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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. This one seems to have everyone stumped - no guesses at all?
  2. Not sure Jay would get to the pub of his choice and he most certainly wouldn’t get a word in edgeways!!
  3. Off to the Sutton Staithe Hotel for that Prosecco then?
  4. Grrr! From t’other direction. Well done Mr Nog, these are far too easy for you and the Cap’n. I must try harder. 😖
  5. Seems silly to have a new topic each time so here is a thread for anyone to add a photo if they so wish. Here’s the first:
  6. I would imagine there is far too much detail in that picture to challenge Jay or Mr Nog!
  7. No prizes for telling me what it is just where.
  8. Ok clever clogs, I am going to search my photo albums and see if I can come up with something to fool even you! 🤔
  9. Hurrah, tax on gin not increasing!
  10. For those of you who frequent more moorings than pubs!
  11. I thought at first, once they had got off the ground, their boats seemed to be quite prevalent. The only reviews I ever saw were positive so it is a shame that they haven’t made a go of it.
  12. I see this morning that the Health Minister has tested positive for COVID19. Maybe she forgot to wash her hands! 😷
  13. I think perhaps the rest of us should leave these boys to play their guessing games. ☹️ I think I might try and find the time to produce some scenic pictures to identify for us ladies and the non-drinkers (or light drinkers - if indeed there are any!)
  14. I don’t know about anybody else but I appreciate TheQ’s updates on roadworks around the Broads - thank you Q. Please don’t stop!
  15. At Horning there is a tidal flow, okay not like the south rivers. Its narrow, heavily congested with hire boats, private boats and day boats plus the sailing boats. Very, very different to the southern rivers. A couple of years back, if I remember correctly, the BA were considering making part of Bramerton Common stern-on mooring. I think there were various reasons that did not happen, (no doubt BA Tom could elaborate). I expect a lot of us are glad it didn’t happen.
  16. Must be the cleaner! 🙂 (Certainly one way to make sure you don’t touch your face.)
  17. May be a good use for the EDP then? 😆
  18. I can understand people panic buying food to an extent but it always amuses me when toilet rolls become the ‘must have’ items. A cousin in Australia says that her local store has run out of pasta, rice, long life milk and toilet rolls. My mother in law seemed to collect toilet rolls as if they were going out of fashion. When we cleared her house after she passed away, we found dozens of packs squirrelled away. It took us almost 18 months to use them!
  19. I think that’s probably the most salient point there, we have come on in leaps and bounds over the years producing cures and remedies for many things. We also have social media allowing good practices to be shared, this thread is just one example. I feel very fortunate to live in the time that I do and know that I have access to surgery and medicines that were not readily available even 50 years ago.
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