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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. The picture is of the Corinth Canal, it links the Gulf of Corinth with the Saronic Gulf in the Aegean Aea, used by ships big and small.
  2. I might be being a bit of a thicko here, was this a joke or for real? I cruised by Cantley earlier and im just a little concerned it will spoil our view of the Sugar Factory, if my youngest cant see the fire engine parked in its shed then hes going to be very dissapointed! :-p I was going to show him this picture of the barge but didnt want to say anything till i was sure it wasnt a wind up! Lots of space for it at Cantley and its Toll should surely make everyone else's cheaper......no? Ok wishful thinking!
  3. We did ours in March this year, there was no antifoul on it before then. We did a good job of cleaning the waterline and about 1 1/2ft below all round then cleaned the rest of the bottom up as best we could, it was dirty but no clinging creatures of any kind after 4 years in the wet. We then gave the 1 1/2ft we had cleaned properly 2 coats of broads antifoul all round and then a third coat just around the waterline and round the thruster tunnel rudder / skeg etc. We also put 3 coats red oxide primer on the rudder and skeg a few months before hand. After being back in the water since march the difference is clear to see. The waterline is cleaner and when looking below the waterline at the stern no growth can be seen where the antifoul was applied. Ideally we should have done the whole bottom the same, maybe in the future we will put the extra effort in as it does seem to be worth it but if its a diy job it does require a lot of the physical labour!
  4. Barnes have occasionally given me the electric hook up FOC, I must be either special or look poor
  5. Barnes Brinkcraft in wroxham also offer this service to private boats, we always ring ahead and avoid change over times but if theres space they have always been happy to let us in and use the facilities including showers. Cant remember off top of my head prices but it was fair and reasonable and ideal location for Roys etc
  6. Putting it in perspective for us at least some of the lads groups we see can be rather intimidating with thier behaviour, especially if they are tanked up swearing and shouting at other river users and exposing themselves, surely they would be better off in Magaluf where the beers probably cheaper, the girls more plentiful and theres less risk of drowning! But there are those groups that can visit the broads, still get tanked up, not shout and swear or expose any unpleasant body parts, not damage or upset anyone and go home with all the fingers and toes they set off with. Its just a shame some people leave all common sense and good behaviour at the door when they set off on holiday!
  7. Threads like this i try not to let bother me as I find it depressing that these things are still going on but Hylanders exposure I would have reported to the police. If that had happened anywhere else the person probably would have spent some time in a cell. What makes these idiots think they can get away with acting like this is beyond me, or even think the behaviour is appropriate, high jinks is high jinks but when a person ends up being reported for exposing themselves to a 6 year old girl on another vessel, imagine the implications of that. Bookings must be down forcing yards to be taking in anyone again but you can bet that most of these people in thier every day lives wouldnt dream of doing such things on their own doorsteps. Is it much wonder that some privateers seem to be a bit off with hirers at times, I know its not the right attitude to have but it makes you wonder what these folk may have encountered in the past. I remember one year witnessing a right old blazing row between a hirer and a privateer, the hirer was scraping his hire boat alongside a private craft trying to get himself out of a cock up all along telling the privateer to get over it using to much engine and causing damage to the private boat with its big thick rubber strakes most hirecraft have. rant over for now :-p
  8. I heard locally that there are/were some unsavoury types (druggies was the term used) mooring in the boatyard on the loddon side nearest the BA basin (is this the old astons yard?). I dont know exactly what the yard is known as now, it is road accesed from opposite the chip shop on the main street. Apparently they are/were generally letting the place down and causing something of a nuisance to other moorers in the yard. This was a few months ago now and ive not heard if they are still around recently. I do wonder if they are connected to anything thats been mentioned in this thread. Quite often we have been aware of a boat moving around in the dark in that area, probably nothing but my suspicious mind often wonders if they are just out for the fishing. I do have to agree that the parish moorings are being rather let down by the vessels that appear derelict but someone must be paying a mooring fee for them or I would hope they'd have been removed by now.
  9. I was thinking along the same lines as Griff but in saying that it was a bit chilly down here last night. Given that there is no lecy at that location either a generator could also have been in use. Only time will tell but linking this event to the murder and suicide near Salhouse does seem rather unnecessary in my opinion.
  10. Lyme Disease, presuming you meant that and it was a typo! The thing about Lyme is it can lie dormant in your body for many years before it decides to start causing all sorts of havoc. I was bitten in Germany where Lyme was/is endemic in the early 90s. I was given antibiotics to take at the time and have since tested negative for Lyme but I have read a reliable Lyme test is problematic and there are often false results. If you do get bitten I'm not sure what the current advice is but look out for a red ring around the bite and if you have to remove the insect yourself make sure you get the body and head together and don't leave anything behind. Don't try to burn one off as this can cause them to vomit whatever nasties they may be carrying into your system.
  11. Its basic human nature to speculate when things like this happen, isn't it?! I can't think of anything other than carbon monoxide that could result in a tragedy in such circumstances but that's not to say some other freak situation couldn't have occurred causing the deaths. Many of us don't realise how vunerable we become in enclosed spaces with lots of equipment capable of killing us very quickly if things go wrong. It's worth taking this tragic event as a stark reminder to test our own devices as they do save lives. When installing a detector on our boat many years ago it quickly became apparent that we couldn't even use 1 ring on the hob to boil the kettle without a window or hatch fully open or the alarm would activate. This incident may well have nothing to do with it but my thoughts are with the families concerned.
  12. I bet it was a lovely thing to see a seal that far up the Bure but he/she isn't going to do the fishing much good!
  13. It's funny this has come up actually, I have felt a bump a few times in that area at low water going back about 3 or 4 weeks now. Thought I was just touching bottom, my draft is roughly 3ft.
  14. When I initially heard the report on heart fm I thought I had heard "the prince" and not "prince" my heart sank initially till I realised, but it's still very sad all the same.
  15. dnks34

    Alpha Craft

    I wonder if anyone will buy it and continue to run it. I imagine it's going to take a lot more than 1.5 million to get it up and running again and to a good standard.
  16. Sod that Iain.....have you seen the queues?!
  17. dnks34

    Alpha Craft

    Thanks for that lead Jaws much appreciated. Im sorry to read through your comments on this thread Andy (freedom). I hope you do manage to find the strength to keep going as to loose another yard won't be a good thing for the broads but I totally understand your feelings if it's not worth all the time and effort that must go into it. If you were a bus firm or haulage company you would be having subsidies chucked at you left right and centre, there should be some sort of funding available to sustain industry on the broads and it is very short sighted in the long run. After the year Alphacraft had last year with the mishaps I'm not suprised he has thrown in the towel, if things like that happen regurlarly it must make even the most committed yard owner question himself. I suppose at the end of the day the smaller yards struggle to compete with the ever improving fleets of the super-yards we will be left with, it is certainly a shame.
  18. dnks34

    Alpha Craft

    You wouldn't happen to know the name/contact of the fibreglass guy would you?
  19. I had something similar a few years back when trying to get moored up at Great Yarmouth yacht station, another boat came off the moorings into the tide, no engine running and ended up broadside across the river drifting toward Acle, I'm frantically trying to reverse up stream and maintain steerage along with another boat doing the same behind me to avoid him. Theres the inexperienced and then there's the completley stupid! At the end of the day you need to have grasped basic common sense before you can safely handle a boat even on still water. Some of these folk must struggle in tescos carpark
  20. Rather the timber than a swinging turn into another boat, sounds like they were pretty lucky this time
  21. It took me long enough to fathom Apple Iain and its been that long I'm not sure I could be retrained to use android now!
  22. If I try and put an iPhone emoji into a comment it says this "the value entered includes a character that is not allowed such as an emoji" when I try to post it, iPhone/iPad emojis are good so it's a bit of a pain I can't use them!
  23. Sorry if this has been suggested already, I have read through but might have missed it, How old are your batteries, is there any chance 1 or some may be duff. Allsorts of seemingly complex problems can be caused by a dodgy cell.
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