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Everything posted by JanetAnne

  1. Yes she is Romany, a Robinson boat, and has just changed hands to a good friend and fellow Beccles attendee. She is about to be moved from Martham (may already have been) to her new owners facility so her future is looking more certain. Sadly she has lost a lot of her original fittings so the search is on!
  2. I wrote that reply sitting on Chloe Jane actually in Brooke Marine!
  3. A wooden boat rally? I could quite fancy going to one of those. Any chance of more details?
  4. It's the rudder tube again. Don't forget RT hasn't been out since last August...
  5. Bet he'll be telling the same jokes as #1 though
  6. "a wooden leg or a parrot" Anyway, when you own a wooden boat all the good wood is spoken for long before limbs appear on the list
  7. I worked in parts when they were common. When asked whether it was the fire engine the customers would give a condescending look and say 'no, it's a car'
  8. If the hull and suoerstructure shape dont give it away the cockpit sides certainly do!
  9. Still got mine... had it since 1977. Just discovered I dont have a piccy of it on here so its an image nicked off google I'm afraid.
  10. If you go to tabernacle the pivot pin is moved up the mast so that the assembly is effectively hinged above its current fixing. Would your current rigging allow that? If you have wires/ropes running up inside the mast they would be affected by the new mounting system. It may be as simple as exiting such rigging further up the mast but, on the other hand, it could lead to a total re engineering of those areas. Is the mast itself physically able to take the new pivot point internally? There would possibly need to be some sort of strengthened area within the actual mast tube to facilitate the bolt etc. Because your roof already holds the existing rig it may well be up to holding the new set up. Any local fabricators ought to be able to make the actual tabernacle using your original and the photo you have included above. I would suggest you make sure any strengthening within the roof moulding was still up to scratch though. Maybe Polly will have some photo's of the set up she talked about above that will help you formulate a plan? Martham Boats certainly have lots of experience of getting boats through 'that bridge' and would be a very good starting point.
  11. Oops, missed this bit... lol Beccles Wetland Trust are pleased to announce the Beccles Boat Jumble Sunday August 11th 2019 Beccles Yacht Station to coincide with the 40+ boat Beccles Wooden Broads Cruiser Show Tim (Beccles Harbour Master) 01502 712225 Free Admission (though there will be a Wetland Trust collection pot out on the day, donations gratefully received)
  12. Is it really that time already? With the 2019 season racing into full swing it has come as quite a shock to realise that our little event is now weeks rather than months away! Yes, plans are all in place and our entry list is full for this years show. I think the most important anouncement is that we have moved the date of the event. The old VWBA had always run their event to coincide with the Beccles Carnival weekend so when I resurected the show I mantained that date. However, with the need for more space as our events grows, everyone who attended last year were given a vote as to whether we stayed as before or moved our event to the preceeding week which offered more space and the chance to enjoy the Beccles Harvest Moon Festival. There was overwhelming support for the earlier date and so this year will see us at Beccles from the 9th to 11th of August. As a by product of our earlier date we have also moved sides at Beccles. We will now be on the Harbour Masters side as well as along the main river front giving us a very desirable 42 moorings, yes 42! More good news is that, because there are no other events within the yacht station that weekend, the 35 moorings on the other side of the marina are available for visiting boats to come and see the event first hand. The yacht station have decided there is no pre booking on those moorings therefore giving everyone a fair chance of being able to just turn up and moor. So whats going on? This year we are starting with an informal gathering in Oulton Broad on Thursday the 8th August. We are expecting around 20 boats in Oulton Broad Yacht Station itself with more mud weighted in the bay or generally spread around as their mood takes them. Thursday evening will be a wine and cheese party at one of our owners pads overlooking the broad (will try not to keep you awake Peter) . Friday the 9th is our cruise to Beccles. Somewhere around 30 woodies will leave Oulton Broad at 12.30 in convoy to Beccles Yacht Station. What a sight! In 2018 we filled the Waveney with beautiful varnish, gleaming chrome, polished brass, scrubbed decks and magnificent examples of boats from most of the finest builders on the broads. Last years cruise was featured in Classic Boat magazine (as some of you will remember) and they liked it so much they are coming back again!! And then 20 odd boats suddenly all arrived at the yacht station at the same time... formation mooring at its best! Saturday the 10th is show day. I say it every year but it is such a priviledge to be able to have a look round some of these craft. Many of the owners open their boats up and you get to appreciate the sheer amount of work that goes into these vessels. Of course its only by talkng to each other that we also get those bits of inside information on hard to do jobs, upgrades, good sources of wood etc as well as that absolute wealth of hands on experience to draw on. Saturday evening is Maxines bring and share evening. Most of the boats prepare a plate of food - everything from curry, chilli, pasta, salads, sausage rolls, you name it - which they bring along and then we all share it. A more enjoyble and varied meal you will not find! Sunday the 11th. Sunday was going to be just a chill day. Some people are off catching tides for the long trip north before work on Monday whereas others will stay till Monday or beyond and just enjoy the place. Anyway, Tim, the Harbour Master, thought that what we needed on Sunday was something to replace the carnival and wondered about a boat jumble... so he is organising one! Yes, details below but there will be a boat jumble on the quayside at the Yacht Station from 10.00. Last year the boat show raised over £300 for our nominated charity which was superb. This year we will be raising money for cancer research. And there you have it. And here's this years entry list... I cant help but drool every time I look at it! Admiral Jack - Broom Boats Lady Helena - Sanderson Zephyr - Broom Boats Dawn Star - Powles Brookwind - WindBoats Broom Robb (sorry, not got her new name yet) Maggie Jane - Martham Boats Water Rail - Herbert Woods Telescombe Judith - Martham Boats Chloe Jane - William Overy Malanka - Broom Boats Broad Ambition - Powles Judith M - Martham Boats Emily B Countess of Light - Herbert Woods Luna Aurora - Broom Boats (this years photographer ship) Royal Tudor - Royalls Fairstar - Broom Boats Chameleon - NBYC Nipper - Moores Panther - Aston Boats Tabitha Rose - Herbert Woods Finale - Porter & Haylet Kingfisher - Herbert Woods Missouri Star- Powles Lady Helena - Herbert woods Phoenix - Bell Boats Mystic Melody - Andrews (Thames) Highlight 5 - Herbert Woods Manxman - Herbert Woods Georgia - Chris Craft Merlin - Alpha Craft Golden Cockerell - Wilson 24 Anglian Queen - Pegg Marine Cornelia - Broom Boats Iverna - Mona's Queen - Herbert Woods Sandpiper - Sandersons Isabel - Powles Jayne - Martham Boats Star Premier - Powles And finally - thanks Ian and Timbo.
  13. there goes the neighbourhood
  14. You mean I sacrificed those virgins for nothing?
  15. Get Aunty Pat to look after them for you... they will still be in the fridge next time!
  16. Yes I will be talking to the BA. However, discussion on these threads will normally provide reliable knowledge with which to form a reasoned argument. It is rare for the appropriate legislation to not come to light (through people such as yourself) but I feel, in this case, such legislation has not provided a definitive answer.
  17. Last season I was requested to display the number on my dinghy by a ranger. Maybe with the toll disc no longer offered they will need identification on small craft?
  18. What I saw Wednesday was about a dozen private boats issued with notices. The same two rangers then walked past three hire boats that had registration numbers incorrectly positioned as defined by the example given/explained to me earlier (and detailed above ). Those boats were not issued notices. There were about 10 hire dinghys moored in the slipway none of which have a number on them at all. Nothing to identify them in any way. They were also ignored. Now I am happy to play by the rules but only when the rules apply to all. So far on this thread we have established that sailies have a special dispensation to hang their numbers from a bowsprit, wherries seem to not need numbers at all, hire boats don't count and hire dinghys seem exempt. Oh yeah, and BA vessels are a law unto themselves where registration number s are concerned. Now before I go sticking compliant numbers on my 31 foot of mahogany and varnish I feel perfectly justified in asking for the requirements in law rather than someone's interpretation of the guidelines. I believe Broad Ambitions numbers to be within the spirit of the law as are Brookwind s, Chameleon's and as mine will be. And that should be good enough or we need a proper defined bylaw.
  19. I hope that colour coding is within 2 metres of the bow?
  20. Does Albion display registration numbers?
  21. Could I point out that BA was just one of a dozen boats ticketed at that location. The ranger whose name is on the notices was accompanied by a senior ranger who was keen to point out that he was the other chaps manager and supervising him for the day. The senior ranger came by car the junior by boat. The senior ranger made his point regarding rear facing numbers quite forcefully. He used a boat called Brookwind to illustrate his point. Her rear number is normally on the cabin rear and not the transom. He wanted the number on the transom and I believe she was ticketed though I didn't actually see him post it through her canopy. Brookwind is a 1940 woodie.
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