooring has to be a good thing anyway.
  7. Sounds like you are well out of it Paul! Talktalk’s reputation is not the best and always comes bottom of the pack when Which? do a survey.
  8. I did hear that Norada in PH is not opening yet.
  9. Sounds like an ideal place for a recluse. Peace and quiet.
  10. Interesting you should say that Ian as some of the red onions I have had lately have been somewhat vibrant! I’m sure they didn’t used to be. The white skinned variety have been much sweeter. I like using shallots too for a less sharp taste.
  11. Looks to me to be ready for launching - just tap those stilts away and you’re off!
  12. Yes, it is. I understand it will be towed to Great Yarmouth where her seaworthiness will be inspected before being allowed to pass through Yarmouth. I’m not sure how up to date the info is but I believe I saw a post somewhere recently that said she was still there.
  13. Simon - is it north or south or both that you want info on?
  14. I hope there was nobody on it at the time. Or maybe someone thought it was a fancy dinghy! I was going to suggest Cantley too as it’s not that much further on from Langley Dyke and there’s a pub. However, I believe Vagabond is still there and probably taking up a substantial part of the moorings!
  15. I am a bit confused here! The BA moorings which incorporate the de-masting area are known as Horning Marshes and are still listed on the BA 24 hour moorings list. Were the moorings the other side of the river BA at some point? I can’t ever remember seeing a sign there. 🤔
  16. A few years back I would have agreed with you. Although I steer clear of Twitter, I joined Facebook just to keep an eye on all things ‘Broads’. There are a number of Groups which are Broads orientated, including of course our own NBN. I have never felt the need to join in any ‘discussions’ on fb, there are enough topics here to debate with others - particularly if there is someone who always wants to disagree with you . But fb does have its uses.
  17. Certainly not me sir, I have the greatest respect for the BA staff out on the rivers. I think they do a darn good job bearing in mind what they have to contend with - from above and below!
  18. I had to look back at the title of this thread to understand what Minigem was posting about - I had completely forgotten! It’s drifted but sort of still on topic. Par for the course I guess.
  19. Indeed it was. We went up the Chet either the day or the day after it had happened and it looked very sad. Not totally under though. I think it was lifted very quickly but did not reappear the following season as far as I could tell. I am sure Silverline did a fantastic job to get it back to what it was. Apparently it had hit some underwater piling that had badly broken away from the bank. The story was that the EA had been told about it but not taken action to repair/remove it. How true that is I don’t know but it did come from a boatyard owner.
  20. Did you ever see the pictures of the Alphacraft (I think it was an Alphacraft 🤔) that got stuck under the downstream Thorpe bridge a few years back? As the tide was rising at the time I believe the boat came off worse than the bridge!
  21. I’m afraid that the ‘my dog does no wrong’ fraternity is usually the ‘I do no wrong’ fraternity as well.
  22. That all sounds very positive Ian, the government’s letter of course is advice and provided you are sensible (which you are) all will be well I’m sure. What could be better than keeping to yourselves on the boat? Go and enjoy - I will be too! 🙂
  23. It’s looking pretty good now and every so often they get the sails going.
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