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Everything posted by Regulo

  1. Well, there's always duck-billed pliers, or if necessary use a mole wrench.
  2. If you have trouble I'll lend you my snipe nosed pliers. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to catch those birds.
  3. I crossed a thread once - he wasn't half angry.
  4. Hope this has a happy ending, although reality is it's not going to. But a big thumbs up for Richardsons. That's a great gesture from them.
  5. Waaaaay too much time on your hands, Jim.
  6. Those who have collections of this sort, and who don't have heirs to leave it to (or heirs who won't be interested in saving it) should bequeath it to an archive. Which one would be most appropriate, I don't know.
  7. I'd hazard a guess you didn't get enough questions right. See, I'm not as daft as you think.
  8. So you've already got the big brother version in hand? Otherwise what's with the gears?
  9. Spin us up 40 metres of mooring lines, Gren.
  10. I can make an educated guess where that came from, Strow!!!!
  11. I loved junior school, and couldn't get enough of it. Sailed through the 11-plus, which I thought ridiculously easy, and went to grammar school. Hated every minute of it, and left as soon as possible, with just 2 O-levels to my name. Joined the GPO as it was then, and never failed another exam through all my apprenticeship, up to HND level. Which goes to show, you've got to WANT to learn, it can't be forced into you.
  12. I presume the same logic would apply. If the starter battery is close to the stern why not use it? I wonder where the "crossover" distance is, i.e. when does it become cheaper to fit another battery, than a long run of thick copper? Depends on the price of copper against the price of a battery, I suppose. And the amount of current required, too. Too many variables, I think. Each installation should have each option priced on survey would be the best way to decide.
  13. Yes, I agree, in that situation it would make sense. I still think in MOST cases it's unnecessary overkill and complication.
  14. I've got one, and use it. I, too, am pretty much single handed when it comes to mooring, and find it reassuring that the bow can be kept "on bank" without me having to handle two lines at once. Especially if I'm simultaneously trying to knock in two rhond anchors. In a gale. In the rain. And it's a boon while backing into my mooring between two boats with barely a foot to spare each side. I'm also a bit mystified as to why we're informed we need a separate battery for these things. Mine runs off the starter battery with no trouble at all, and the battery recovers the charge taken almost immediately. Work it out. If you use the thruster (3kW) for 30 seconds (a long time to be thrusting), at 250A, you'll take about 2Ah from your battery. As long as you use thick enough cables to connect up, what's the trouble? A 5 second thrust will hardly register any more than you use to start your engine anyway. Also the engine is running when you're using it, so the alternator will be providing quite a bit of juice to assist things. No doubt someone will beg to differ, but if it's worked OK for 8 years, that'll do me.
  15. Just a quick warning to anyone thinking of DIYing a heater exhaust silencer. Be sure to get a MARINE gas tight one. I sent for one off ebay, not realising most of them on there are not gas sealed, and are specifically to be fitted externally (usually on motor homes and trucks). We can do without any tragedies.
  16. Could three of the other letters be "oto"? Perhaps Motorways or Motorworks?
  17. Dunno, but the man looks like my old headmaster - I recognise the cane.
  18. Well, I have actually re-designed the QE2 to fit under Potter Bridge - trouble is, it's now 6 miles long.
  19. Robin, you really do have too much time on your hands!
  20. No, a Toby Carvery, please. At least we'd be assured of a good meal at least once on the broads!
  21. The only future I see for this site is luxury riverside apartments. Although who'd want to live there is anyone's guess! Then again, anything with "river views" seems to warp people's brains.
  22. Regulo

    3 Signal

    Only as I came by? . We were only there for a couple of pumpouts at Sutton Staithe yard - surely you smelt it? Dave and I had the pleasure of M'Lud's photographic tuition last year, and learnt a great deal. It's a very useful couple of days if you really want to get the most out of your kit. Heartily recommended.
  23. Come on people, there are only 12 public comments on this application. It will go if you don't make your voice heard. It'll probably go anyway, but you've got to try, haven't you?
  24. Regulo

    Pub Walks

    Hi, Keith, We have walked this one, but if you take the first left after turning right at the duck pond, you get to the Greyhound first! You pays yer money and takes yer choice!! Another one from the South - moor at Burgh castle, follow the track up from the drainage pump, at the end go straight on (not to the right). Walk through the residential area until you reach the end of the road. Turn left and you come to the Kings Head. Alternatively, go through the footpath round the back of Goodchilds, up the lane to the main road, now you can turn right for the Kings Head at Belton, or left for the Queens Head at Burgh Castle. I haven't been to either of these establishments recently, so can't vouch for what you'll find! We also walked from Potter along the river to Martham Boats, and thence to the Kings Arms at Martham. Bit of a longer trek, that one!
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