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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Wot, know won cort on yet?? šŸ˜‰
  2. Iā€™ve just been reading of a school in Essex that has had all the food stolen from its freezers, fridges and store - food that was going to feed the children of key workers this week. I despair of some of these so called ā€˜human beingsā€™, I really hope the law is able to track down those responsible and punish them. Big time.
  3. I am still to be convinced there is such a staithe as Pennygate!
  4. I was completely on the wrong track with my thinking on that first clue. Your hint to grendel took me in another direction entirely Paul and, as you said, it all becomes clear once you know where you are headed. Nice one but I will keep it to myself ftb. šŸ¤
  5. I wonder whatā€™s happening to those already on boats, those who picked up on Saturday. I guess theyā€™ll probably be able to complete their week. They may be the fortunate few, able to have their boating holiday before shutdown.
  6. Thank you Paul, I really appreciate your words. My thoughts on line one are that N O T dropped from somewhere in a place name might produce another place name. Or alternatively T O N! (Loads of those on the Broads.) Itā€™s a hard one apart from line three which should become apparent I think once lines one and two have been solved.
  7. And maybe that is the way to go now, at least everyone will know where they are. (Or should be!)
  8. That sounds like a good plan to me. As SwanR said earlier, look how things have changed in just a short period of time. We havenā€™t reached the ā€˜criticalā€™ time yet from what the scientists tell us so we have no idea of how things will look next week let alone next month. I know itā€™s making everything uncertain but we are all in this together and we will all suffer in one way or another. Sadly, some more so.
  9. Supermarkets are rationing (as poor MM found only being able to buy half the beer he wanted) but it must be very difficult for them. You could be shopping just for one or for a family of six. How are they to know? By the way MM, if you must try and buy 6 jeroboams of beer you must expect to be limited. šŸŗ
  10. I couldnā€™t agree more with that and Iā€™m glad the filter didnā€™t kick in! I doubt if any of the SIBs are members here but you never know! The message needs to get out there - donā€™t be selfish, thereā€™s enough to go round if people donā€™t panic.
  11. I really am playing devilā€™s advocate here as I have already said elsewhere that I believe a boat is a good place to self-isolate. It has to be for each of us to do what is responsible.
  12. Thereā€™s the rub, how do you know? You could be harbouring the virus and not have any symptoms yet or you could be a carrier. We are apparently 3 weeks behind Italy where there have now been nearly 5000 deaths. The worry for many seems to be that holidaying elsewhere could mean that you become a drain on stretched local health services should you fall ill. There is no easy answer to this and we all have to do what our consciences tell us.
  13. Probably, yes. Resorts around the country are asking second home owners to stay away because of the drain on food shops locally amongst other things. Even motorhome visitors are apparently very unpopular in the Highlands. Yet a boat is a good place to self isolate, as long as you have adequate provisions.
  14. Stay safe then and enjoy that lovely view.
  15. Are you in isolation because you are/feel poorly Chris?
  16. Bedtime reading for a couple of weeks! Thank you for highlighting Schedule 21.
  17. Unfortunately there are bound to be a few unscrupulous employers, letā€™s hope they get found out.
  18. Why is it hard? I will refrain from joining in this one, Iā€™ll beaver away in the background.
  19. Do you think the chancellorā€™s announcement this evening re paying support to companies will make any difference?
  20. Poppy - I donā€™t think anything needs working out there! (When you live where I do, the refugee situation is very obvious.) My apologies if I seem to have taken your post out of context.
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