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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. I see what you mean now, thank you. It was certainly French Sauternes that graced our table back in the 50/60s, replaced with French Chablis later on. Think my grandparents’ tastes must have changed as they got older, same as a lot of us probably. Sophistication of course!
  2. Ian - what makes you say Spanish Sauternes is now ‘illegal’? (I was never a Sauternes fan but my grandparents used to buy it at Christmas as a seasonal treat.) Mateus Rose was very popular then too. How our wings have spread as the years have gone by! 🍷
  3. With the numbers involved in demonstrations in the US, UK, Australia and in Europe, we’ll be extremely lucky to avoid a substantial increase in virus cases. Social distancing has gone out of the window but at least a lot of them were wearing face masks!
  4. The bbc news website currently has its main headline as ‘protesters don masks but defy advice on gatherings’. The accompanying picture is of a gathering of protesters in Australia (unless we have suddenly become overly sympathetic towards Aboriginals). No doubt some will be taken in.
  5. The most poignant thing here is that he is apparently now Covid free. It is the damage that the virus has done to the poor man’s body that is preventing his recovery as yet.
  6. They are also sending these texts: (The correct contact address is: https://contact-tracing.phe.gov.uk/ )
  7. Hasn’t this been covered in another topic? http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2020/558/made Paragraph 46 refers.
  8. I’ve just read online that medical chiefs want the face mask requirement extended to pubs and restaurants when they reopen. That’s going to be interesting..............🤔
  9. Better not go off when I’m in the boatyard!
  10. Looks like a nice area to get some much needed fresh air and exercise Ian. Think the grass could do with some wet stuff, everywhere seems to be getting extremely dry!
  11. There is a rather interesting article on the BBC News website, ‘Coronavirus: the mystery of silent spreaders’. It’s basically about a church service in Singapore back in January which was attended by two Chinese citizens who had recently flown in from Wuhan and within a couple of days fell ill with the virus. Other members of the same congregation subsequently fell ill plus one lady who had not been at the same service. CCTV footage showed that she had sat in the same seat as one of the original Chinese pair later in the day. (Singapore carried out contact tracing very early on and kept their infections very low.) I have no doubt there will be a few scoffs at this little story but it might make some think a bit more about their actions and precautions.
  12. Something that we have got to continue day in day out for a long, long time, wash hands or use sanitiser gel. And don’t touch your face!!
  13. Where the Broads Society is concerned, softly softly catchee monkey as the saying goes. Best to take things slowly and hopefully take people with you than go in all guns blazing and turn people off straight away. I hope we are going to see a different Broads Society to the one that has been plodding along in recent years but only time will tell.
  14. I would have agreed with you until the last change of Chairman. It does seem to me that the Society is slowly becoming more outspoken and the Chairman’s statement in Harnser is well worth a read these days - imho of course.
  15. I am pretty sure I have seen these posters displayed on the Broads Authority notice boards at their 24 hour moorings.
  16. I do think that anybody who was fined by the police for doing something similar should have that fine reviewed. If the government doesn’t allow this it will prove that there is definitely one rule for those in power and one for the rest of us.
  17. As Boris Johnson’s Chief Adviser, Dominic Cummings must have advised him that he had done nothing wrong. Obviously. Who are we to argue? Just the little man in the street who abides by the rules. 🤬😡
  18. Bramerton by all accounts, according to Jbx5 on another thread.
  19. That’s worrying Paul, do you have any idea where you might have contracted it? Supermarket maybe? Glad you are getting over it albeit the cough is hanging on.
  20. Thanks Ian, I look forward to it.
  21. What’s the dessert Ian, I could just polish off a couple of those right now! 😜
  22. Interesting that one, where was it taken? The boat moved from there, wherever it was, down to the end of Acle Dyke where it stayed for a few years. I think it was last year it had moved back up the Bure and was moored at a property close to Salhouse Broad.
  23. Any link to this possible? (Or some idea of where you found it would be good.)
  24. Work was being carried out at Paddy’s Lane (or did you mean at the staithe?) which had to be curtailed because of the pandemic. JP’s latest Broads Briefing states that these works will be finished shortly. No doubt Tom will be along sometime to confirm.
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