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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. The dogs always worry me if it gets too hot, I must admit to being glad we were home during the really hot spell.
  2. Have a super holiday by the way MaceSwinger. Lots of pictures please. 😁
  3. Autumn early mornings can be absolutely stunning, no doubt about that. I wonder how many people who booked through Hoseasons have gone by their quoted pick-up times. Everything I have heard about the company recently has been pretty dire.
  4. I think it may have had something to do with changeover. Out of curiosity, a couple of weeks back I looked for available boats on three of the big yards’ websites. Nothing available until mid September at the earliest. Even dayboats all booked. I know on Facebook people have been saying that they can’t get booked up. There was even someone asking if they could borrow a private boat - good luck with that one! HW yard webcam yesterday pm showed a hive of activity, today it is occupied by ‘guest’ boats.
  5. Ditto. (You did mean to type breeder didn’t you? )
  6. Gosh - only 15 miles away from you and we have had (and still have) a sunny afternoon! Hope you manage to get everything sorted out ok, next the washing machine I guess?
  7. Amazon have quite a few similar items. I have some to try too. The zapper helps keep flying things away from the dogs but I’m not sure they would appreciate the Skin so Soft!
  8. My father was a RM Commando and was also in Burma. In his ‘memoirs’ he mentioned about the Japanese officers’ swords being taken. 25 years ago we were fortunate to accompany him to Eastney Barracks in Portsmouth for a service to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the battle of Kangaw and the end of hostilities in South Asia.
  9. I meant to post this earlier but forgot! We bought one of these last year and it is a brilliant product. I see this particular make is currently unavailable but there are several similar. The beauty of it is that it charges by USB and can be stood or hung anywhere, it can also double up as a lantern. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Waterproof-Repellent-Rechargeable-Retractable-Removable/dp/B072JP6RSL
  10. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/ferry-inn-and-stokesby-homes-without-power-after-blaze-1-6794153
  11. And can you blame him?..... (He could swim, seems to enjoy it! )
  12. I can only remember one time we had trouble finding a mooring late in the day. We had crossed Breydon towards late afternoon and had intended on mooring at Stokesby to have dinner in the pub. Needles to say, Stokesby was full! It was getting near dusk and Acle was full too. Being on a hire boat we needed to moor up so we perched at the end of Acle Dyke in the days long before it was a marina. Dinner in whatever pub it was in Acle in those days and away at first light next day. That is the one and only time in nearly 40 years of boating that we have failed to find a proper mooring.
  13. Dogs don’t like mudweights! 🥺 (I have often thought it would be a good idea to train a dog to use a cat litter tray but I think I would get some strange looks from my two!! 🐾🐾)
  14. JM - I’m not sure anyone is actually opposed to double mooring per se, just prefers to avoid it. In an emergency, I doubt anyone on here would refuse either to accommodate or be accommodated!
  15. You’ll be reminded - pretty soon I think! 🙄
  16. vanessan


    Thanks for the replies guys, made me take a look at my settings and discover I had changed something in error! I have also downloaded Timbo’s spoof headline generator which I agree is much more entertaining.
  17. vanessan


    Is anybody having trouble in viewing the EDP online? I get the usual cookie page come up but a second page comes up immediately concerning how much they value our privacy (!) and I can’t get rid of it and move on. There’s an instruction to ‘click below’ but there’s nowt there to click on! Any ideas?
  18. Thank you for the explanation Paladin, however you did say I took that to mean there is something current on the website but have not found anything specific. Oh that life was like that! As Addicted pointed out above, common courtesy is not always in evidence.
  19. Yes, I was actually aware of the reason for the ‘afterthought’ as I chose to call it, mainly because that’s exactly what it looks like with the clarification either tagged along the bottom or taped across the top. Incidentally I haven’t come across anything on the BA website to the effect that the instruction was only intended for hirers, other than a leaflet about double mooring being produced for hirers. Is there guidance elsewhere Paladin? It isn’t because only 20 moorings have been designated as double mooring areas.
  20. Small print at the bottom of the sign reads ‘please seek agreement with those on board the other boat before mooring alongside’. Trouble is nobody reads that far down! (I believe that phrase was added as an afterthought.)
  21. Good suggestions here. You could also head up the Chet to Loddon/Chedgrave. The White Horse at Chedgrave has a very good reputation.
  22. How far do you want to travel? What time are you likely to be away from Norwich?
  23. How the media love to pull our strings! An online newspaper headline this morning states ‘millions of over 50s could be told to stay at home under Boris Johnson’s new plans’. (I think Christmas would be a good time oops, sorry folks but I’m not the first.......)
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