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Everything posted by JanetAnne

  1. We have used the chap at Ashby Hall as well though that was a while ago. I think this is his details... http://www.bigreddirectory.com/ashby-hall-saddlery-lowestoft
  2. Surely it's just how people assess danger and what they consider to be reasonable steps towards managing said dangers. Speed triple is not wrong here. His points are valid and, ultimately, if I had to put to sea Speedtriple would be a very safe bet as Captain. Sail with me and we'd have a bloody good laugh but you'd die in the end..
  3. Of course I hope you are all wearing auto self inflating life jackets. Anything else would be quite useless if you bang your head on the way down. And have you ever tested your lifejacket? Many assume it will hold them up.... I can safely say ours have been tested to the max! We also know the buoyancy tanks in the dinghy work, the canoe is unsinkable, the enterprise floats either way up but doesn't sail well with the tip of the mast stuck in the putty and, well you get the idea. The kids are all confident around boats and water and wouldn't dream of not wearing their lj when appropriate. In fact they can't wait to get them on!
  4. All I saw was a family having fun. OK, times and thinking have changed but they would be welcome to moor next to me anytime! Sometimes I wonder how we, as a race, managed to survive the thousands of years before health and safety
  5. I too am keen to acquire a copy of your efforts. Space has been allocated aboard especially
  6. I thought hen parties were good for the pub trade?
  7. This thread made laugh so much I was proper puffin! Almost gave me a nasty tern it did. Of course once I had wader'd shrew it all I knew you were only yolking so I won't egg you on too much. What a lark!
  8. His master's voice surely...
  9. Congratulations people!!! This thread had remained mostly on topic for over a week Could it be a record?
  10. I have a large deposit currently stuck in Nigeria Tony. Can you help if I forward my bank account details?
  11. We in Hertfordshire run a similar scheme to Timbo but concentrate on little wooden boats. Our aim is to help little wooden boats back to health and ready them for society in the same vein as the Linc's Wallet Rescue. Our main concern here is that, knowing the generosity of forum members, those little wallets could become over burdened with all the donations currently heading their way and so, purely to save them unnecessary suffering we feel it only right and proper to offer an alternative home for your kindness. We will be setting up our 'wish list' account with Brian Wards with immediate effect.
  12. try Hubble's in Great Yarmouth. They have some stainless unc and unf on the shelf and can order what they dont carry.
  13. We do!!! You just can't beat a good old ounce or 1/64 of an inch. And just ask any boat owner on here how long their boat is and the answer will be in feet. Oh, by the way, what size wheels are on your cars? Another answer lacking in millimetres I suspect! I rest my case.
  14. Lol Yes you are right Robin, there are lots of alternatives to be had, some quite cheaply as well. Any boat using foam backed linings does need to be watertight though. Very watertight. A leaky window will soon have your foam lining wet and sagging and because the surface is sealed with leatherette it can be a nightmare to get dry again. Carpet is far more forgiving, especially on boats left for long periods.
  15. I know just how you feel. Anything technical around here gets passed to the grandson to do!
  16. Quality Street at the ready...
  17. tried on both the hudl and laptop....
  18. Send them to the first two lanes of the M25?
  19. Why not glass them in using fibreglass? Nothing sticks to fibreglass like... erm.... fibreglass!
  20. Brilliant, Excellent, Superb. Can't wait...
  21. Anyone got a version that will fit under the toilet seat? This lot could do with something to pep them up a bit in the mornings.
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