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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Ian - why did Marina have to have a new bank card? You gave the parcel straight to the police and presumably the £48 bill too for them to follow up. Do you think the scammers got her bank details somehow?
  2. But will the staff milling about with the customers be wearing them? Checkout staff behind perspex screens are ok but shelf stackers etc, imo, should be wearing face coverings. Not having been in a shop since Thursday, I have no idea what the rules are for shop floor staff but, unless they have good reason, I think they should be helping to protect their customers. Anyone know what the rules are?
  3. Oooops!! Deffo no more Chinese deliveries then. Or are they due out soon...............🤭
  4. Lovely day for paddleboarders and canoeists, probably a bit more sheltered up there though than it is down south!
  5. Took a chance and ordered one, quite a few years ago now. It never turned up! Ended up having a nice meal in the Malsters instead.
  6. You can’t, you just eat as sensibly as you possibly can. Unfortunately, many of the the folk addicted to fast food generally can’t cook or have an aversion to it. (Only my opinion of course.) With so many chefs and food writers around these days, it’s very easy to replicate the fast food chain menus but in a far more healthy way. It’s fun too. Good luck to Boris in his attempt to tackle obesity!
  7. Mine too. Tanqueray produce some great gins, Rangpur and Flor de Sevilla are another two of my favs. My better half bought me a T. Loveage but it doesn’t quite rank up there with the others. I’m sure that’s right, there were a few families out on the water yesterday in canoes, kayaks and on paddleboards. Those that stopped at the Locks certainly enjoyed a rest and refreshments in the garden. It did surprise me that they were only open until 7pm however.
  8. Can you tell us which store this was Arthur? Are you able to contact someone in authority in that store and explain the problem? After all, there are going to be many like yourself who find themselves in a difficult situation which could turn into an embarrassing and unnecessary episode.
  9. You can’t pop ‘in’ these days Mr N, you have to pop ‘out’! I settled for a beer (for a change) on board last night as the Tanqueray 10 we have on board seems to be evaporating! 🥺
  10. Geldeston Locks was quiet last night. If anyone is thinking of going to the Locks Inn, better check the website. The indications are that you have to have a booking made via the website. I don’t know if they are serving food, I didn’t see anyone eating there only drinking. Their opening hours are Tuesday-Sunday 11am to 7pm. The garden is nicely laid out as you would expect. Big Dog Ferry is sadly not able to run.
  11. Yet another sad indictment of the world today. (Having said that, the white feathers handed out during the first world war was something similar. No one really knew for sure why a young man hadn’t gone to fight.)
  12. Having checked, it was the Kings Arms in South Walsham which is now permanently closed.
  13. I think that was one of the pubs in South Walsham but I believe that they closed down. Not absolutely sure though.
  14. I think if you find a decent wild mooring, it’s best to pass the info on by word of mouth to friends and not post it on social media! As soon as it becomes general knowledge, ‘private’ signs go up. Another of my favourite wild mooring spots on the Waveney is now sporting a sign. 🤬
  15. I can’t make up my mind if these people who argue about wearing a face covering, or refuse to wear one, are selfish, ignorant or just plain stupid. (Not those who can’t wear one for any reason of course.) As soon as something has to be enforced, it’s like a red rag to a bull and has to be challenged. It’s a sad indictment of the world we live in today I suppose. ☹️
  16. The Coop in Beccles have it sorted! Red and green lights above the doors - enter on green, stay outside on red. In fact Beccles itself was well organised with distance markings all over the place, I even saw a pair of footprints in the road! The ‘centre’ is closed off to traffic so people can move around quite freely. Lots of people with face coverings today, even just walking down the street. Beales old store looks very sad, all empty and uncared for. I guess it may be a long time before the buildings are occupied again. Flat/apartment conversions anyone? ☹️
  17. A friend of mine had always had cairn terriers. When she lost her 15 year old a couple of years back, she decided she was a bit too senior to get a puppy. She had belonged to the cairn rescue for a few years so contacted them. Within a couple of months she was offered a 9 year old male. He is gorgeous and has captured hearts left right and centre! 🐾🐾
  18. So sorry to read that Ray, losing a pal is a devastating time. Finding a new pal can never quite fill the gap left but it does help to have another little being that relies on you for everything. If you like a particular breed, it might be worth looking to see if there are rescue/rehoming websites for that particular breed. You can then register and hope something comes along. Just a thought.
  19. A beautiful evening at North Cove
  20. This year really seems to have bought out the canoes, kayaks, paddleboards and SU paddleboards. Above Beccles they are out in earnest. And how about this for a change:
  21. Why do things get suggestive when Jayfire reappears? 🤭
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