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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Yes, it is Hardley Mill. Well done.
  2. By the way, it must be the exact name. Still no (completely) right answers.
  3. No, it’s definitely on the Broads!
  4. If I added my location to my profile it would be another member from Kent. Seems it’s only Kentish folk awake this afternoon!
  5. We clearly need a distraction this afternoon - this shouldn’t take too long to identify:
  6. Can I come and join you when my gruntle is dissed? I have always wanted to play trains but never had the opportunity. Sane words from MotorBoater above, the main battle we have to fight is affecting all of us one way or another so let’s keep our forum ‘family’ intact and avoid battles that will still be there to be fought when this awful disease has left our shores.
  7. 8am to 9am Monday and Thursday at the M&S food shops.
  8. Have a look at the BA website. https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/news/coronavirus-covid-19/information-for-liveaboard-boaters Hope this helps.
  9. By the time we get through this pandemic you’ll probably be an expert. 😁
  10. You forgot line 2 chameleon which is Station Road (Stay + Shun + Road). All sorted!
  11. Just to add - it all makes good sense now!
  12. Yes Chris, I am! I think I must have been away too long already. Thank you for getting me back on track.
  13. I see from their own fb post that Ludham Bridge Stores are closing shortly ‘because of government guidelines regarding non-essential travel’. I would have thought that that the shop would be providing essential services, or have things changed since the business changed hands? Can Nigel (woodwose) enlighten us?
  14. That’s very sad, I can imagine how real it must have become being so close. I spent a while yesterday trying to explain to a friend how the numbers of infected people escalate from just one infected person. She just hadn’t thought it through and I think there are a lot of folk like that. It’s also the young who think they are immune or will only get it lightly and don’t realise how easily they can pass it on themselves. The news channels say that we are still 2/3 weeks away from the peak so a long way to go yet.
  15. That’s the really big downside of retirement, we don’t get to enjoy it properly for long enough! ☹️
  16. Having thought about this a bit more, I think I might know what happened MotorBoater. The boardwalk takes a sharp turn to the left when it comes out of the trees (that is where the no entry sign is) but the route to Barton Turf is actually straight on across the grass. That is probably why your wife thought she couldn’t go any further. Perhaps a good reason to return and do it all again?
  17. The boardwalk is there to allow access to Barton Turf from Paddy’s Lane. A few years back I think someone wanted it closed but there was a bit of a hooha and it remained open. From memory I think there is a no entry sign at the end of the main boardwalk but this relates to the private moorings on the left. There are rubbish bins at the staithe but they have only been there a couple of years (courtesy of the local council) and the BA signs will have been there longer. The BA have been refurbishing the moorings as part of their maintenance programme.
  18. The answer to no 2 is West End (girls) Avenue (Warwick).
  19. When’s opening time? I hope Mrs Nog had a similar delivery of gin.
  20. The moorings at Paddy’s Lane are being refurbished so I assume the boardwalk is too. It may be that they have closed it all off while the work is being done. Where exactly was the No Entry sign MotorBoater?
  21. With that sort of attitude you are better off not doing any work for him. Clearly one with the me, me, me syndrome! Nobody else matters. Best avoided, even in the future should they want to try you again.
  22. I exchange long messages very frequently with my cousin in Australia. This morning we had a discussion on sell by or use before dates. She told me she removes all best before dates from items in her store because her daughter comes along and throws out anything out of date!
  23. I made a pasta bake last week, got the bags of pasta out that I had stored and found one that was two years out of date! So I cooked it, it was fine and we are still here this week to tell the tale.
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