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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. That’s a sad story Mouldy, I sincerely hope things are not as bleak as they appear at the moment. Keep your chin up.
  2. They look great in November but must be fantastic now!
  3. Our walkies are getting rather colourful!
  4. Somehow I just had the feeling that was going to be the answer!
  5. And I’m sure many of us will support you too.
  6. Needs to be a coot for the Broads!
  7. Mudweighting, we used to love it too. I have often thought about walking the dogs late then nipping onto a broad for the night. As sure as eggs are eggs, one of them would undoubtedly decide they needed to go out during the night! It doesn’t happen very often but we couldn’t take the chance. At least we can still mudweight for a breakfast or lunch stop.
  8. I’m getting there! Should have gone on 10th April so it’s now starting to get out of hand. I have cut my husband’s hair for the past 25 years but there’s no way I would tackle my own. Or let him loose with the scissors and trimmer! The dogs next appointment at the groomer should be on 5th May so they’re eventually going to end up looking like unshorn sheep. Hairdressers, barbers, groomers and the like are sure going to be busy when this is over.
  9. Happy Birthday Victoryv, raise that glass then have a few more!
  10. I was given a lot of cooking apples just before Christmas (oh heck 🤭) I have no idea what they are but they are a lovely red colour so certainly not Bramleys which I usually use. I have been using them over the last few weeks for Apple pies and they have really kept well over the winter. I like cinnamon clove and nutmeg with mine, sometimes sultanas or raisins too. One of our favourite recipes is a pastry base layered with mincemeat, sliced eating apples and covered with a crumble mix. Bet that blossom looks good on that apple tree! 🍏
  11. In a nutshell boys, in a nutshell....................
  12. This is the silly thing, I don’t fall into any of the categories listed on the vulnerable persons list! I do wonder if some GPs are being ultra cautious and covering themselves. Even when I phoned the surgery for clarification, the young lady wasn’t really sure why I had been included but seemed happy to latch onto something that ‘could’ be the reason. Still, I am of the age range that has to be careful and act sensibly (??!!) so I doubt I will be outdoor partying any time soon. ☹️
  13. I have resurrected this topic as Jean was asking about apples for a crumble and I would appreciate your thoughts here too Ian. Jean wanted to know if apples should be cooked or uncooked before adding the crumble. I have made a few apple pies recently using different recipes, Delia likes her apples cooked and ‘fluffy’ but mostly it seems other recipes use uncooked apples. Any guidance for us Ian?
  14. Interesting picture of the boat Rosie ‘on the River Yare’. Looks to me like it’s moored at Potter, at Waterside Marine’s moorings. 🤔
  15. I did finally telephone the surgery for clarification. To cut a long story short, because I have a long term medical condition plus I am under cancer care, that’s the reason I have been contacted. (Neither of those things, as such, are listed by the NHS or Govt.) Decided by the GPs in the practice. The letter said 12 weeks from the date on it, that takes it to mid July. I am grateful that my doctor clearly has my best interests at heart, albeit a bit late in the day!
  16. Quite out of the blue I have had a letter from my surgery informing me that I have been identified as being a high risk patient and should stay indoors for 12 weeks from now! Apart from having no idea why I am considered as such, the fact I have only just had the letter puts me 4 weeks behind others. That keeps me locked up until mid July! I’d like to find out why but don’t want to be a nuisance on the phone as I’m sure they have plenty to deal with at present. ☹️
  17. Ian is confined to barracks so can’t travel. Do they deliver?
  18. My cousin in Australia has told me a story of a guy who got 20 people to buy toilet rolls and hand sanitiser for him. Somehow he got hold of about $10,000 (around £5000) worth of items which he tried to sell on eBay. eBay closed his account so he tried to return the goods to the supermarket who declined, despite him offering them a 30% discount. Must be a moral in that story somewhere.
  19. Many companies are dealing with orders online, certainly Amazon is. You might find B&Q, Wickes or Homebase will deliver.
  20. I’m sure I have read somewhere that JustGiving are not taking anything this time and have actually donated as well. I’ll check on it.
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