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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. I haven’t tried it myself Helen but I have read a lot of good reviews from various sources. Not seen anything but good ones too. They have an interesting menu and I keep saying that we will go there one day!
  2. Bump - Which is why the new BA moorings near the football ground will be very welcome.
  3. I’m sure it tells us somewhere, but where is Vagabond ultimately bound for?
  4. Based on our average number of days afloat each year, I calculate our toll as around £4 per day. Good value to my way of thinking.
  5. I found it very helpful to read your post Ian. COPD is something I have read about but not entirely understood what it actually is, not knowing anyone with it. Not a nice thing to have to live with but I’m glad you manage to keep yours under control and that you are able to enjoy your times on the boat. Thank you for posting.
  6. On the face of it that seems to me to be a very sensible suggestion. Anyone else any thoughts on it? (Might stop the bridge from sinking further too! )
  7. Nice ‘work’ if you can get it!
  8. I think that shows how sophisticated these scams are becoming.
  9. With the season due to kick off in the not too distant future it won’t be long before discussions start! Particularly as we are going to have a long, hot summer...........🌝
  10. The more we talk about these scams, and particularly about all the various ones there are now, the more people will get to know of them and hopefully not get caught out. I had another of the Amazon Prime ones last week, they just don’t give up!
  11. Welcome to the forum, hope you find a slip suitable and enjoy some happy times on the Broads.
  12. In fairness Speedtriple was asking a question not making a suggestion.
  13. And Beccles and some of those going into Norwich.
  14. Ditto - it is what it is.
  15. I don’t think I would want to be out in that! Did I see some nice new quay heading on the first video? Thanks for posting.
  16. I am not sure why you should think that Peter, your post is anything but trolling. You are absolutely right when you say social media has provided an outlet for nastiness, some can handle it sadly others cannot. We must all give support where we can.
  17. Spartacus is on ITV4 today at 6.15pm if there’s anyone who hasn’t seen it or wants to watch it again. What a cast other than the one and only Kirk Douglas - Tony Curtis, Jean Simmons, Laurence Olivier and Charles Laughton. Peter Ustinov and Herbert Lom too.
  18. Ditto - I was going to highlight that bit of Ian’s post and say similar. Sometimes it’s hard not to reply immediately, it does need discipline. I would go so far as to say that I think it is misunderstood by most. A lot of the bad and sad things that happen these days are put down to being a ‘mental health issue’ and that expression seems to cover everything they can’t blame on something else. Because of social media we are all much more aware of what happens elsewhere on our little planet, that is a good thing in so many ways but it also brings out the worst in some. I believe we are fortunate to be living in the social media age, look at the help that is available on the NB forums for beginners and experts alike and we are just a tiny, tiny part of it.
  19. That makes my BA booklet more useful in that respect then as it has tide tables and information for 365 days (366 for this coming year!) With all the info available now, plus you can always check by phone, there’s really no excuse for getting Breydon crossing times wrong!
  20. Went to download Aweigh and found I had already got the App. Doh!! How do you search for tide times for a date in the future? I couldn’t find any ‘search’ facility.
  21. Try Pye’s Mill at very low water! Ok up on the bank but a few times it’s been dire actually on the boat there. There are going to be places and times when one system will be better than another. Personally we like to have as much info as possible and that sometimes means something other than an App. Anyway, I’m off to look at Aweigh and possibly add it to our ‘armament’! 🙂
  22. I’m sure the App is great, I keep meaning to download it. Having the booklet to hand is very useful we find, if signals are poor paper can’t be beaten. (We use the Broads.org tide tables in conjunction with the booklet too.) We have one copy of the BA booklet on the boat and one at home for planning purposes - although not too much of that happens!
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