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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Can’t speak for ‘most women’ but for me it’s boats! On the rare occasion I watch anything on BBC, I really enjoy it because there are no b****y adverts. Having said that, BBC is spending more and more time these days advertising itself both on tv and radio.
  2. I would be very interested in that if we were boat hunting. As Vaughan said, the sunroof rather than the full canopy creates far less draught and in fact makes for comfortable cruising all year round. Really does look as if it’s been well cared for. I doubt it will take long to sell.
  3. I have noticed a delay on the Horning webcams too. The time showing on them is about 3/4 minutes behind real time. Potter bridge webcam (HW) is also delayed.
  4. Was there any one incident/event/happening that triggered the Leicester lockdown do you know?
  5. Once upon a time, you looked at the pictures in the brochure, read the write-up and booked what you thought most suitable. I appreciate it’s nice to be able to ask other folk their opinions but, on balance, I think maybe the old way was better. Too many different opinions on the same things now! (Rather like reading reviews on a purchase you are about to make.) Having said that, having a boatyard owner reply in person to queries, has to be the ‘bees knees’. A real bonus.
  6. I think the CIA moorings are more popular.
  7. The boatyards used to hire those out I seem to remember. They were dire, no other word for them! The amount of puff they put out was negligible and it took an age to get hair dry - and mine’s always been short. Gave up very quickly.
  8. Bramerton has three electricity posts at the BA 24 hour moorings. The Waters Edge also has electric but is supplied by the restaurant. (It is more of a restaurant than a pub really.) Surlingham Ferry pub also supplies electric, again by arrangement with the pub. Out of the two, Surlingham Ferry would be my choice.
  9. I’m the lady of the house and in nearly 40 years of boating I can honestly say I have never used an iron on board. And before any smart so and so quips that it is probably the other half who uses it, he doesn’t know one end of the iron from the other! 😁
  10. Glad nothing’s changed! 😠
  11. Some may have come back in this morning after a Friday - Monday short break?
  12. The EDP today says that a man in his 50s was arrested and released on bail. It seems to revolve around a ‘domestic incident’ and involved a boat chase on the Bure with Everitt Marine Services helping out. A fairly small speed (?) boat involved and there was ‘concern for a woman’s safety’. Police apparently guarded the vessel all night. Hope this helps to put a little more meat on the bones for those interested.
  13. Probably because The Navy Lark was a BBC institution! 😉
  14. Burgh Castle is lovely. The moorings themselves are not particularly good but manageable. There is a nice walk to the castle which is extremely well kept and worth a visit. The views across to Berney Arms are great.
  15. vanessan

    River Yare

    One of my favourite spots, excellent walks for the dogs.
  16. vanessan

    River Yare

    In that case, walk to the bird hide from the staithe then carry on past Short Dyke moorings right up to the junction with the Yare. You can follow the footpath all the way to the Beauchamp Arms (which unfortunately is closed). That will certainly wear them out! If you can get a mooring at Whitlingham, walks around the lakes there are good too. Have a wonderful holiday, I’m sure you will find plenty to keep the little ones happy.
  17. vanessan

    River Yare

    The bird hide is still there. If you moor in Rockland Short Dyke it is a quicker walk to it than mooring at Rockland Staithe. The moorings are also much nicer IMO.
  18. vanessan

    River Yare

    To be fair, it was from the OP!
  19. My better half has that complaint too! 😉
  20. As a hirer, I always considered myself a holiday maker. Now as a boat owner spending 15-20 weeks afloat each year (not 2020 though!) I can’t bring myself to admit I’m on holiday for that length of time. So I must be a visitor?
  21. That’s going to make things interesting at GYYS, single mooring only with boat bookings going through the roof! I wonder how many hirers will contact the YS for guidance.
  22. Richardson’s have put out a series of YouTube videos explaining how things will work when hirers arrive at the boatyard plus lots of tips on boat handling, mooring etc. I would have thought other boatyards would advise hirers of their current procedures too, are they not doing so?
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