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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. I believe they were running out of daylight too which probably scared them, particularly if they were newbies. Sounds like they were somewhere near St Benet’s as they were taken to South Walsham.
  2. Don’t think so Mr N, annv/John usually has lots of worthwhile suggestions rather than ‘don’t come’.
  3. I do agree but John is usually a positive contributor with some good suggestions. Maybe he will clarify his thoughts in due course.
  4. The stars were quite spectacular again last night, will the comet be visible again tonight grendel, clouds permitting?
  5. Welcome to the forum Ruthie1970. There are so many possibilities you are spoilt for choice. Some good ideas mentioned above. I have always enjoyed mooring overnight in Norwich and the traffic has never bothered me. Avoid Friday and Saturday nights though, they can be a bit noisy when the pubs and clubs turnout! If you leave the City late afternoon, having spent the day there, it may be difficult to find a mooring free until you get to Brundall where you can use the 2 hire boatyards. I have never been a fan of strict iteneraries for the Broads, there are so many factors that can throw them off course. As long as you have maps and tide tables, see what you like the look of as you pass and make a note of it if it is too early to stop. I hope you really enjoy your trip and enjoy it enough to want to return - like many of us!
  6. What was the title of this thread? There seems to be an issue with the forum - yes there certainly is!!!
  7. I wonder if that’s what John actually meant to say or his keyboard typed its own thing. 🤔
  8. Maybe things have improved more recently. We started hiring in 1982 and, during a somewhat ‘lean’ time during the late 80s and early 90s, hired a lot of older and cheaper boats which seemed to be kitted out with household ‘cast-offs’! I think that’s when our collection really started.
  9. What are we going to do without your tales and pictures from Moonlight Shadow? 😥 I haven’t read anywhere of what could replace them so I hope there is something in the pipeline.
  10. No problem if you have Brillo Pads.......
  11. I did something similar one year only it was pillows. The ones supplied on the boat were about an inch thick!
  12. When we used to hire, I had a ‘Broads box’. It had a frying pan and tip opener plus potato peeler and decent knife from the outset. By the time we finished hiring, the box had been exchanged for a larger one a couple of times! The tin opener is largely redundant now as most cans seem to have ring-pulls.
  13. Only two boats moored at Bramerton currently.............😁
  14. I thought I had read that on here at some point, and elsewhere too. What a stupid attitude! Pity hirers don’t boycott the place full stop. 🤬
  15. White Horse at Chedgrave?
  16. Very sound advice Chris. I think that probably sums it up quite nicely for a lot of people. It is looking like we are going to face a recession in the near future, maybe quite a deep one. Any big changes to ones lifestyle now, particularly one that will cost a lot of money, needs to be very carefully thought out imo.
  17. I think it was there, a couple of years ago.
  18. Goodness me MotorBoater, what a start to your trip! Thank goodness it all turned out ok, no doubt boating shoes and life jacket will be featured prominently from now on? Looking forward to hearing more of your trip and seeing more pictures.
  19. The Berney Arms establishment would probably run best as someone’s ‘hobby’. That someone would of course have to have a penny or two! In these uncertain times though that’s not going to happen. I suppose it will just sit there looking more and more derelict - sad.
  20. Why should we share yours, we’ve got our own! 😉
  21. There are still two good sections of BA moorings there and I doubt the old pub moorings will be guarded 24/7. Oh, apart from the two liveaboards currently in situ of course!
  22. Ray, what exactly are you trying to say? 🤭
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