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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Exactly what I asked myself when I read it. It just beggars belief that we seem to be playing ‘catch-up’ all the time. As for the pantomime over that PPE stuff coming from Turkey, I couldn’t believe it when I read that it was made by a t-shirt manufacturer who neglected to get an export licence! I am beginning to think that an enquiry is going to be needed after all this is over, not to point any fingers but to make sure we don’t get in this sort of situation in the future.
  2. If you get the NHS text now, you’ll be out on parole two weeks earlier too. 😁
  3. I had a letter from my doctor’s surgery a few weeks back which took me to the middle of July. Today I get that text from the NHS which says the end of June. Hooray - I can come out two weeks earlier! (Unless something else arrives that trumps those two!)
  4. And this is probably what has happened in umpteen care homes up and down the country. It does seem to me now that we ‘shut the doors’ too late in the UK, in fact I think some windows have never been shut! This virus emanated from far away from us and I don’t think many people took it very seriously at first, we just couldn’t imagine it taking hold across the globe the way it has done. Now we do know how deadly it is and exactly what we have to do to stay safe.
  5. To be perfectly honest, I think as long as social distancing is respected and all possible precautions taken, nobody should be taken to task for behaving in a caring way. Particularly where elderly parents are concerned. 15 miles is not a great distance, some people travel that sort of mileage to do their shopping anyway!
  6. Warwick University have apparently carried out research (?!) which has resulted in the recommendation that all over 60s (yes, 60s) should remain in lockdown far longer than anyone else. (I would imagine young students have come up with this!) Baroness Altmann however believes it would be very damaging to keep the elderly locked up, particularly the fit and otherwise healthy over 70s. I really don’t think it will be the over 60s or 70s who will be rushing to party or congregate in big groups on street corners. I’m sure the vast majority of us will be taking all possible steps to avoid anywhere deemed ‘at risk’ for some considerable while.
  7. Trouble is with all the ‘talk’, we never really know for sure until the words come from government officials. No doubt there will be more guidelines to be interpreted when something positive happens on breaking the lockdown!
  8. from me too. (Sorry to read on the Edward William thread of your insurance problems, hope you manage to sort them out.)
  9. A few years back a rep from Edward William was wandering around BA moorings handing out business cards for the firm. I wonder how many got caught. If it hadn’t been for the forum, we certainly wouldn’t have been aware of the situation.
  10. If you only knew...............
  11. And my father too. He was a commando and he returned to the Arakan on two occasions during the 90s along with a couple of mates (one of whom was Sylvia Syms brother). They are all gone now.........
  12. Wish the same could be said for me and my better half!
  13. I’ve cut my husband’s hair, using clippers and scissors, for the last 30 years. I am no hairdresser but he seems happy with it and there is certainly less to deal with these days! No way is he having a go at mine though. 🤭
  14. That’s a great video SwanR, thank you for sharing it. One little boat moored at the yacht station, it looked very lonely. I love Norwich but it did look a bit sad all deserted. It’s usually such a vibrant city.
  15. Reminds me of a flight we did up in the Northern Territory, near to Kakadu (a proper National Park!). Our pilot spotted some water buffalo and decided we should have a better look. Great fun swooping down but I did worry about my husband whose neck I could see in front of me - it started going a funny green colour.............🥴
  16. You may live to regret those words............😠
  17. I guess I should have said - they were taken on the River Murray in Australia.
  18. Thoughts of yesteryear, rather different views and moorings! (These are photos of photos so apologies if not too clear. No smartphones etc in those days, in fact mobiles were only just taking shape.) The houseboat was called Monte Carlo, quite different to Richardson’s version.
  19. He’ll have to take himself to court!
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