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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Calling Vaughan, calling Vaughan! You can have the full details from Vaughan, MaceSwinger. He’ll be along eventually. There will be details somewhere on the forum but they might take some finding.
  2. Alternatively, the larger boats bring in more cash............££££
  3. I’m not sure anyone will have a definitive answer to that. Any hire boats put back into service after the lockdown will now have to be tolled and, with rigorous cleaning now required after each hire, the boatyards may decide to keep some out of use to allow them the extra leeway. We just don’t know. I guess each boatyard will have its own way of processing everything and, as long as they are ‘Covid-secure’, that will be what matters. Maybe Clive can give us some idea of how Richardson’s are dealing with things, although I would imagine he has his hands full at the moment!
  4. Is that the walk, the beer, the lager, or the swimming at Wroxham?
  5. That EDP article seems to imply that more people are booking short breaks rather than full weeks. More cleaning time for the boatyards but I suppose a bit more income as pro rata short breaks are more expensive. I think that the roads on the weekend of the 4/5 July, and even on the 6th could well be a little busy!
  6. Can you imagine what Bournemouth must have been like yesterday? ☹️ It seems as though the average Brit has no idea how to clean and tidy up after themselves these days. After the recent warm weekends, the White Cliffs have been like a rubbish tip in the mornings, paper plates, fast food wrappers, plastic bottles and, worst of all, tissues left in the bushes - no guesses as to what they’ve been used for! 😠 Where did it all go so horribly wrong?
  7. Some have opened but only for takeaways.
  8. Sutton Staithe Boatyard certainly is. And to the forum too!
  9. Absolutely right Ian and I think most of us (certainly most forum members anyway) take that view. I believe we can get out and about, even in shops etc, without getting into harm’s way. It just takes more thought than usual - and it’s something we are going to have to live with for the foreseeable I believe.
  10. The virus apparently doesn’t thrive in hot weather so it certainly won’t like current temperatures. Make the most of it!
  11. I think on the main tv channel (usually Sky) showing football, you can choose what background noise you want. Crowd noises or just the players etc calling to each other.
  12. https://www.ecowatch.com/greta-thunberg-2646241937.html You’re a day late Steve! 🙄
  13. Likewise, I couldn’t wait for that Blakes or Hoseasons information booklet to arrive and probably knew it off by heart within a day or so! Things seem very different nowadays with social media playing such a big part in everything. I’m sure there will be some eager to watch videos etc but equally there will be one or two first timers who think they know it all anyway and won’t bother. Such is life these days. 🤨
  14. Makes you appreciate the Broads Authority 🙂
  15. Cruise ships hold no interest for me, other than looking at them in Dover Harbour. We have had a steady stream of visiting cruise ships for the last 12 weeks, P&O, Carnival, Disney to name just a few. (We have had one Disney ship permanently for the last month, it keeps being moved around to make room for others.) They stop for a couple of days usually then off they go again.
  16. Cruise ships perhaps? I don’t recall anything being said about them today.
  17. PM specifically mentioned sleeping away from home. He also mentioned something about 2 families sharing accommodation which will be good for the hire yards. I will try and find his exact wording.
  18. They’ll probably be too nervous to read that article!
  19. Good old Vic - as used sometimes by those in attendance of autopsies too and I can understand why!
  20. I can confirm this having been able to photograph someone deliberately trying to cause trouble to moored boats. Details etc off to BA asap which resulted in a successful prosecution.
  21. Somewhere online there are suggestions for making masks from old t-shirts which need no sewing. Only a pair of scissors needed. If you have an old t-shirt that is fairly thin, you may find that wearable.
  22. To be fair, I have heard it said many times that wearing a mask protects those around you, not the wearer. I believe that is why many people choose to ignore the advice - because they can’t be bothered to help protect others. Exactly, and in public indoor places I think they should be made mandatory. Either that or scrap the idea altogether.
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