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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Listening to the radio this morning and a comment from someone with friends in Bergamo, Italy. They are of course in lockdown there and the panic buying started long before ours in this country. Shop shelves were empty and groceries almost impossible to get. (Sound familiar?) A different scenario now, the shops are heaving with goods but not selling too well as people go through the stuff they stockpiled. I wonder if the same thing will happen here.
  2. In the spring I think was the indication. Mid or late I don’t know.
  3. I would just like Paul to clarify that parts 1 & 2 are correct. I think he has but maybe putting it in words would help. Not sure about your drum roller Cap’n, or is it just that you want a drum roll for each of your jokes?
  4. Apologies for this Ian, I just wanted to say we have one on this forum 😁.
  5. Wish I could ‘like’ your post more than once Polly, those words above are so true.
  6. Form an orderly queue alongside Broad Ambition please...........😉
  7. This is just after a visit to the groomer which is not a popular event!
  8. Lovely thread Ray, you can always rely on a dog (or other pal) to add some cheer. Here are my two lively beasts. (Very tiring this boating lark!)
  9. I’ve started to do that now to an extent. As we had to be out this morning anyway, we took the opportunity of doing a bit of shopping. It was ‘a bit’ too! Went to a Sainsbury’s - no fresh meat or chicken, devoid of potatoes and carrots plus loads of empty shelves. As we went in, people were coming out with several giant packs of toilet rolls. Not a single roll left by the time we got there. On to Tesco’s, same story although they did have lots of carrots! My store cupboards/freezer are usually well stocked thank goodness so we won’t starve just yet. My thoughts at the moment are for the thousands of small businesses that are suffering or certainly going to in the coming weeks and months. I really think this is the time that the government should discard HS2 and put the billions into saving the UK economy.
  10. We had ours more than a week ago by email. Don’t know about the ones sent by snail mail, someone will say shortly I’m sure.
  11. Aldeby it is. Not quite so popular these days as it was when it was a BA mooring, probably due to the mooring fee! Nevertheless it is a lovely spot with some nice walks round the fishing lakes and estate.
  12. Southern waters it is but not Rockland.
  13. I think you mean Chedgrave Common David but that’s not where this is.
  14. Identifying this mooring shouldn’t be too difficult:
  15. I think it’s going to take a lot longer than that sadly!
  16. Under your t&c I now have to wait for someone else to get the third part - is that right?
  17. Investigate hot keel - hot keel is an anagram of the loke. Any good?
  18. Back to the pub then Cap’n? Mine’s a double! 🥴
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