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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Surely anybody reading that would think it suspect!
  2. A G Meale at Wayford Bridge.
  3. I think ASDA did rather well there, you ordered noodles and got noodles, ordered mushrooms and got mushrooms. Some of the stories I have heard about so called ‘substitutions’ just beggar belief.
  4. I think grendel will be filling his local tip all by himself!
  5. Although they probably wouldn’t admit it! 😉
  6. You can be a damp squid Ian, you’re probably quite right. Nevertheless, looking forward to something keeps spirits up - even spiders on the boat 🕷.
  7. I’ll bet there are loads of us thinking about getting back to our boats. Having come across a couple of fairly large spiders today, I’m thinking the boat will probably represent something out of an Indiana Jones film by the time we get there. All festooned with cobwebs and spiders running all over the place! (Hopefully no skeletons or snakes though!!) Somebody recently mentioned their boat hull would undoubtedly be a nice shade of green and I wonder how much elbow grease is going to be needed to get the windows see-through again. What other thoughts peeps?
  8. Discussing the possibilities (or not) of fishing at present is a bit hypothetical isn’t it seeing as it’s close season? On the rivers anyway. Funny how the lockdown came just after the fishing season ended! It will probably end in good time for June 16th. Like a lot of people, we love being afloat during close season, usually managing 7/8 weeks during that period. This year, well, I am going to enjoy seeing more of our tulips which we don’t normally see the best of being away. We are surrounded by fields of rapeseed which is coming up to its brightest yellow, the blue tits are nesting in their box and jobs are getting done that otherwise wouldn’t have been given a thought. Every cloud and all that.
  9. I am just optimistically looking...............🤓
  10. How strange, we had a Lidl leg of lamb tonight too, stuffed with loads of garlic and herbs. West Country lamb and very tender. Cold roast lamb tomorrow with jacket potatoes and salad - an easy meal after the full roast.
  11. Rockland certainly has something special
  12. A wild mooring above Beccles Bridge. That’s real peace and quiet.
  13. I wonder if you’ll get them in time! 😁
  14. I have long thought this should be the case, I feel sure that being hit where it hurts ( in the pocket) might make a lot of people see sense.
  15. Second hand boats will be virtually worthless. And that in turn could possibly lead to abandoned boats! Could prove expensive to the BA tracking down owners and taking them to court. Maybe eventually having to remove and trash vessels themselves. Frightening thought, let’s hope it comes nowhere near that scenario.
  16. A friend who was involved with Songs of Praise at their local church told me how long it took to shoot the episode - hours and hours! He smiled, she coughed, they looked the wrong way, he looked at the camera and so on and so on. It completely spoiled it all for the local community. Katherine Jenkins featured in the final production but she wasn’t there at the filming!
  17. Met him last year and enjoyed a good chat and cup of tea with him. Sad to hear the news.
  18. Maybe we appreciate the clarification of some things? The BA is not duty bound to respond to anything posted here after all.
  19. Conflict of Wings is onTPTV tomorrow 12.00 - 14.45.
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