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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Brilliant, well done VetChugger.
  2. Fish and chips for 1/6d, fish was 1/= and chips 6d! (Think that’s cheaper than your pint of beer JM!)
  3. Can’t argue with that but it’s not a bad thing. 😉 Very true and very commendable. Now we’re getting to the truth! 😁
  4. to the forum and welcome back to the Broads too. With Melody, hopefully your wife will not feel she is too much ON the water as you cruise along as that type of boat is higher than some. I’m sure there will be plenty of suggestions as to internet access, there seem to be no end of possibilities and ideas. July will be here before you know it!
  5. Soggy wet clay could be interesting though!
  6. I suppose the cross channel ferries work on a similar principle in high winds. They have the help of a line from a tug holding them back, fascinating to watch.
  7. Don’t think he was a newbie! Could be a new use for a mudweight. 🤔
  8. That reminds me of a cactus in a flower pot that my grandmother had in her conservatory many years ago. She was watering it one day when I realised it wasn’t a cactus at all, it was a pair of string gloves (remember them?) with several of the fingers pointing upwards! Gave us all a jolly good laugh for ages.
  9. On the contrary, he star ted nearly four years ago!
  10. Not just JM’s views I would add to that.
  11. I don’t think there are any, certainly not many anyway. Maybe the little bridge just before you get to the pub. Oh, of course, that would be on the way back from the pub too ................
  12. Probably takes about 40 minutes on average, many boaters do it - especially if they’re desperate! (Like Fireman Sam!) Ok on light evenings but a torch would be necessary at dusk or in the dark as the route is by road.
  13. My husband recently had to cut a ring off my right hand little finger, the joint had got so swollen with arthritis it threatened to stop my circulation! Sad thing is it was my grandmother’s engagement ring so is probably just over 100 years old. ☹️
  14. from me too. Just off to look at your profile.
  15. I understand that, no probs. My question is why should you be able to ‘pay a nominal sum to the parish’ and then be free to stay longer than 24 hours? (If it is indeed managed or maintained by BGM.) That’s what I think should be clarified as it comes across as being a fact. I think these jointly maintained/owned/managed moorings need some sort of signage to distinguish what’s what. Neither Church Fen nor Postwick Viaduct have any signage to guide people. Most of us on the forum know which moorings are ‘shared’ but newbies and many others don’t. Mostly that doesn’t cause any problems, unless anglers become involved of course! Irstead is another one that comes to mind.
  16. Now I am confused! Has something changed where Church Fen is concerned as this is what was said (by the OP I believe) back in 2017: “church fen is a little different as in half is parish Mooring's and half BA and the same applies as Rockland if you pay a nominal sum to the parish then you can stay longer than 24 hrs” I thought that was very useful information but now it seems that Brundall Gardens Marina might be responsible for the moorings. Clarification would certainly be welcome.
  17. I want to ‘like’ ‘sad’ and ‘thanks’ that post but I can’t do all three! Which is most important? I’m really not sure but probably the ‘sad’ reaction comes out top. We have indeed lost a very knowledgeable and interesting member from the forum and I do hope Vaughan will reconsider.
  18. Sadly I fear that Vaughan will no longer be participating in this forum - see post January 17. If however Paladin can persuade him to continue to give us the benefit of his knowledge and thoughts, I for one would be delighted.
  19. I’m pretty sure it was too.
  20. Between Brundall and Brundall Gardens, on the right going up towards Norwich.
  21. In the 1980s and 1990s we had 5 wonderful holidays on houseboats on the River Murray in Australia. The houseboats, like our Broads boats, have got more plush as the years have gone on but the clip above is not very different from the last one we hired. The Murray is a diverse and interesting river some 1,500 miles long and providing some truly breathtaking scenery. Wonderful holidays but they didn’t change my love of the Broads one bit!
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