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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Ian - have you been able to give assistance at all?
  2. If this is what it comes to, the mental health of the nation will be at an all time low very quickly. To take it one step further, no using sharp knives in the kitchen or using saucepans of boiling water. And certainly no chip pans! I hope the vast majority of us can be trusted to use common sense and perhaps take just a little more care than usual.
  3. Must be a weekend for Norfolk Broads visits. Tomorrow (Sunday) at 5.30pm on Channel 4, Penelope Keith visits a ‘Norfolk Broads village’. No idea which one though.
  4. There still seems to be a great deal of worldwide debate on face masks. The US has suggested everybody wears one (although Trump says he won’t!) and our government seems to think it’s not necessary. The reasons for the latter thinking have been clearly stated but of course that is today - who knows what they will say tomorrow! The problem will be if it suddenly becomes the rule, at the moment the NHS can’t get enough PPE so where would face masks come from for the masses? An opening here for an enterprising person perhaps, donations of spare bras and sewing kits??
  5. Is it one of Herbert Woods ‘Lights’? Shaft of Light or Spark of Light?
  6. I believe a lot of the industrial hand sanitisers are liquid. Certainly the ones I have used in hospital and the doctor’s surgery recently.
  7. That was going to be my guess too!
  8. Been round the block then..........!
  9. Certainly not social-distancing!
  10. Furlough - from Dutch. Guess the yanks borrowed it from them.
  11. Well done the AA. They are offering a free breakdown service to NHS workers if they suffer a breakdown travelling to or from work.
  12. I have never thought of him as racist. I suppose it is how you interpret his writings. I find him mostly amusing, a lot of what he says is written ‘tongue in cheek’.
  13. Excellent viewing Fred, thank you. Interesting to see a picture of P50 at Reedham, that boat was still on hire with Pacific Cruisers until very recently. I love looking back at these old shots to see if I can see one that we hired over the years. I bet others do that too!
  14. It is April 1 after all!
  15. A columnist who calls a spade a spade and very often writes what I have been thinking! I reckon he will currently find quite a few articles to include in his ‘you couldn’t make it up’ section.
  16. I can’t put you right as I have no answers! Playing devil’s advocate again, the police have no idea what an individual (or indeed a couple) are actually doing when they are out in the car. Some of the actions of certain police forces across the country have been beyond belief and that surely has to be down to the interpretation of the rules by the forces’ bosses. There is no doubt that some foolhardy and selfish souls have caused this ‘police state’ as some are calling it and put the police in between a rock and a hard place. I hope that, after we have got over the peak of the problem, some of these rules will be relaxed quickly. After all, why should it matter if we take the dogs out twice a day as long as we keep clear of others? And you go and work on your boat alone. We agree then!
  17. Which again makes me wonder why they haven’t done that. Any ideas?
  18. Thinking ahead, once we are past this awful time, I wonder how things will get back to some semblance of normality. I suppose it’s likely that restrictions will be lifted piecemeal. Maybe that will mean allowing us out more than once a day but still with social distancing. I can’t see pubs and restaurants etc opening for still quite a while but how about some retail shops? Thinking forward like this makes me wonder how long it could be before boatyards and marinas are fully operational again. It could be a long haul but I hope there will be a way. I wonder why they didn’t persevere then. Not profitable enough perhaps?
  19. I think it would have been impossible to keep Latham’s few food aisles open. If you think where they are in relation to the tills, there’s no way they could rope them off easily. This will help the convenience store in the village and locals will be grateful to have that open I’m sure.
  20. to the forum. Glad you have joined us.
  21. As long as you are at home. When out, hand sanitiser is useful. Finally managed to get some so it is in the car for use immediately after leaving the supermarket.
  22. Do we know if the BA are allowing ‘permanent’ mooring on the 24 hour moorings for the time being? I hope they are, this is one time I think we would all be pleased to see that rule abandoned.
  23. I climbed to the top of St Helen’s about 25 years ago, it was scary but the views are awesome. There is no way whatever that I could do it now, too crumbly! ☹️
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