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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. I know for a fact that theres atleast one northern hire yard that once played the cloning game, they may well still do that i dont know. Wether it was deliberate or not I never discovered but when they ended up with 2 of their boats moored next to eachother on the same Toll number it couldnt really be missed.
  2. The rangers might have onboard access to some sort of database so I imagine all the details will be there under each toll number......i regurlarly seem to see a Ranger......being the suspicious type I wonder if im being followed
  3. Hi Mark, unfortunatley I think you have answered your own question!! But if you do find a loophole please let me know :-)
  4. I didnt hear about that one, I just dont understand how damage like this can be called an accident. How does this happen without a fair bit of negligence thrown in for good measure?! I cant think how I could accidently do this kind of damage unless I actually hit another moving boat, hopefully I dont ever have to find out!
  5. Not pre judging but i think its safe to assume whatever caused that damage the boat it hit it VERY hard. Ive never seen damage like this before. I do hope we get to hear the full story.
  6. Its when the forward throttle and full rudder swings the stern round so fast the only outcome is the cracking and crunching sounds that I start to cringe! You are right, each situation is different and it was good of him to walk back to you.
  7. The thing that worsens many of these collisions is inapropriate use of the throttle. If people just stopped trying to get themselves out of the sh1te with overuse of horse power then life would be much less stressful. Unless you know what your doing it seldom works and even for those who do know it still fails a lot of the time. Unless its obvious the throttle will help the situation, please leave it alone and just let nature take its course. PLEASE!
  8. For that blatent plug I think a 15 % discount for all forum members should serve as a punishment
  9. Id say contact adhesive over the old stuff but someone who knows what they are talking about will be along shortly !!!
  10. What I was really getting at is I would expect a local retailer to sell at a slightly higher price but a difference of over £40 to an online price for exactly the same product cant really be ignored! I for one wouldnt want to see any local retailer out of business but I am not throwing my money at them for something being sold at a price that may aswel be daylight robbery! The battery was labelled as a Numax 100ah. Shop around folks but do consider the local retailer. They can be good for many things but unfortunately this week its not Batteries!! If they go out of business over selling batteries that far over the odds then its down to their own stupidity
  11. I do agree with that train of thought. Im not actually in the market for batteries at the moment but may well be soon as the 5 units i have onboard are now into their 5th year. If i were to replace them all together the savings i could make over 5 batteries could well be worth the guarantee / returns hassle / risk. Up to now I have never ever ended up with a faulty battery, maybe I am just lucky in that respect!
  12. Smaller quantities available here http://www.slhardwoods.co.uk/products/timber-products/flexi-veneer-pre-glued/flexi-veneer-pre-glued-2500-x-300mm I have been considering using some in our aft cabin myself, yacht varnished it should look pretty good. Nowhere near as hard wearing as Formica, thats why the Hire Yards use it. For wet areas its definately the right stuff for the job (formica)
  13. I have just been to my local broadland chandlers for some small sundry items, whilst in there I happened to notice that they had a particular leisure battery on sale at 112.95, having confirmed my first thought by checking online I have found exactly the same battery is available online with free delivery for 63.97. Now i do try my best to support local business but really I half expected the till operator to be wearing a mask and carrying a gun!
  14. Thanks for the link kfurbank i will have a good look
  15. Well as nobody has suggested a method of fusing the non fused 32amp plug here is what Im intending I have located a 16amp semi conductor fuse with a metal tab on each end, im thinking carefully solder a piece of wire to the tab on either side of the fuse then one end to the plug live and the other choclate boxed to the cable making it easy to change if needed, seal the exposed fuse and soldered connections in heat shrink and hopefully fit neatly into the plug housing. Make another fuse up as spare and label the plug housing 16amp fused. However its done its got to be small as there isnt likely to be much spare space in the plug housing.
  16. I was thinking along the same line of a inline fuse inside the 32amp plug. I have never actually used a 32amp socket but do have an adapter in the event I needed to. I will definately be fitting it with a fuse now, could anyone recommend the gubbins to do it with, I had a quick scan for 240v inline fuse holder but nothing useful came up!
  17. I have had a quick look round online and i cant locate any fused 32amp plugs suitable for the 32amp socket on the posts, do they even exist?
  18. Would boats with shore power that has been properly installed not have an onboard trip suitable for the 16amp supply which would also then protect from problems with using a 32amp supply?
  19. You could be right there JM!
  20. Being honest.....I wouldnt be dissapointed if she moored up next to me for the night :-)
  21. I dropped an extension connected to a mains power tool into the river once, namely a power washer. Thats what RCDs are for......isnt it?!
  22. I bought an annual rod licence online this year after not fishing for a few years, its not even turned up yet and I bought it months ago.....luckily i kept the print out!
  23. I have rectified my heater issue, the gasket for the burner tube was trapped and split, but suprise of suprises the exhaust pipe fitting to the unit had been bodged with a smaller diameter pipe with a slot in it pushed into a larger diameter pipe as a collar onto the exhaust outlet. I dont see how that would have sealed properly. I wont advertise the yard that would have originally installed it but no more smell anyway!
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