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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. This is one of the posts that needs a ‘thank you’, a ‘sad’ and a ‘like’. Suffice for me to say thank you for your dedication.
  2. I think ECIPA has summed it up quite well. Marinas and suchlike remain closed but if your boat is at the bottom of your garden or moored somewhere like Langley Dyke or in any other of the numerous Broads dykes, it appears that if you want to go and sit on it and picnic or sunbathe, from tomorrow you can. I believe that’s right? BA should be updating their guidance later today.
  3. Why do you think otherwise Fred? It seems clear to me that if you can’t return to your home the same day, you can’t go to your boat.
  4. Thank you. It’s not in the Govt 50 page document as far as I can see so I am pleased to see it has been covered here. Makes perfect sense and spells out quite clearly how (for us boaters) we can use our vessels. Marshman will be delighted as he can go and work on his boat at last!
  5. Live from the House of Commons - Boris has just said ‘we don’t want people travelling to second homes for holidays’. Boats for many of us can be regarded as second homes surely? Similar to a caravan on a caravan park.
  6. Probably just as well Chris! I thought many public toilets had been shut but you do have a valid point for where there are some. There is usually a queue for the ladies wherever there are facilities, social distancing will mean the queue going round and round the store or wherever!
  7. Spot on astonsong, well done and welcome to the forum.
  8. While we’re waiting for clarification of the new rules, how about taxing those little grey cells? Where was this taken?
  9. Sounds like something from ‘Ello’Ello!! Listen very carefully, I will say this only once................
  10. There are many who would not consider angling as being exercise or sport! I think we would have been crossing Breydon today, could have been a bit choppy. I have heard this said a few times but not sure where the instruction came from, I’ve not heard it from a minister’s lips. Another interpretation or is it fact?
  11. Still say there’s nowt wrong with Keighley!
  12. I think I now know how Fray Bentos manage to keep going! 😁
  13. Scary for you Ian, glad all seems to be ok. It’s definitely not the time for these things to happen, makes it all the more worrying.
  14. I wish I knew how/where to grow some! 🤭
  15. I would be interested in an answer to this too, I have a couple of torches that have gone horribly sticky!
  16. With foreign travel having a big question mark over it for the time being, it does seem likely that the UK may see a considerable increase in ‘staycations’ this year. (That is of course assuming things get going in good time.) Staycations could well be more popular next year too while things settle down. That has to be good news for UK holiday resorts and associated businesses but could create a lot of pressure if people start flooding into localities without any thought for anyone else. Norwich for example appears to have fared quite well in the great scheme of things with 5 COVID19 related deaths per 100,000 population, compare that to London at 86 per 100,000. It would surely be quite understandable if areas like Norfolk, Devon, Cornwall, Lake District etc etc were reticent to accept free movement again in the short term. By their very nature, it would be nice to think that boating activities could start up again sooner rather than later but somehow I think it will be a while yet.
  17. But do we have the worst death rate? We really don’t know, as far as I can tell the way that each country reports seems to vary. I doubt if the US can give a true figure and I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a certain amount of statistic massaging across the globe. (I am still wondering how Matt Hancock managed his 100,000 tests on the 30 April when he hasn’t managed it since.) In the cold light of day, I think we will need to look at how, when, where and why the UK and other countries did what they did and what the outcome of those actions was. If that is done in good time, we may be better prepared if the worst happens and a second wave comes along - God forbid.
  18. I actually don’t think the government has done a bad job, I doubt if any government could have done better. We read what the media want to give us to read, repeating it doesn’t necessarily mean we believe it or agree or disagree with it. It wouldn’t surprise me if quite a few countries hold some sort of inquiry to establish whether or not some aspects of the crisis handling could have been done better.
  19. I think it was Sky News that reported a few days ago that a lot of the PPE put aside for ‘emergencies’ had gone out of date. Whether or not that is actually true I have no idea but it’s that sort of thing that needs to be looked at to ensure it doesn’t happen again. (I also read somewhere that a warning was given after an exercise in 2017 that the country was holding insufficient stocks of PPE anyway.)
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